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Lol ok, keep me posted

Don't trust the polls, no one actually has any idea how to poll a special election in Alabama, let alone an exceptional one like this.

Jones is going to win though.


What do you know about anything, Leaf?

he has no semi realistic path to victory. Every single scenario is a massive stretch. Hillary's win will be by massive electoral votes.

Pick one.

Damn good joe

Guys, I need a new song to learn on guitar today. Looking for something in drop c#

Moore is more conservative than Trump who won 62% in Alabama. Jones has no chance.


Fuck you.

Majority of Canadians are probably better informed about US politics than your citizens

Yeah fucking right buddy. We guzzle the MSM cum out of our wives. You don't know shit all aboot Alabama politics.

how is your plastic sexdoll wife doing, user?

Hillary has a 99.9999% chance of winning still.


Every other poll shows Moore ahead by 5 to 10 points. Considering that Fox has been boosting Moore the last couple weeks, this is probably some sort of gambit to try to improve his outcome by making alabama conservatives think that the odds are worse than they really are, essentially the reverse of CNN's 2016 strategy.

So tell us what you know then.

You see all the pro dem posts surrounding one poll? Are you this stupid shill? Come fuck my wife America and fuck my wife while you're at it. My country is lost.

Screen capping these for all the salt threads tomorrow.

>19 point swing
What the fuck is happening?

Perhaps but most Canadians also know more about US politics than they do about Canadian politics. It's kind of sad how obsessed y'all are with us.

>fox news poll
>oct 7, 2016
>Shillary leads by 7 points

...and you were saying?

>Jones wins
Alabama made the right choice, no longer a white trash state for believing in rape hoaxes

>Moore wins
Alabama is a white trash state. They should’ve believed in the rape hoaxes

Can’t wait to see twitter tomorrow.

>1 post by this shill

I swear to God, if Moore loses I am booking a trip to Thailand TODAY and never looking back. I am about to just give up on the white race, the brainwashing is so fucking absurd.

Wtf is wrong with the people in this country?

I said it before Trump shouldn't endorse anyone as it will only motivate Dems to vote. They already registered niggers to vote in droves it's gonna be a massacre tomorrow. Blue wave is a real thing.

My life would revolve around America if I were Canadian too.

Fuck Fox News. They spent all of Sunday shilling for Jones and undercutting Moore. Other than a few pundits this channel is cuckservative controlled opposition.

Not enough gas for you kike

Fake news

You don't win a Senate race with electoral college points. Moore won't be able to become Senator if Jones beats him by 3 million votes.

90% of black voters in the black belt with >60% black voter turnout.

Obama almost did it. I'm sure blacks like the idea of white Downie in the seat even more than they like the idea of the first Black President of the USA. They're not racist and ableist the way white folks are.

What a cute pupper. If that was my pup and shoot anyone trying to mess with it as well.

Hillary is so far ahead she doesn't even think about Donald Trump anymore, k keep me posted shareblue cucks

>Jones is going to win though.
Not even close.

You know all the polling was about who would become president, not who would get the most votes... right?

>believing anything from the MSM, especially polling data

lolol, retard.

seriously, who the fuck is fox calling in Alabama to get these results. I know the last garbage poll they trotted out over sampled dems by 20 percentage points

>won by 3 million votes
>no states investigated for voter fraud

what superior knowledge do YOU have user?

Fox news does this to get people, mostly their old boomer audience, to watch their BS and rage at the news. People are moore willing to watch something that they disagree with rather than what they agree with. It's all mind games to increase viewership.

this actually makes a lot of sense given the fox 10/strategy research pol basically says the opposite result, (11 and 6 percent to Moore)

fuck this website sometimes

And you try to validate this statement by saying Doug Jones will win?


polls mean what after the presidential election?

Fox is the fucking swam my dudes.

Apart from a 2 hour slot at night, they are 24/7 Rino-vision.

Polls are fake. Polls published by Fox are run by some Jewish guy named Frank Luntz who hates Roy Moore.

He's trying to suppress the GOP vote.

He made a documentary for Vice, I think.

A lot of Republican Jews hate Moore and they are acting really annoying about it.

yes, please continue believing this

did you cry last year?

its standard issue poll flogging
they did the same thing in the 2016 election

Every poll up to now has had Moore way ahead, and the other pill out today (emerson) has Moore 9 points ahead.

Hmmmm which poll do I believe???


This fat Jew does the Fox News polls, I think.

Dude is flipping out at Moore like Bill Kristol flipped out on Trump.

Moore is a reliably accused child molester. If that fact keeps non-evangelical republican women home or flip them to Jones, Moore loses.


Hello shareblue

So you think Fox News is a shill news outlet for the Republicans instead of a real news organization?

Didnt idb/tipp have trump winning i bet on him winning based on their polls

what is reliable about a 40 year old accusation with a fraudulent year book using Moore's signature from her divorce papers - on which he was the presiding judge...

this is just sad

>reliably accused child molester

>Roy Moore has no charges
>No sentence, he's entitled to preesumptive innocence
Jesus Christ, are conservative people the only reasonable people who follow the law of the land?

