He dindu nuffin, he a gud boy

2017, the year Sup Forums became a pedo defenders.


you shills just look retarded droning on about this. keep losing


So you’re new then?

>Thread after thread about Pizzagate but yet no actual real accusers
Lock the pedos up!
>Multiple Actual accusers with corroborating evidence
He dindu nuffin!

Keep defending the baby raper there.

>corroborating evidence
Such as?

>actually never did anything wrong
keep trying


You probably automatically believe allegations against Democrats don’t you?

redditor, Sup Forums has been defending pedos since 2011


Fuck sakes teenagers are not children.

Fucking KYS

Pedo apologist.

Gotsh bleshh teh unitedsch stratesh of amerischsh. thanksh you very musch.

You do realize the average age of marriage and mating with females for thousands of years was 14 to 19

Neck yourselves

ok muhammad

A signed yearbook?

Choke on a dozen rapefugee cocks and get AIDS and die slowly please..


Moore is going to win tomorrow. It will be Trump Effect 2.0. Democrats have insulted Alabama on every possible level. They will vote Moore to make big-city liberals eat shit.

He's fuuucked.

Still can win tough, but he's useless as a public speaker now.

If you aren’t marrying a virgin teen you’re a cuck

All we're doing is playing by your playbook now. Taking out the pedos on your side and defending our side from these false allegations.

He won't win by a landslide, but he will win. And then the real war on Alabama will begin. Every paid protester in the country will be bussed in to make those people horribly miserable and attempt to ruin their Christmas.

Pizzagate had proof with pictures and kids tied up next to adults.

Moore has a debunked yearbook.

Or worst, this it's a disaster caused by intransigent despots.

I don't think you're paying attention. Every molester-groper-rapist that's been accused lately (from Weinstein to Crowley) has either issued an apology, checked in to rehab, hired legal defense, resigned, etc. Roy Moore instead responded with guns blazing and a big "fuck you". This isn't the behavior of someone who's guilty. This is someone who's fighting to expose the truth.

In the meantime, you're talking about a site full of pervs and weirdos that post pics of lil girls everyday, and fap on these. And you're surprised?

How dumb are you? He just got vindicated, he is going to smash cucks

Its gonna be a landslide lel

This is a slide thread
Slide threads are made by shills
Everytime you reply to a shills post, the shill gets paid
Do not reply to shills
Do not bump shill threads
Sage and ignore

Forged by the whore of babylon herself gloria allred.

Hello Willith!

Guys. Anti-pedos are cucks now. Alt-righting done right.

Now go fap on Chloe Moretz last red carpets pics little man-boy. Oh no wait. She's too old for you now.

I want moore to win, not only because it will piss off liberals, but it will also piss off republican cocksuckers who wrote checks to doug jones. The assholes at fox news and principled high grounders need a food slap in the face.

Look at this worm in a suit. He grandstands on being a fucking southern hunter with guns and trophies, but he wont stand againt he peers in the senate. Fuck him, downs looking fuck.

Nope. Allegations are allegations and I take them with a grain of salt if there's no evidence. Doesn't matter who is being accused.

You thinking 2017 was the year they stared the defending.....you must be new here.

It's not the man, it's the message.


>If Moore is Pedo for touching a boob over clothes
>Then Biden is on video being a pedo as Vice President.

See how easy that is? Zero seats gained for libtards. Next up another SCOTUS seat.