
Who did 9-11

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wasn't me




arabs were planning and funding it, israel found out about and and made it happen to its full potential and the US government and media let it happen and covered it up


Trump, goy

This one man, Arnon Milchan was a secret Israeli spy in the 60s. He was part of the plot to steal nuclear triggers from the United States in order to further their ILLEGAL nuclear program. JFK found out about this and wanted to shut it down. He got assassinated by Mossad because of that. This man also made movies with predictive programming before 9/11 happened. On the right side of my image you can see the movie poster for The Medusa Touch. This is a movie about a remote controlled airplane flying into a building. He also produced Fight Club which has the famous final scene of all the buildings exploding. With the 2 buildings in the middle falling last and together. His other movies include High Crimes, The Devil's Advocate, Gone Girl, The Big Short and a Time to Kill. Arnon was also producing the upcoming Bryan Singer biopic before Bryan had to quit because he's a fucking pedophile. He's made movies with Ben Affleck, De Niro, and Kevin Spacey among others. They've all had sexual misconduct allegations thrown against them.

Basically this guy is one of the kingpins. He makes the predictive programming in Hollywood. From trying to make pedophilia more acceptable to laying the groundwork in our subconscious for impending planned (((Events))) like 9/11.



I did it. No regrets

Jeez, I wonder who's behind the most important attack in modern history....



The same people who brought down building 7.

80IQ sandniggers living in caves with no motive or the Jews.


man muslims must feel really nostalgic over this. Back then they used to have originality in the means to kill infidels, nowadays it's the old boring suicide bombing.


It was the reptilian psychic vampires, in cahoots with the evil Jews and pizzagate Democrats. Chemtrails melted the steel beams with vaccines that were injected into the buildings by dark skinned immigrants after they raped 100 little white girls. Everyone knows this, duhh.

We know the Jew was responsible here, JIDF. Nice proxy.

It's been proven to be the Saudis.


No, Israeli mossad/Jews are responsible. Saudis are just a front for the Jews to divert attention from themselves.

>It's been proven to be the Saudis.

Now it's been proven that you're a retard

Do your own research instead of believing Sup Forums memes and then spamming merchants at whoever disagrees. Nobody who has seriously studied the case can deny the Saudis were involved.

Wasn't the Mossad.



Zio-american dual citizens and the israeli merchants

Deep State op allowed the attacks to happen to maximize impact. Why bankroll anything when you can get 19 people to do it for free?

>"A snarled web of requirements, restrictions and regulations ... prevented decisive action by our men and women in the field....Government erected this wall. Government buttressed this wall. And before Sept. 11, government was blinded by this wall." - John Ashcroft



Ancient Aliens