Your solution is to give up on white america, move to brownsville, and fuck underage transexuals?

They should actually attempt to turn Alabama purple, and spend some money down there. No one wants to be an inbred redneck forever.

>"Accusation doesn't mean guilt"
>"They were probably paid since they just came out before the election"

Literally every network shill for one side.
There’s no impartial new sources


That's a decent definition of conservative, when you strip away the neocon stuff that got added to it: people who think the rule of law should take precedence over the latest fads and personal feelz.

Last week
>Roll Tide!
>Roll over whitey, Tyrone is having a sexual emergency

The absolute state of Alabama lmao

To win, Jones needs both historic turnout from the nigger population, which means going full BLM on the campaign trail. But he also needs white, Conservative voters willing to vote on their "conscious" which requires Jones to at least throw them a bone.

It is a tough tightrope to walk and this guy has never held office before (nor is he like Trump who had a great deal of experience dealing with the media)

Can't really trust the polls at this point. I am willing to bet there are plenty of old, boomer Republicans that say they won't vote Moore, but won't actually be able to pull the Democrat lever come election day. Plus you can never count on niggers during a midterm election.

I expect Moore to win in an extremely close election that assblasted liberala demand a million recounts on.

Not user but I do know that all of the power to investigate anything is held by Republicans. Most Republican states are saying "no fraud".

Then how do you know the things you're hearing can be trusted? Do you trust Sup Forums user?

better go vote bama

>keeps non-evangelical republican women home
sure thing
>her: HI honey, welcome home from work.
>him: thanks baby, tired. damn need to go vote before dinner
>her: I'm just going to stay home and cook dinner
>him: the hell you are. you're going to go vote otherwise we might have a fucking democrat representing us
yeah, they'll be staying home...lmao

No, seriously, I think that a large number of accusers means something, but hey, you didn't file the papers at the time and you didn't sue the guy when you were molested/rape.
You can't demand people to be lynched only on the basis of your accusations, it's literally my word against yours.
This is the basis of our society, and now some people demand to overturn this principle.

Look, YOU don't have to trust the info. The WOMEN of Alabama have to make that decision. At this point it's all about percentages.



Everyone has an agenda. Stop looking for a father figure to tell you what to think.


I agree that the whole environment in this country is getting out of hand regarding people losing their jobs over "she said, he said".

You might be happy with Al Franken getting cut because he's libtard, etc. Don't your worry about what this means in general? Do you trust bitches?


God, the salt will flow like broken levy when he Moore tomorrow by 10 points...

Also Frank Luntz is a dumbass, he's some fat dweeb that interviews people and pretends to be shocked when they tell him to eat shit.

He was completely wrong and surprised by Trump, he will be equally wrong now.

Holy fuck you must be retarded.

Of course everyone has an agenda. You actually need trustworthy data to make decisions about YOUR agenda. Otherwise your a mark.

>The WOMEN of Alabama have to make that decision
Conservative women are conservative because it is what best suits them. A married mother with children has nothing to gain from the state stealing her husbands paycheck and flooding her home with violent foreigners that will be treated better than her own children. The sheer majority won't be switching to voting dem over some ludicrous accusations that is falling apart at the seems

Yea doug jones is really gonna win

What does she gain if local white men can rape her underage daughter and then be elected to high office in the place where she lives? How does this fit her conservative values?

Plus it looks like every other poll besides FOX is trending in Moore's favor. Gravis went from -4 to +4 for Moore, Emerson went from +3 to 9, WBRC +2 to +7. Fox went from a tie (pre accusation at that) to -8 to -10. The other listed polls only have one data point.

In other news, Hillary has 98% chance to win

I remember when they tried to do a trump v hillary poll for arizona in the election, they gave hillary +35 pts in the poll in a red state just so they can publish that she was over all +5 over trump and would win arizona


>white men
If my daughter is going to be raped I'd rather it come from a white man rather than a nigger desu


why is this one poll so much different from all the others


>165k dem votes vs 423k repub votes

Doug got 109k votes for himself in the dem election while Moore got more with 164k

Thats more than almost all the Dems combined KEK you think not 1 of stranges, brooks, or pittman's voters will come out for Moore?


>What does she gain if local white men can rape her underage daughter and then be elected to high office in the place where she lives
which brings us back to the unsubstance accusation. Women are very selfish creatures, they don't care if another woman suffers if it benefits them
ex. all the cunts thats Clinton despite her rapist husband

You're talking to a shill

holy shit hes got 200k votes in the bag
I wonder what bookies are calling

waste of get, and yes

Even though news sources are biased in their reporting, the thing that they're reporting can easily be researched on your own, or as Sup Forums does in threads.

that wasn't a conservative woman who made up the rape story. That was a former Hillary staffer

So, a get-out-the-vote push. Democrats feel comfy with their lead and forget to show up to the polls, while Republicans turn out in droves to try to stave off a loss, and Moore ends up winning by a landslide.
>one might hope

Al had a photo against him though, and where there's one, there's more

>all the cunts thats Clinton