Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?

Trump chances for re-election have suddenly dropped to negative numbers. Its fucking over drumpfkins.

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Isn't he a republican?

I put the rock to shame!

The future is bright. Lambright 2020.


he is a republican mong

eat a bag of dicks Wayne

Puerto Rico will never, not fucking ever, be one of our states. Stay mad faggot. ;)

>implying that he won't be controlled by Jewish bankers like every other president we've ever had.

pay debt

Get your eyes checked


>2016 + 8 years
In other words, he doesn't plan on going against Trump in a bid for the presidency. OP you're kind of retarded m8.

> tired meme
> wrong flag

Fuckin' Nigger Rican. 2024. 2024!

imagine the libtard crying if they tries this today

I would only vote for him if he instituted the "People's Elbow" as an offical form of reprimand for those in office.

Is he even merican?

>skin is brown
It checks out.

a Kenyan was president

After Trump it won't happen unless the Democrats really want it to, he would have to agree to everything they lay out for him and it would require the parties support to govern.

but Arnold has no chance in becoming president, and he would be better than the rock

screw the rock, he sold his culture to disney, no hawaiki for you judas

It will go up next year, guaranteed.

If only he would punch out the kikes out of congress and the white house

I bet his running mate is (((Goldberg)))

USA is an idiocracy.

No, really, pay denbts

Also clear rodes

the peoples champion, i wanna see him in the debates against other politicians

-so what do you think of that?
polician: euh yeah so...

>Vince gets his Presidential run.

>he is a republican mong
Tis not!

Not gonna lie, Trump voter here. It is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn Washington. But in all seriousness we have to get the Rock the nuclear codes next.

>Rock vs Kanye Election 2020
What a time to be alive.

I would vote for the rock for no other reason than to hear the state of the union address as performed by the rock.

JFC. We're gonna see a run of actors and celebs going for POTUS because they still think Trump is "that reality show guy".

He's a Republican and it says 2024. OP is a fag.

Next black president when?

BWAAHAHAHAH! HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE IS GETTING INTO! I bet he has 0 experience dealing with politicians on any levels besides taking a photo with them. Trump even though might seems unqualified had decades of dealing with all levels of gov't and knows his way around them. But I guess it's all about popularity contest now and retarded left will pick their best actor of the year, would have been hilarious is based on last year's popularity they would have elected Kevin Spacey only to find out he's sucking everyones dick at the WH!



It seems the Rock knows his place after the Don

someone post that creepy SNL skit he did

Are you ready for the most RAUNCHY presidency in history? Get ready to piss your pants, it's gon' get LITTY.

stfu, Thailand

I thought he was Hispanic?

>normalfags and liberals think we voted for trump because he was famous.

>World's Most Evil Invention
>Child Molesting robot



>start by building a regular robot

>then molest it and hope it continues the cycle


Kind of hard to tell with americans

That was the worst...

But is he RAUNCHY enough?

I would vote for The Rock if he made Vin Diesel his vp and they made another fast and furious movie to promote their campaign

Yeah, reptiliano for president,...another time!

This nigger should stick to acting. Dance monkey, dance. People throw money

what an idiot

>Steroid user can be labeled a cheater and weak
>Steroids are illegal
>Change steroid to illegal drug in sentence. "The presidential hopeful has been dogged with questions of past and current use of dangerous Illegal drugs" "The side effects of such drugs include irrational thought, sudden outbursts of violence, and megalomania."

End of campaign.

>idiocracy when?
would tottaly vote for the rock but only if he goes republican
too bad im not murican :(

His dad is black and his mom is somoan.

If you can't see that he's of the Pacific race then you're dumb

No, but I can probably smell his nigger stench.

Don't worry, the Democratic nominee will most likely be someone already groomed to carry on the Trump agenda that the 'left loonies' will fully embrace - hint - this person is not or has been involved in politics and it is not Dwayne Johnson.

He will get shot, no black blood will ever be in the White House again. EVER!

I unironically think The Rock would be one of our better presidents with him having a focus on space exploration

Don't ask me why, I just see it happening

Post it please

Yep. That's why hed run in 2024

i hope so. the dude will be incompetent as fuck and will only further weaken the american empire.

I always thought he was pretty cool. Really done a lot with charity. And he's repub...and they can't say we're racist


If he attempts, he will fail. Something he doesn't realize, however, is that it will have a chilling effect similar to the NFL kneeling. His return to acting afterwards will be soured as his box office draw will plunge. Half of the people that used to enjoy watching him clothesline b-actors will hate him for his politics. So, yes, I can smell what the rock is cooking and it smells like shit.

You're right. There's no way trump will beat dwayne in 2024. His term limit will be up by then!

Yes, but an Arnold Schwarzenegger, RINO kind of Republican.

>it takes the first pro wrestler running for president to defeat a celebrity president who was only a guest on pro wrestling


le epic dolan blarfkin trumpstsersrsrsr on my internets, XDDDDDDDDDDDD



Good, I hope he does. He's got all of the celebrity of Trump with absolutely none of the practical experience. You'd have millions of 20-somethings memeing for President Rock over whoever the Dems put up, and then the first fucking debate question on job creation or diplomatic negotiations and he'll collapse like a sandcastle.

sounds like a not-so-subtle way for certain factions to recoup some of the money they've paid to him over the years
he'd be bankrupt before the primaries

>hollywood flunkey

He'd run Dem...

im sure he would have a heart attack thanks to years of roid abuse before 2020 if he was actually going to run just as im sure kanye would die in a car crash if he tried to run in 2020. hillary dont play any fucking games nigger and she didnt support desegregation. i believe her uncle in the kkk would make oprah into a lawn ornament if she tried to run


>the people's president

the future is bright, mutts

we /LITTY/ now

>He's got all of the celebrity of Trump with absolutely none of the practical experience

That's why Mark Cuban will win in 2020. He's a down to earth guy, but a political outsider and way smarter than Trump.

new rule of presidential electees: must have won a WWE belt.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

>Abolish the electoral college?
> put Hillary in prison?
Cognitive dissonance much?

Go back to having no power Jose, the rock said he is going for the 2024 election, not the 2020 one.

I want to die.

And what if the rock is a fervent supporter of white nationalism and bring the ethnostate?
According to leftists he cannot be called rayciss since "POC cannot be racist only wypipo"

Does crack have an odor?

The Rock will win.

Desu thats a far better requirement than "who can suck the farts out of Israel's ass more".

check again, Negrolandia! Thailand is RED WHITE BLUE

cant wait for a RAUNCHY debate where all watchers PISS themselves

Na, he'd just cut a promo and win the White house.

Of course it's over. In 2024, Trump will have exactly a 0% chance of becoming president, as he is forbidden to seek a third term. He could run again in 2028, though. That'll be our year.

Millennials fucking worship him, especially women and libs. He's squeeky clean too, the first inkling of a scandal from the opponent would further solidify a win for Dwayne.

>when your politicians are so bad that you'd rather elect celebrities.

He's Hollywood though, so all we'd need to do is sit back and wait for the inevitable security vid of him sticking his cock in some unconscious girl's mouth at a cast party or whatever.