The chad

> young
> energetic
> powerful
> fashionable
> fit
> secure enough to wave a gay pride flag

Sup Forums is just the r9k virgin hating on him because they're not him.

he's a very happy guy :)

He's a practicing homosexual. His wife has publicly admitted to cheating on him with stronger men.

you seem quite salty

Saying " YES" to everything is the biggest TELL one is a perverted coward mental midget, too stupid to make intelligent decisions

Sorry, I don't want a POTUS or PM who thinks its a good idea to yuck it up with a bunch of homosexuals at their over-sexualized, degenerate parades. Especially when we have all scene how they behave at said functions. This is an embarrassment to leafs and that is saying a lot.

I also think he's just incredibly dumb, but some people also say that he's just cynically imitating the ideology of the ruling class (where promotion of sodomy and multiculturalism are highly valued) so that he could get political power, but I don't see why someone would do this

better some guy just grabbing em by the pussy huh?
its actually probably you who's dumb

>humanist chad

>virgin fascist larper

He's a bitchboy. People are so numb that they just accept this as normal. Well, it's not.

I always thought he was gay.

You haven't said some crude shit about women Mohammed? I have said worse when out with coworkers at a bar. People are such hypocrites.

>have all scene how they
FFS man...

>political power
Doesn't he have enough power right now? Are they fantasising about some conspiracy where he becomes the second Hitler?

seen, my error.

he's a politician. why do you people never understand that, who knows what they actually personally believe , its all just a power trip for those assholes

There will be mandatory gay piles in Canada to combat homophobia, because for some reason, this small percentage of the population literally cant keep their sexuality to themselves and in return are being oppressed.

the guy spends two hours on his hair every morning and speaks with an actual lisp


2070 coming up

yea youre probably not running for president tho

If I want to see that shit I'll go to /b, thank you very much.

pretty much.