Name one special forces group harder than the Special Boat Service

Name one special forces group harder than the Special Boat Service.

Protip: Don't even try.

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>takes cock and tea breaks

lol, aren't they letting in women now?




Deployed with SF. At that echelon it puts then with Rangers. Delta is the king, NEVER forget that, son.

wut he sayz iz tru. Delta is top death. only the best from JFK make their way. Could you kill the man next you?

Confirmed for filthy POG, cook that was on the same base as some SF guys and claimed he was 'deployed with special forces'.


No, I'm not killing the man next to me, because I'm not a jerk.

Yes. But I'm a reformed killer. I was a soldier and letting that go has been hard.

I enjoyed the combat...a LOT. Like....MAX. hehe, but that's me and I can't think pro-war.

> Find God, save your own life is my story.

Stop. I'm a warrior. I know warriors.

We did shit. Trust us.

delta don't war, delta just kills


Delta Force

Is OP a nigger?

lapua iz kill

I heard the Delta Farce is made up of interracial porn addicts.

Delta is a unit of the US Army.

You get selected, no application.

Oh...and my Lt worked with CIA.

> I have a fixation with death, and life. I'm complicated.

also tru

Diamond Special Boat Service.

338 FED, hits like a 30-06 magnum >400m.

It's my room and block clearer. The "Ban Hammer".

BOPE was inspired on them


>my Lt worked with CIA
what a coincidence, I, too am a CIA agent.

He knew the joint chief if staff.

You are not living life to it's fullest. You are a coward.

>chief if staff
Well, you certainly have the brains for the job.

>He knew the joint chief if staff.
what a coincidence, I too, knew the Joint Chiefs. maybe I'm your LT.

>completely modeled on the SAS
>is somehow king

>tfw when i actually deployed with SF
>tfw when i just sat on base and fixed/programmed their radio equipment cause i was just a radio guy

Shh...I know SAS too.

> It's a way of life few understand...alone.

Varangian Guard

Just look at warrior smile.

He knows death and he's HAPPY.

See....I'm not crazy, it's FUN.

French Foreign Legion Commando Parachute Group


pic related

a bunch of fucking CUNTS

Haha "comm unit" comm on!

What guns that meant to be

Lol feegit. After your exp how much rationality they can make you'll realize its a joke.

>There's nothing crazy about Marv, no matter what anybody says. He's sane as hell. He was just born in the wrong goddamn century. He belongs on some ancient battlefield, swinging an ax into somebody's face. But here he is, here and now, a warfighter without a war.

>Cockermouth? But I just met her mouth!

spetsnaz, no contest really

Isn't CIA Special Activities Division the maddest of the mad cunts? Theyre the ones who are probably conspiring to assassinate kim jong un with a poison twinkie or some shit.

>all that cash on the gear
>walmart fucking grip tape

That's my 12ga combat shotgun.

I'm deployment ready, NOW. Armor, weapons, gear, check.

Any good site for non-airsoft stab-proof vesting?

I adapted my training to fit me. That's what second echelon soldiers do. I don't look to others for training or guidance, I'm done adapting, I know what I need and want.

I would know.

You're ready for a school shooting

Yeah...a knife and walking like you know where you're going.

SAS Actual
>image 1NZSAS Willie Apiata VC

you're better than that

dont make me get my kyk-13 out

I was ready for civil war...but God touched me. Now I have toys. I can't be that kind of person...I feel sick now.

Infantry here... I’m a CAG and ISA fanboy no homo. Selous scouts were the toughest

French Foreign Legion

You're zogs little cock sleeve.
Warriors fight for their people.
You are Israel's little bitch

Perhaps you're not familiar with the groes in my area.
You said you have armor, I'm asking where you prefer to purchase

I'm not. I know where I stand with God.

>bump stock
top kek

I was 19D, cavantry unit (inf/sct hybrid). All the same for us...shoot and survive, soldier duty.

I see, I know!

I own a $7,000 battle rifle system. Stop.


>special boat service

Getting handicapped Venetian children to school on time is pretty admirable but we have towns here here people do that via dogsled.

Post pic...we judge.

>I know where I stand with God
If I took all those meds, I'd fucking square that away with him too

First off, LMT's are not anywhere close to 6k, and the rifle you tried building yourself is a fucking abortion. how do you shell out money for an acog but cant afford a decent red dot?

God is ok with. My role isn't yours and my sins are accepted. I don't need to ask. We know why.

> At one point had some 3,000 morphine pills. Took em all hahah



I remember his name when I was in the 7th fleet. Interesting. We might’ve crossed paths more than once.

Machine gun supressing them followed by mortars sighted on their line will fuck them in their ass hole hard, there will be nothing special about whats left of them.

You're not seeing'll NEVER see everything.

I have "custom" items and attachments. No photo, no door-kick plox.

SBS is literally the SAS but trained in amphibious warfare additionally. Make delta force/rangers look like first rate privates

I went to deep in Kunar at a remote combat outpost. We have not.

Post NVG's or forever be a faggot

If you can name them, they're not the hardest.

>Special Boat Service
Like a boat service fo dem special kieds and shiet?

NEVER! I keep my shit close...almost as if I deployed with it and retired.

>Working for CIA
Hardly respectable.

more like special bitch service
let's be honest, special forces are useless for everything except playing action hero in the sandbox

He's just a wannabe Rambo who spends all his parents money on tacticool gear and shitposts on /k/ about how he's saving the world. Probably a BMI 40 faggot who can't even get into the national guard.

I can beat up my daddy and shiet.

Is that what I said?

You're a smart one, I like keep the meta low.


Canada ain't shiet

My old foreman was ex-SBS.
He never told me anything cool really. He had bad knees, really bad fuckt knees.

>Be foreman user back in the day
>In training
>Get told to not put the bayonet on the machine gun
>His mate does it anyway
>Fucking about in barracks with big gun big bayonet
>Tries to take it off big gun
>It's stuck
>Pull harder- nope
>Sit on bed, wrap legs around rifle, GURN on bayonet
>Bayonet pops off, goes through his chin comes out next to eye
>Gets court marshalled for damaging government property once out of hospital
He told it better of course.

His dad told him he'd put the money aside to buy him out when he was waving him off to basic training, he said the rage carried him all through his training. lel.

Took me ages to work out why you attached your bayonet horizontally

Your weapons handling is airsoft-tier.

Australian SASR. 3 week selection course, 18 month training cycle. No other SF unit in the world has a longer, more demanding training cycle than the SASR.

you sound like a gigantic faggot
share your emo poetry with us

Bayonet? Naw...we keep a combat on our chest rig.

Ready for that room clearing knife kill.

Gotta make up for that emu embarrassment somehow.

Everyone knows anglos cant fight

>cant spell cavalry
>cant even get remotely close to setting up an AR

Ha. K.

> seeded in battle
> growing amongst the death mass
> weep
> no longer in grief


Good job reading, you failed.


>that forearm
Did you ask your girlfriend to hold that knife, m8?


go hang out with your airsoft friends you larping little bitch

Well done, although I'd prefer a bolt gun to shoot 338 Lapua.