I kept hearing about this guy here and there as challenger to Paul Ryan, but I had no idea he was the real deal.
This dude went on fuckin Fash the Nation and revealed his power level. We need to rev up the meme machine for this guy 100% in 2018, can you even imagine how huge it would be if this guy were to win? It'd be a fuckin shoah for real. This blows my mind that this is even real.

I'm listening to this shit right now.
This guy is talking about making social media censorship illegal and naming the Jew and shit.
This is fuckin amazing.

mfw when he's a fellow wisconsinite

Paul comes on at 53:55

Dude, we need to get this guy elected.
I had no clue he was the real deal.
He's fuckin perfect. Good looking dude, smart inventor, gives no fucks about revealing his power level. This guy needs to be President in 2024.

>mfw this guy will replace paul ryan

Checked for replacing Cuck Master with literal huwhite nationalist.


The jews/CIA/establishment are so afraid of him they moved a soyboy megacuck into the district to run and split the vote.

Dude funny shit. I met the father of one of his campaign advisors while I was campaigning for Trump. He was cool as shit and turbo red pilled. We talked about the Jews and how there is basically a 2nd bolshevik situation happening in the US. 100% chance Nehlen is /ourguy/

He's pretty handsome, Paul Rino looks like a troll next to this many.

Paul Nehlen is the truth

I live in the district and he's been pretty brazenly scoring shit loads of aryan goddesses


bump for nehlan
get him in folks

>Fash the Nation
>jew propaganda
pick any 2, you must pick 2.

holy shit this guy is awesome

pro tip: you can't bump your own threads on first post.

The t_d nu/pol/ crowd will vote against him.

They aren't old enough to vote.

>this guy will replace paul ryan

>challenger to Paul Ryan

whaaaaat that's fucking amazing dude
I actually got a job offer in Madison that now I am wishing I took just so I could do more to help this guy.


dude shut the fuck up with this shit, seriously

Everyone can donate to his campaign. I sent him 25 this weekend after hearing the show.

>Cuck Master

Yes he is

Shill identified
Take your shekel and go

If everyone on pol sent him a few dollars we could literally have our guy take out cuck Ryan.

Fash the Nation is kike propaganda for tards.
inb4 b-but muh white nationalism movement requires I send shekels to them
inb4 muh do'nay'shuns

/Paul Nehlen/

Chad as fuck!

Send him some shekels, senpai.

>If everyone on pol sent him a few dollars
>cuck Ryan.
yeah, goy, err, guys, let's send our shekels. lmfao

We elected a president this should be easy.

You what's really amazing? Regardless of whether he wins next year or not, he has the attention of both Trump and Bannon. He's met and talked to both, and they fucking like him a lot.

Getting anti-censorship laws passed to BTFO domain registrars and major social media platforms would be fucking god-tier.

We need to find more extremist and put them in office. We have great power but we haven't done shit lately

>Send him some shekels, senpai.

Yeah I'm sending him shekels.
After hearing him though I just wish I could go door to door to speak the good word of Paul Nehlen.
This guy told a Shlomo journalist to eat a bullet. Then said he works for God and will never bow down to Judaism. Like WTF man, I almost can't believe my ears.

The jew is very upset about a goy getting money.

He also told dual citizens to fuck off to israel, although I don't have the tweet.

When I first heard him on FTN last year before the election, I knew he was totally on our side, but I wasn't sure if he knew what FTN was or the crowd he was talking to. But then with this week's podcast, he fucking completely unveils his power level.

And this is a good looking guy, family man, successful business owner, etc. He's fucking perfect. People that are always talking about optics? Well this is the fucking guy.

100% our guy, he will set things in motion that we can’t even imagine. If we are to survive he MUST win. This is the first step to securing our future in this country.

>dude like dude!!!

Shut up, faggot

underrated post


shegged for truth

I already fuckin' know that shit, retard, I listened to the podcast bitch. The fuck up with that shit.

He's awesome and I would fucking love to see him President but the media will destroy him if he runs for any kind of office from this point onwards.

He went on fucking Fash the Nation, defended Andrew Anglin, talked about Jews.. imagine making attack ads against this guy just from this interview alone.

Still, just knowing that this bad goy was literally running against Paul Ryan recently is fucking awesome, the impact that our right-wing meme culture has had on real life politics is mind-boggling

Seriously nigger?


Why isn't the media covering this ? It could push more normies to fash the nation when its reported on.

Nehlen will btfo Ryan

But just imagine the effect of them running ads saying he's a Nazi and people ask why and then they look up the FtN episode and agree with it.
It would be like Hillary's "Alt Right" speech made all of those websites surge in traffic.

Paul Nehlen stands no chance and I say that as a guy who absolutely loves him

Paul Ryan is a cuck though, so all his ads will be "this isn't who we are, goy! theses aren't our values, goy!"

>I'm sending him shekels.
something something a fool and his money..

>push more normies to fash the nation
>jew ulterior motive revealed
pick any 2, you must pick 2

what episode did he come on?
i've been meaning to listen to fash the nation but didn't know where to start but this is a good a point as any


Holy fucking shit. He already ran for office. And he was already /ourguy/?

What do you even think you're doing?

ep.100, the most recent one. FTN is one of the best podcasts out there, definitely worth checking out

He came on a couple days ago as a very special guest for their 100th episode special.

