Europe is waking up!

Europe is waking up!
Ireland, England, Germany, France!
#RiseUp my brethren!
Rise up before it is too late!

Australia is ZOG cucked to the extreme

When will pol realise thats its not about stating facts or proving the left wrong by clever answers but its about taking action. The left knows theyre wrong they just dont care, muslims know theyre evil they just dont care. Imagine if the christians never waged a holy war against the orc hordes but tried to point out their flaws by being really clever smart boiis. Im glad people are taking action.

I always kek at generation identity in southern europe. Nobody wants to live there stop flattering yourself lmao

it's unironically 100% this

they know they're wrong, they honestly don't give a shit. They'd let a peaceful muslim kill and rape their whole family, and they'd still call you an Islamophobia when you say something like "damn, those muslims really ruined your life, didn't they?"
One of the britcuck faggots who survived the manchester bombing even recorded a fucking song for muslims called "you will not have my hate" or some gay shit. The left will literally NEVER admit muslims are the cancer that will kill them all.

>branding is everything (see the swastika and SS uniform)
>let's use the overwatch logo for our movement

should lose anyone's support with rational thinking the second they see that logo


This is my bump
There are many like it
But this one is mine.

Actions speak louder than words.

Those French protesters are like 1/3 shitskins.
I mean look at those rat faced tanned manlets.
What the fuck are they even protesting ?

>Use Spartan shield as symbol
>Idiots see overwatch

I've been keep hearing this waking up bs for almost a decade. nothing is happening kek

> France
Highest Jewish population in all of Europe - there is a reason a literal Rotchild puppet got into power so easily.
Everything is locked down harder than a little boy's sphincter when must walk into Sweden's streets.
GenerationID allow jews in their ranks, don't expect anything from them.

Just watch faggot.

When those people and the brainwashed mass-media fed left, they know no better, are the enemy, and see something they should rightfully fear. But they don't understand it, and we don't have to explain it either.

Because we'd be wasting our time.

Wow! Really impressed with France especially.

Tons of young QT's in their group as well. Make lots of babies with these women, frogs.

Because people have only been waking up for like 2 years tops. Its just now beginning.

Generation Identity is fucking gay
They have a good goal but my lord are they homosexual

its too late

I know it seems desparate but this is a bad time to call for an uprising. just ask your bros to prepare.

There's mass muslim immigration to Ireland?
Agreed, user. Protests and walking on the streets is the way to go forward. I mean, just look at Occupy Wall Street!
Acting generally means protesting, and they end up being nothing more then glorified circlejerks where nothing changes. Convincing people through the internet works far more.

HAHAHA WHAT IS THIS?! Islam will save us from degeneracy. I'd rather live next to a righteous Muslim that minds their own business than a cokehead jeremy kyle guest crawling into his house at 2am on a Saturday night shouting the street down.


Are you a kike shill or do you have genuine real reasons?

I don't know how Bongland works, but who voted in laws that allowed people to be arrested for their opinions, while still claiming to have free speech?

'Fuck you smoking?

Islam is total cancer.

Because the Irish have no identity.

It's your country though, what do you want me to do about it? You ask a loaded question, but the best I can do is discuss the issue here. I'm not near any rioting, murdering, raping muslims. I'll be frank with you though, sometimes the world needs balance, and balance means doing good and bad things. If I was forced into your predicaments, I would play the villain of the politically correct.

99.9% of these guys ain't gonna go home and have 6 kids. If they would there would be no need for foreigners to come en masse and sustain the economy (albeit in a subpar fashion)

there is no grand conspiracy where every Muslim in the world decided it's time to demographically assault the 1st world nations. Rather a simple free market imbalance where there is a greater demand for population in one place and greater supply of population in other. The quality of population that transfers to fix this imbalance might be below average but it's a short term fix to a very long term problem.




Fuck that.

Yes they do.

I'm not even Irish but fuck you. Your whole nation should be nuked for the BS you've put other sovereign nations through. Big nosed, snaggle-tooth no-good, kike-enabling, paki-cock-sucking trash

Also, I realize the shit my nation has done, and the kikes that control it. I realize the irony but I don't apologize for the crimes of greedy bankers.

What's with this color scheme?

