Those 72 virgins are getting fucked by a real chad jihadist now

those 72 virgins are getting fucked by a real chad jihadist now

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no more beta orbiter bux for you lauren

I wonder if the pain was unbearable when Lauren Southern's sandnigger boyfriend broke her hymen.

>no virgins for you akayed
Well she definitely isn’t talking about herself

Wake up see bombing thing......
get ready go to work
check phone, muzzy bombed himself only
>feel good
then hear people got trampled in the panic
>feel bad

Exhibit A: impotent rage of the MGTOW incel your cancer permeates every thread. Disgusting

She's getting more, um, Nordic looking, with each and every profile pic.

I have a girlfriend tho

I mean incels are the only ones who give money to camwhores anyway

Lauren "I Fuck Niggers" Southern

>those 72 virgins are getting fucked by a real chad jihadist now
What an awful time to be a boardgame player

Proofs that her income has plummeted? I haven't really been following, but I only see people shit talk her here and I doubt Sup Forums is even 20% of her audience.

> anyone healthy is right wing young
Everyone with any independence and political interest is left leaning as a teen and then moves right.


lots of shills

Youre a nigger. That boy is probably more useful to society than you are, in reality.
>shitposting on Sup Forums makes me superior though
Top kek. Sort yourself out you fucking brainlete



You should see the top comments on her latest videos.


Why the fuck are you cucks so triggered that lauren burns coal. She is not even an ethno nationalist ?

None of her beta orbiters will admit it but they are disgusted by coalburners as well. Her beta bux will stop as these betas now take her off the pedestal and realize how she has been conning them.

Lauren Southern and the rest of the crusty mid-20's sluts are yesterday's news. They have been exposed as shitskins, coalburners, jews, and feminists. They have been replaced by superior fresher models.

Meanwhile Lauren Rose is younger, prettier, actually white, light haired, blue eyed, wears little makeup, has better teeth, accepts ethno nationalism, isn't a coalburner, and doesn't want your shekels.

Lauren Rose is an innocent virgin wifey material qt who wants to share her journey into ethnonationlism while Lauren Southern is a cakeface whore trying to subvert and destroy the movement for her own advancement.

Lauren Rose > Crusty Canadian Coalburner

stop posting coalburner lol

she isn't a virgin, you can tell by looking at her face

No but she has tried to tow the line. She will preach for traditional values, family, and in Europe magically transformed into an "Identitarian".

>I believe that white genocide is real
>*Has sex with nonwhites*
>I believe that we should bring back traditional values
>*Has sex with nonwhites*
>I believe that demographics are destiny and we must stuff the nonwhite hordes
>*Has sex with nonwhites*
>I believe that whites are targeted for replacement by globalists
>*Has sex with nonwhites*
>I believe that we must secure a future for Europeans
>*Has sex with nonwhites*

Here here brother, Lauren Rose is our rightful queen.

>crusty cake faced canadian
Lauren btfo

Coalburners aren't welcome in the alt-right. Now Lauren is trying to get edgier to appeal to us, and it isn't going to work.

Actually the opposite is true. You can tell she is a virgin specifically by looking at her face.

Lauren Rose's skin is smooth, clean, tight, with minimum makeup. This is a sign of purity. Once a girl starts riding the cock carousal their virginal glow fades into a haggard appearance.

Don't believe me? Look back at the girls from high school. Most of them made a horrific transformation at 15/16 years old because that's when they went on the pill and started consuming mass amounts of cum.

Lauren Rose still has her glow. Meanwhile the Crusty Canadian Coalburner has to apply pounds of makeup to her bloated, sweaty, blemished face to hide the damage from her years of consuming nigger cum.

she has the classic thot in disguise look m8, seen it many times before

absolute wife material

every white women loves black dicks. you cant win like this

you forgot to mention her flawless skin and exquisite bone structure.

superlative genetics...check.
highly intelligent...check.

would marry.

this she's based af and hot as heck

I used to deliver Pizza back in my days.

Jew Girls would give me blowjobs, there was an extremly good looking one who fucked only niggers, oh she was wild.

Muslim girls there where many of them, Their parants where so mad, I fucked so many, we all did.

Woman are mostly whores, this is the truth.

Men are even worse.

This is the most virgin thing I've ever read

>only memeflags bashing her
Guess I'll practice Sup Forums's native sport: contrarianism :^)

Anyway, who's this fag? the one who pipe-bombed NY or what?

begone thot

heres to hoping;)

Everyone of you pathetic "muh coalburner" faggots would prematurely ejaculate a pathetic little load out of your peepees if Lauren Southern walked up to you and offered to suck your cocks or fuck you. Not one of you basement dwelling faggots would have the guts to turn her down.

okay boys, I might be going full autismo but there something bothering me quite a bit. First and foremost I have to disclaim I don't use or have a twitter so I'm not sure what I'm talking about. But I started to notice a lot of twitter accounts with these kind of stats. 26,4 thousand tweets in around 6 months? That's around 150 tweets a day. What the fuck is this? Is this common around normies?

oh I forgot to crop in the date of the account. It's from june 2017.