Talking about jews in the US is different than talking about them here.
In the US people get away with it, some might soon even be voted into office because of it.
Why? Because every US citizen fucking KNOWS that jews run their country. There's no question about it in anyones mind over there.

Go home Schlomo

He did the last go around but the media gave him the Ron Paul treatment and so he didn't get traction.
Just imagine if Sup Forums or even r/T_D engaged our machine behind him, we could actually do this.
Having even just one openly redpilled /ourguy/ in congress in combination with Trump as President would be absolutely massive win.

Sorry to disappoint Austriabro, but talking about the JQ is probably the worst thing you can do over here. We have so many MUH ISRAEL evangicucks it's ridiculous. On the upside, people can talk shit on muzzies in public no problem that would probably get you arrested in Europe

Lol no
Mentioning anything bad about the Jews will get you labeled as Hitler here
And people are completely convinced that Israel is our greatest ally

What if (((they))) prevent his election?

T_D shilled hard af for nehlen in the primary last year.

He was on it last year as well. Talked about meeting trump on the campaign trail. He is literally /ourguy/. His twitter is top tier

Aren't evangelicals actually doing it because they believe that the Antichrist will come forward from the race of Satan (the jews) if certain conditions are met with regards to Israel? (which ultimately will cause Jesus to come back, which is their true goal)
Or have these people been tricked by the jews to believe that the Jewish Antichrist will be Jesus?
In any case, it's a dumb plan either way. Especially if you are very religious. You don't help the Antichrist come into this world if you are a Christian.

>On the upside, people can talk shit on muzzies in public no problem that would probably get you arrested in Europe
That's sadly true

What makes you think that?

I don't know you guys. With these religious boomers yes, but I feel like by 2024 you could run a campaign on
and actually win.
I feel it in the air....

>but the media will destroy him if he runs for any kind of office from this point onwards.

still meme him and support him. do not give up. when the eternal kike fails, it just tries again as if yesterday never happened.

push it until we get what we want.

I think it's something like once Israel rebuilds the temple or whatever that's step 1 for Armageddon and Jesus coming back, or some stupid shit like that.

This, you have to become like the Jew in some ways to defeat the Jew. Persistence and vigilance.


Way too far to the right
The overton window hasn't swung that far

I hope you're right, that would be awesome.

>Fash the nation

It will by Nov 2018

I hope that's true. Even if you are not aware about the JQ you must be tired of all the jew wars.
I am and my country doesn't even directly take part in it. (but we get the refugees as a result)
What the fuck is the US even getting out of this shit, let alone Europe? It seems to me like someone is trying hard to suicide the US.

Former t_d mod here.

Let's just say (((t_d))) forbid contacting him for AMAs.

Ugh, seeing that kike's fucking rat face pisses me off so much.

We're basically Israel's big bad champion. When there's a semi-competent regime in the middle east aside from the Jews the media makes it like they're the next Hitler and we must invade now. There are so many boomers who buy into the "greatest ally" meme it's retarded. Honestly Europe is way more woke on the JQ than we are.



Honestly I'm surprised at the fact that asian boys marginally prefer trump. But of course then you see how asian girls are completely backwards. And the strangest part of this is that they're the only racial demographic in this chart where the boys and girls vote completely differently, and seem to be on separate wavelengths.

Could be due to the same cause behind the fact that there's all this shit about asian girls passing up their own race to date white guys instead, which I disavow.

Also surprised that apparently 20% of black boys prefer Trump. That's pretty high for niggers.

It's such a travesty what happened with r/the_donald. Used to be a Sup Forums colony to spread our propaganda to normalfags, but then the kikes subverted and took it over from the inside and turned it into the cancerous pile of shit it's been ever since.

1 (You) = 1 barrel bomb

Maybe because asian + women = ultra conformist? idk. As far as niggers, Trump was in a couple rap songs...

We need to start coming up with Ben Garrison type names for him

No you fucktard
Screaming GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW TRUMP 2017!!! was never a good game plan considering there are MAYBE 5K NatSocs in the entire country and everyone hates you faggots

Honestly I think white people going full white nationalism would be good for Asian men in general around the globe.
Both groups would want to military ally with one another but forbid racemixing on either side. We could work out something like make Hawaii the designated containment zone for hapas and weebs.
They could be considered honorary tier but they would have to stay there.

But you'd still expect them to follow the same trend as with every other race, where the men/women are mostly on the same page with women having ~+15% toward D compared to the men. But then there's this MASSIVE discrepancy in how the male/female asians vote. Doesn't add up if you just try to analyze it as a sum of its parts.

IDK, I can't help but think it's because, for whatever reason, asians are on different wavelengths and they don't really have any ethnic solidarity with each other, with many of the girls telling their own guys to fuck off while they go race-mix with whites.

Keep in mind, asians have the highest race-mixing statistics in the US. IIRC like 1/3rd of asians marries outside their race. That's huge.

Who are you quoting?

We memed Trump to the presidency

Surely we can meme Nehlen to WI-1

>Thinking anyone decent actually goes on Reddit

I've made a similar argument in the past as well. Hawaii would be a good dumping group for hapas, as well as on other pacific islands like Guam. And yeah, asians would absolutely benefit from white nationalism, because all these gooks marrying white men is just as bad for them as it's bad for us.

Let's get to work people. Time to get a good man a new job. First we need to get the average person to know his name. PAUL NEHLEN.