The Dumbest Man on Television.

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Don Lemon is a basic bitch. He is literally a gay nigger.

CNN is for women and gay niggers are a hit with tha demographic

Most retarded numan on the telly.

Shit sorry OP here. I posted the wrong image.

OP btfo

Kek so true

>What are post IDs user

So he likes black fish sticks

he's pretty dumb but he'll never be able to deliver dumbness with the smug self righteous up ones own assness of Lawrence Donnell

He has to bring morans on his show in order to try to sound smart lol, Tucker is pathetic. Literally anyone on CNN is better than him

Sure he's retarded but when that bitch said that a small black hole would suck in our entire universe I kekked

>Shariablue in charge of knowing how this board works

First day on the job, shill?


Wow, a small black hole would suck in our entire universe and yet our galaxy supposedly has a super massive black hole holding it together.

Please ask your supervisor what a VPN is.

Retarded shill getting cucked by tuck again.

next level b8

This a references to trumps new tweet

do you think he's blown anderson?


Newfag gtfo.... post id's you stupid nigger


>A gay sub 80 IQ nigger?

Why doesn't everyone love him? It's 2017!

kys nigger.


I've seen this guy on CNN once (it was 4 in the morning when this guy was on). He's such a repugnant liberal asshole who makes himself throw a fit about everything Trump. I don't think he's dumb though.