Why would Sarah Sanders claim that journalists are pushing false news to further an agenda?

Why would Sarah Sanders claim that journalists are pushing false news to further an agenda?

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Because they are.

Pretty obvious by now.

And even the left knows it after the last 2 weeks

>report fake thing
>get caught lying
>"I was just pretending to be retarded".

why didn't he just make an actual argument instead of telling everyone how shocked or appalled or offended they are? we don't give a shit about his fee-fees, we want the facts.

>Article co authored by Chris Cillizza

Weigel looks like a pedophile

It is a mystery to us all.

It's beyond offensive that he considers himself a journalist.



Whadabout trump thou

Why wouldn't she?

uh huh

if it wasn't just hair, the mouth would be open

Because the news outlets constantly change the narrative and distort facts so they are factually correct but presented in an untruthful manner. Because they can't for the life of them move away from sensationalism over the truth for money. Because they can say whatever they want and post a correction a few days later at the END of an article and claim they did their due diligence and not have their malfeasance uncovered. Because they have become propaganda mills who refuse to uncover the truth as what has always been considered the hallmark of journalism. Because they know that with how they've run things media literacy is at an all time low. Because they are one of the largest driving forces for divisiveness in rhetoric within America by demonizing anyone they are against. Because of bull shit like pic related.

I hope those fucking jackals get what is coming to them those cry baby fuck heads. Of course no one wants to take you seriously when they find out you've been selling your integrity in reporting for others self interests you journalistic hacks. Get fucked.

"Offensive" = true.

we have to kill the kikes

Their credibility, reputation and ratings are dropping into the sewer. They are getting so weak it's all they have.

The Left has done a brilliant job over the last decade at muddying the lines between what defines a journalist and a commentator or editorialist. I'm afraid most young people, especially young Liberals, couldn't even define the difference. As soon as an opinion is offered a journalist becomes a commentator and in my opinion should never be labeled journalists again. To call people like Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon or Jim Acosta "journalists" is a disservice to the American people. These people don't report objective news. They offer opinions.
Search engines like Google offer some good insight into this trickery. According to Google, Lemon, Acosta, Cooper are journalists with glowing bios. People like Neil Cavuto instantly gain a commentator label. If you even hint at supporting the Right you're dubbed a commentator. But if you fight for the Left the journalist title remains.
It's pure bullshit.

What a believable and honest tweet.

Those bastards.

>beyond offensive

Who do they think that they are kidding?

I long for the day when MSM journalists are mass murdered in the streets

I remember the redditors spazzing out saying Trump killed 100 year old Koi or something retarded even for them

It was funny how over the course of a night there were suddenly thousands of Koi fish breeders and expert pisciculturists.

Koi can eat that no problem, even if President Trump dumped the whole thing without Abe doing it first. Reddit is retarded.

The one that will chap my ass until the day I die is when they tried to prop up PTSD vets during the campaign in an effort to bash him by saying he called them weak. CNN can suck a fuck

What world is this Chris Cilliza living in where he doesnt know this is what media does. The cognitive dissonance is overwhelming.

Because it's true. Just tweeted "CNN reporter appalled by the truth" at him.

Chris Cillizza is a perfect example of what the problem is.. These reporters are stuck inside a pathology that comes from the inability to accept an election.

Elections have consequences.. and going apoplectic on everything has proven that this sick pathology not only exists, it's pervasive within msm. It's gangrenous and probably terminal.

Because they are. It's obvious. They aren't even trying to hide it.

Jews do report fake news they even report that the holocaust was real in america from fake holocaust survivors who are proven to be liars.

>wow just wow
>i literally can't even

Yup. They don't even deny it.

I think they're just getting increasingly more desperate.

This reads like sarcasm



oh nooooo
that suuuuuux


>Brianna Kieler

What a thicc piece of ass


Why can't just all admit it like Breitbart does?

>Brianna Kieler

I really can't stand this smug fuck

it's beyond offensive for CNN to refer to themselves as "journalists"

Smug, incompetent and without the wherewithal to understand he has been ousted as a hack (((journalist))).


Yeah, who would do that. Just lie to people?

which one of you did this?




>Take us seriously!!
These people should be shot, or hung. No exceptions.


>Because the news outlets constantly change the narrative and distort facts so they are factually correct but presented in an untruthful manner.

"fake news" doesn't seem to be nearly as big a problem as real news that is selectively over/under-reported and editorialized news.

This. Most rags are pure editorial nowadays and yellow journalism is rife. The most pathetic thing about it is these "journalists" are completely shameless about it. They're so idelogically driven that they don't even care about the irreparable damage they're doing to the profession.

>We refuse to release crime surveillance because it will make people racist


Or the casual heel turn either


It is beyond offensive does not = it is not true.
Truth is offensive.

He doesn't have one, that's always been the point. Journalism used to be about vetting your sources and confirming all information with multiple sources with varying access points. Today these mockingbird operatives posing as journalists either just take leak orders from their handlers or else run stories based off what some Boomer Obama appointee who shines shoes for the senators says he overheard, without confirmation or even second thought.

Weird how these journalistic "errors" never affect the left negatively.


/thread, why is this even still a thread?

fbfp - jesus digits checkt. bogus news then retraction (it's not libel if they print a retraction)

>when that Astor CIA money buys you all the small boys you can possibly diddle


Because that's what they do. That's their de facto job now.

You are retarded if you can’t see the deliberate misreporting to further an agenda. Even Walter Cronkite when asked what he missed most about being in news, said “Driving the NARRATIVE”

does anybody honestly believe that they aren't anymore?


The face of a Jew

>looks like

And not one of them stopped to think maybe he and Abe were handed a pre-measured amount.

Almost like that whoever might have been running the koi pond would have given them a pre-apportioned amount of food. But that isn't possible, it must have been an oversight on the part of the koi fish handler and they went beyond his imagination in dumping all of the food. I fucking hate msm and reddit.

Don't question us you dumb goys.


>factually correct but untruthful
Like the headline saying Nikk Haley says trump accusers should be "dealt with".
What's that sound like? She's saying that they should be made to go away? Or that they should be used against trump? No. her point is not bound in or characterized by the "dealt with" phrase from one of her sentences during the interview. But it makes great headlines.

I gotta say I love this cunt. She does not allow the fake news media to push her around.Spicey was not half the man she is. Poor Jim acosta and Black queen just keep getting beat down by her.

This is like a man walks into bar joke.
Now the fake news is out of hand....

Purely for the sake of profit too. The only good thing to come out of this era of mendacity laden journalism is that if they don't have any choice but to report on every inane thing Trump does to get the traffic expected for outraged click bait. It's hurting either their credibility or their profit margins and I hope they keep fucking up and presenting conflicting views.

(((They)))'ll do anything they can to push a narrative.

Greg Dworkin is a contributor on Dailykos

W H O A!


I want more people to read this

Anything to divert and distract from revealing DoJ wife worked for Fusion GPS.


Of course they find it appalling that someone is telling the truth. We need to send the fake news purveyors to the gas chamber. Reporters, editors, writers, cameramen. All of them

Love the google image.
Gonna stealz

We are the news why would we mislead or even lie to you

It was just a prank, (((weigel)))!

The media runs a completely false story about Trump on an almost weekly basis. Journalism has become absolute horse shit now because the media will run any negative story they can about Trump without bothering to do any research or check their facts. When people call the media out on their bullshit they "correct" the mistakes they made in their online articles...but the damage has already been done and the media has already got their message out.