Are ALL these protestors getting their signs from the same print shop?

Thats awsome
... altho my spity senses are tingeling an smthn is tellung me this thing aint really really grassroots...but i dont know ofc, maybe it is...

shame on you western cucks
you had too much wealth, prosperity and no danger just like in mouse utopia.

Such diversity...

Europeans haven't been white since 1100 ad. The last true aryans fled to the colonies to escape the tyranny of the king of europe. You fail to govern yourself. That is why you fail.

t. Irish Amerishart

And yeah, well, we basically created your country so you're bound to be cunts.

>Post mutts
>Thread dies

There was a time where I had too much redpills that I almost turned black pill.
I needed a sign like this, a screenshot made while calculating the results for the german parliament. It was the funny sign I needed to not give up.

The result was good, a few years ago you couldn't imagine that a movement like PEGIDA would spread around Europe getting thousands of people from all age groups on the streets. On top of that, that a anti-EU anti all this lefties bullshit party actually get into the Parliament here and on top of that actually getting over 10% and the biggest left wing party lose votes like crazy.

We life in an awful time, but a time where we still can see a future.
My brothers, don't give up.

Support everything/everyone that might help fight this even if it just a little tiny bit, it will add up the more people are on board

"Amerishart" meme. I would bet my life that I'm better looking than you, you snaggletoothed fuck.

>Rather a simple free market imbalance
Created by forcing Whites to pay high taxes to support shitskins like you

Not bad, but I did get 9

>1100 AD

You make me sick, the subhuman squall is plagueing Europe and you dont think about the final Solution? Polish are Subhuman as well, go die in a horrible Car-Accident


Have we started the fire?

t. sandnigger

rats flee their rat country. big surprise

>they don't block traffic
>they look threatening to people who want to destroy their country
Hell yeah it's time to take back our countries, our cities, everything whites have built, the world belongs to us, we just let others live there

They're all insecure swarthy teens, we should not be proud of them. True french people don't exist anymore anyway, they're all mutt

The whites have build? Good Joke you Scum, americans are 60% NIGGER only european Aryans are the Paragons of Culture! Read about History you fucking mulatto

We've got a cucked centrist government in power atm. Our only alternative is a super lefty government.

Save us Uncle Hitler


was the power of 88 too strong for you Ahmed?

Fuck off
We were always an explicitly white nation until 50 years ago
Technically we were always Anglo until 120 years ago

WTF are you thinking? 50 whites and 4 MILLION Niggers? Yeah your Nation is the Whitest


I never said whitest
But this country was built by whites and for most of its history has been a vast majority white

Kill yourself 52% amerishart

>don't block traffic


And thats where you are wrong!!! The Americans may owned the Niggers but you used them!!! We Europeans!!! did not use Niggers and thats why our Culture is real, and you are useless subhuman Scum!!!

>everything is made of cotton
>the slaves created government and architectural designs of buildings

at least you dont have a cucked immigration politic....

Cluntry ? Suit yourself the White American is like the Coors Light of Humans, week to the Core, suck it Assfucker!!!

The 56% frenchman


Whiter than you Muhammad
>on a tour
>"Okay so where is everyone from?"
>nigger woman says "Paris"
You've gotta be fucking joking me

Yaeh fuck yourself Sitting Bull! My Ganpa killd the Pagans in Lituvia, My Father burnt a hundred Witches!!! I am a direct Descendent of Charles the Great, and even if you are born in Atlantis of fuckin flat Earth you cannot be whiter than me Jerome !!!

It's okay Achmed, you don't need to LARP as a white for me to accept you

Generation identity is unironically going to benefit all of us

This is just tve Talk of a self-denying Muslim NIGGER-SCUMM if you are a Islamo and want to be a real Human, just say it, might be able to help you.

The most based 56% also dont want the national identity of France to be poisoned. Not hard to understand.

I know that translating from Arabic to English is hard but you must try Abdul

Go fucking die, jew controlled american fattie. We germans fought for your liberation from the jew yoke, you ungratefull Nigger-Bastards!!!! Learn a Bit of History and dont listen to your Son-of-a-bitch Granpa. his only Appointment in the War was to fuck a jewish gypsy whore in a Brothel in Brooklyn!!!!!!