I just watched this

I am crying Pol...

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Dont think so kiddo

Literally dindu nuffin propaganda

My friends thought there was something wrong with me after I responded with meh and lets get some candy drops after watching this so called film


it was redpilled as fuck!
Director said it was meant to straighten out ungrateful shitty teenagers and make them appreciate what the peace they have because their relatives went through hell not long before that.
We need a modern reboot to scare the shit out of millenials...that or a cleansing!

>oil embargo on maps cause they side with Nazis

>surprised attack Hawaii naval base
>get their shit pushed in

Wawawa oh the humanity

Was a great piece of art I have brothers and it connected me with them on another level. As if in times of war I must protect and provide for my little brother if the rest of my family should vanish in the blinding light of a nuclear weapon. Really worth the watch

>>Sup Forums
>>Sup Forums

Fuck off boomer cuck

>this is anime today
What went wrong?

Even if japanese war crimes were real, I dont care
Mainland china is trash and the world would be better without them

Yeah I cried. Sad movie.

Not politics.

you are the one how is going to get cleansed tyrone

Aww, what's the matter? Been away from plebbit for too long? gtfo you retards.
The main character was meant to be the typical arrogant teen who couldn't swallow his pride and it got his sister killed and he soon followed.

Humanity is largely evil by choice, people are shallow, vain and demented, they let themselves justify the harm they inflict on others and distance themselves from the reality with mental abstractions. Jesus Christ came into this world, taught love and forgiveness, humility, and we crucified him for it. Most people don't want to take responsibility for the things they contribute too, all they care about is their own ego, group and dick, there is no compassion for other people just existential narcissism. Most people enjoy the prison they live in, they love their own filth and hate God because he's good.


fuck off weeb

>I am crying
Why? It was a dark comedy.


Pol here
I don't give a fuck
Stop messaging me

My thoughts exactly when I watched it long ago. Can't feel sad for people who got what they deserved. Like all the movies where they show poor little German civilians getting fucked.

ITT: people don’t understand or ever watched this movie

Im glad the little shit died forgoten and uncared for. It was sad when his sister died tho.

what are you even talking about tyrone?

start shit get hit

In real life he hid food from his sister and she died of starvation/malnutrition.

Why are you crying? Are you some kind of faggot?

Life is real goddamn cruel, better get used to it.

Those were little kids, they didn't start anything

>dead nips
>makes you cry
go home

Check out Barefoot Gen too user

>muh little kids
Welcome to the real world, homo. Nothing else but raw, naked force matters in this world. If you expect anything else out of life, you're going to have a miserable experience in this world.

Stop watching degenerate gook cartoons

>le edgy nazi boy
Argument still stands, the kids had no relation to the war the adults started

There's no excuse for the depravity of the world, everyone who goes to hell deserves it

Do you think that really matters? When in the course of human history have these things ever mattered? That crap is only used as a weapon to bludgeon the defeated peoples after a war. Winners never answer for that stuff.


That ending...

>Hitler is doing literally nothing wrong
>Japan begins expanding to nearby islands 15th century Europe style
>(((FDR))) uses this as an excuse to provoke them
>Knows Pearl Harbor is coming, lets it happen anyway
>Lololol it was all their fault we at war now
>Hey look guys we can help totally-not-evil Russia rape Germany even harder than last time
>2 nukes
>Europe eternally cucked
>World belongs to Israel now

>WTF how is the US the bad guys????

It wasn't because they sided with the nazis. Stop with the lies. It was because they were becoming too powerful and started pushing out American and European businesses from the territories they conquered.
The west couldn't tolerate it anymore and gave them an ultimatum. Give up your entire empire (obviously never going to happen) or we will not sell you any oil which in turn means you will lose your empire because you can't keep your military running without oil.

So the choices were:
>Lose empire
>or lose empire

What exactly did the Americans think wad going to happen? It was entirely their own fault for giving Japan an offer they can't refuse. Yes, Japan had committed atrocities so they can't play victims just like the USA can't play a victim either because their history is riddled with conquest too.

Well, there actually is a great excuse for why it happened. The Americans nuked those cities to show everyone else on the planet how big their dicks are, and that they're the new big boys on the block. That's the only "excuse" they need.

Grave of the prisoners of Unit 731 was way sadder DESU.

What's with the eyes falling?

The plot to the film, you dirty Spaniard!

So when the allies in Europe used their air superiority to level cities full of civilians in Germany, that was justified?

the protagonist was a fucking ungrateful moron; he and his little sis could have survived if he stayed with his aunt and not runaway instead of tryhard for 'muh bushido pride' and starved to death



Rare excellent animu movie. 10/10.

I have started watching it and I seriously doubt they had time to brush the train station's floor and complain about homeless people while they are getting the shit carpet bombed out of them.

Made in Abyss is modern day Dante's Divine Comedy.

Life is a really cruel. War is extra nasty. Oh well. Only part that bothers me about it was the post-war moral posturing from the winners.



stay with it, man. it's a great example of pride punished.

Nigger, that scene is after the war, idiot.

Does anyone else felt they hammered home the anti-war theme a bit too much? Yes, war makes innocent victims of many but to then underscore this point using what is traditionally a child's medium with children as the central figures seemed who are then put through the wringer for its own sake seemed a bit excessive.

What bushido pride dummas. Aunt was being total bitch to them. wasn't feeding them well they had to move out.
She did not show any mercy. Their parents just passed away and she was being a total bitch
She took his dead mother's clothes and gave a tiny bit of rice. Who dfuq would want to live with people like that?

Why is he not killing chinks or crashing planes into carriers btw?

I did too :(

They say "the mutts are coming". When the war was over you were already there not "in your way there".

seeing this wemb and vid at the same time is quite disturbing...
fuck you...i guess

It's really not anti war, though. Just shows how shitty war can be

well, the kids didnt. the nation...

Bro, towards the end of the film they say Japan surrenders while the boy is still alive,so this first scene of the boy dying is obviously after the war....

>child's medium
That's where you are wrong. Cartoon is a child medium only in America, in Japan is an art like any other. It wouldn't have been different than writing a book.

But they say you are coming, bro (is this the niggermuttspeak for mate/friend?)


Too bad there wasn't a little bit of fog in that city that day because then far more of those assholes would've died.

For those who don't know, nuclear explosions + fog = nowhere to hide. Or, to put it another way, England and Ireland are fucked during a nuclear war.

Read the plot on Wikipedia. They even say it takes place after the war in the first scene. You deserve rape.


You should not believe everything you read on the internet though.

it's a good movie

Yes, like your ignorant comments.

>all this USA reactions
What a bunch of tools. You can get an universal message about the human condition but noooo gotta defend the flag. "Go Hollywood, make more propaganda where my little brain can clearly distinguish the good guys and the bad guys!"

Overrated beyond imagination. Plot was stupid as all hell.


He's 14. that might have something to do with it. also he's a bit of an asshole.

indeed my bro nigga