MICKED and BLACKED at the same time lol.

dat bonestructure

why do you all care so much about what some random women on twitter say

They're both plain 6/10s, any wk that says otherwise is just a beta faggot .

Even with the low quality photo her face remains completely without a blemish. Truly a virginal qt who will someday marry a wonderful man and have beautiful healthy white children.

Crusty Cake-Faced Crow-Footed Cum-Guzzling Coalburning Con-Artist Canadian

Fuck off Tara "Poo N Jew" McCarthy. They already exposed you but until Lauren Southern literally nobody cared about you in the first place.

umm how can he have a fraction of a follower ?

>self-congratulatory gif

epic meme xd

Imagine being this much of a beta cuck orbiter. Your post reeks of leftist Federal nigger underming attempt filth.

Lauren probably met this guy on tinder.

I hate Lauren Southern.

>Meanwhile Lauren Rose is younger, prettier, actually white, light haired, blue eyed, wears little makeup, has better teeth, accepts ethno nationalism, isn't a coalburner, and doesn't want your shekels.
Also supposedly looking for a husband.

>woman with 5/5 looks
>25-30 years old
You make some advanced jokes or maybe you're just naive orbiter.

at the end of the night we would have tons of leftover pizza, I took home no toping, nigger friends loved those chicken wings, boss got pissed off haha =)

I loved that job honestly.

So at the end of the night, there was a cop and his old wife, we basically took turns fucking her old vajajay...

Yes this is what went on.

a pipe bomb in a crowded bus terminal is a "prank"

is this bitch cooking?

Is "mil" BR speak for thousand?

Those 72 virgins are MINE now.

The Lauren Southern fanboy faggots have no rebuttal to this. Their bloated Canadian camwhore has been made obsolete by a superior specimen.

Sorry I don't want get catch AIDS.

But he's Tyrone O'Malley the totally based half irish man who voted for Trump so that makes it okay.

Congrats. You can use Sup Forums from paradise?

Literally all of Twitter with this "watch it be a white guy" when it was said that it was a muslim.

why are whites so cucked to not accept that muslims are a problem?

>now this is roastposting

Source. Please. Now.

She is 19. I don't understand how you can get her age so wrong when your goddess Lauren Southern is a bloated wrinkly sweaty damaged mess at 22.


her skin looks like she'll self combust soon as the sunlight touches her rosacea stricken cheeks

I'd say the 1st retarded potus would be Wilson.
obabo was terrible, but try to put things in perspective.
it makes any criticism you would deal that much better and more efficient.

Where is her income coming from? Is she on Hatreon or something?
Or did she just do that video on Bitcoin to give people a hint?

>when lauren in your thread and Sup Forumstards be like


Hello Lauren

I checked her Youtube and she has 400k subscripers. Maybe they donate through Paypal or her own page. I don't know if the descriptions were a joke but apparently there's an option to pay her $200 dollars for a 15 minute Skype call.

Where did this 72 virgins meme even came from

Go away Worst Lauren. You're confusing her high healthy cheekbones with a health disorder because your sagging bloated cheeks make you look like Droopy The Dog.

You're also posting on Sup Forums.

>apparently there's an option to pay her $200 dollars for a 15 minute Skype call.

wow, better go donate to her patreon now huh pedro?

So why are we picking on Lauren now for sone thing she did a few years ago? We've all done shit we hate the Jews for tricking us into. Unless of course, she still fucks niggers.

He's probably too busy taking care of his hard-on


>Mudslims go to paradise
It's my role to be Akhmed, not yours squarehead

>the comments kek

>Source. Please.
I think she's said it a few times, I may have misheard though.
I know she's at the very least single.

What is the universal expiration time when someone's coalburning becomes okay and forgotten?


She did something we don't like but the flames are certainly being fanned by shills.

>$200 to call Lauren privately
>the rootless international leaf is a 976 operator


Le ebbin skepdigg™, is that you?

I'm not one for dog-piling on lauren as she already receives enough shit.
But really user, fuck your entire shitty post.

1) 90% of white women exclusively within their own race. They aren't racist or redpilled. They simply know instinctively to stay with their own kind. Yet Lauren Southern is in that other 10%. She clearly lacks the common sense that 90% of her fellow white women have.

2) If she did it years ago then confessed, begged for forgiveness, and felt ashamed we could have a discuss about redemption. But that's not what she did. She tried to justify it. Then she bragged about all her money, views, and subscribers as if that somehow made it okay.

She's not an ex-coalburner. She's a coalburning advocate.


>56%-ers and niggers drooling oven another attention whore and bash former /theirattentionwhore/

Fucking clowns.

I don't see the problem, he looks white enough for me. And the kids will look white.


Niggers in america have it way too easy.

At least we don't drool over "based womyn" when it comes to the politics.
The only woman worth drooling for is your country/nation, but you, lolbertarian, won't understand that.

god bless pol

now say "real naz-bol has neva ben dun befor"

>she bragged about all her money, views, and subscribers
When did she do this?

this dumb muzzie is day too early! if he really wanted to send a message he should have done it tomorrow on the 1st day of Chanukah or wait for the 8th day, but of course muzzies are gonna muzz