83% Of America's Top High School Science Students Are The Children Of Immigrants

Why are white kids so dumb?


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I'm white and my parents are immigrants.

All this proves is native Americans are drunks and no good at math and science.

>I'm sure the teachers have nothing to do with it either.

Living life in easy mode turns to complacency

Indians are Aryans, so they're technically Whites.

>this has absolutely nothing to do with policy

Move along white boy

>"14 had parents born in India, 11 had parents born in China"

Why would teachers have anything to do with it. The kids of immigrants here go to the same schools.
And you kinda prove how dumb whites are.

They still have to go back.

To put that in perspective, even though former H-1B visa holders represent less than 1% of the U.S. population, they were four times more likely to have a child as a finalist in the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search than were parents who were both born in the United States.


>Children Of Immigrants
You could have just said Asians.

Do you really expect me to believe that wetbacks, Africans, and Polynesians are coming here and achieving anything?

People don't consider Indians as Asians in the US. And Indian kids form large percentage of these 83%.

Because American culture is rotten to the core, it is all about instant gratification and consumption. It's not conducive to productive activities.
>dude, weed lmoa
>yeah, i'm studying arts, daddy pays

The US census classifies Indians as Asians

Because other than refugees, Western countries have high immigration standards and factor in wealth and education when assessing an applicant. This is why Indian are the wealthiest ethnicity in the US or why Nigerians are among the most educated ethnicities in the US, even though their native population IQs wouldn't predict this.

However, due to the regression toward the mean phenomenon, these immigrants descendants will likely be more average.

Because a lot of immigrants are people who come for university and high level jobs. So their kids are smart.

From the source:
>Among the 40 finalists of the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search, 14 had parents both born in in India, 11 had parents
both born in China, and 7 had parents both born in
the United States.

How many of those seven were Jews?

Because they have dumb parents

By this logic Australians are Asian


Look at the actual study. Based on science competitions.
Do these still actually happen? White rural and suburban schools these have not existed in like 30 years.
I actually asked around when I was a kid and was under the impression these literally do not happen anymore... But then I realized I had asked all my peers. You know: white suburban and rural people.

There is a difference between techincal use and colloquial use of term Asian in the US. And only dingo fuckers don't know about it.

>What do the teachers have anything to do with it?

I don't know. What is Affirmative Action?

>inb4 thats only for SAT scores and admittance rates

I know, just wondering how deep the rabbit hole goes. (((Educators))) in grade school are just indoctrination-lite. Very left leaning, wouldn't surprise me if redpilled students are getting their grades lowered arbitrarily.

>why are immigrant kids better at science than american kids
I think that says more about the quality of the american education system than anything else.

Poos, Jews, and Chinks


White kids aren't going into STEM because they can't handle the banter. Sure, they'll talk a good game in grade school and high school with quasi-science and quasi-engineering robotics or build-a-bridge-out-of-garbage projects that get your feet wet, but those don't really teach you anything. as soon as they get raped on a multivariable calculus midterm in college, oh hey look, another PoliSci major!

and those are just the white kids who respond to the STEM outreach. the other white kids just go to college because the shitty leftists told them that it'll get them better jobs--nevermind their faggy choices in humanities majors that won't help them pay back their student loans.

immigrants don't need STEM outreach because they have two parents at home who keep drilling it in their heads incessantly.

Affirmative action only applies to Blacks and Hispanics you moron. Asians/Indians get disadvantaged because of affirmative action.
And again what does teachers have to do with anything here.

Almost like there is a quota for people of colors other than white...

This has more to do with how we pick immigrants from that country than the average poo or hook being smarter.

If we sent our academic students that are in the .01% of the smartest they'd succeed too. Because Poos and Gooks have so many more people they have more to send over than vice versa.

It's more like most white people don't know about these science competitions, and white parents don't like being the scientific equivalent of a stage mom. Most of these kids only bothered because their parents made them. That's not how you get innovators. That's how you get college burnouts. You will never hear about any of these people again. Maybe one or two. Most won't go anywhere.

Why do whites take shitty lib arts degrees and get lots of debts?

Arithmetic is for fags

proven in court that theyre not

It also means less jobs for white people even if the white man/woman is more skilled/experienced. So technically speaking, it does apply to whites dumb ass.

Yeah I've never even heard of this Intel competition someone mentioned in this thread. Typically science fairs are just done within schools or school districts rather than on some national stage. I have no idea what all would have to be done to get involved in some national competition, nor why anyone would think it's significant.

Look at how the guy in the OP looks, he's not dressed like a regular kid (I'm assuming he's a teenager). He's dressed in a relatively decent suit and tie which the majority of families probably wouldn't be spending on a kid. This seems like bullshit some rich kids would get into so as to help them have something to put on some college admissions application rather than something an average citizen would even be competing in.

Yeah all those in the 83% are shitskin immigrants probably. Natives in the US are dumb as fuck because they are narrow minded like you :^)

>countries of 1 billion people send the elite of their elite
>they go to expensive private schools without tons of niggers
It's really all that simple. If you think the average Indian in India or chink in China is smarter than the average white American then I have a bridge to sell you.

The American population is taking into account everyone here. That is the blacks, Mexicans, illegal immigrants, etc. The reason immigrants have a higher chance of being entrepreneur's and doing better in school is because the richest and smartest of every other country send their kids to America for education. The only people that immigrate to the US are people that already have money, drive, and a will to succeed. The rest either aren't allowed, or come illegally and the illegals don't get added into any statistics about legal immigrants.

> 83% Of America's Top High School Science Students Are The Children Of Immigrants

legal immigrants or illegal immigrants?

I was wondering why progress in science has stagnated for the last couple decades.

Legal. And the top 1% of every other country, since USA has best high level education. Most are from Europe and isreal.

of course they leave out the fact that its all Asians and Indians.

Typical leftist deceit, pretending there's all these Mexican scientists.

Not true. When I went to school for engineering, all the best students were white save for one Americanized Indian. The rest of the shitskins were routinely getting BTFO.

>children of immigrants get all sorts of special programs and money thrown at them native born children of american citizens do not

I remember being rejected from the gifted program in elementary school because they had "already filled their quota for white boys."

I learned to be suspicious of the achievements of mud people at an early age. Behind damn near every "genius" brown skin is a pile of propaganda and gibs.

High-caste pajeets do pretty well

It's funny you think multivariable calculus is hard. It's a fundamental class that is needed for many other classes in STEM.
t. white guy

My field is 95% white guys. The few asians and pajeets who are here tend to be clannish, and get busted for cheating on exams frequently.
t. AAE student

then you must not have gone to a good engineering school, if all you guys could muster were shitty white kids

i didn't think it was hard. the point is that white kids get scared off by the fundamentals of STEM, once it progresses past Mythbusters tier


GTFO, purduefag


They weren't white as it was understood at the time. The court admitted he had Aryan blood.

Libs always rig everything. You can't trust anything they do or say.
If everything was known about the conditions, sample/local demographics etc the picture would start to make sense.
Plus no one here thinks Asians and Indians are inherently stupid. Asians are 1 or 2 standard deviation points higher in IQ than Whites, Whites and Indians are about equal. Rural Whites and Indians are equally dumb as well.

There is no point to this thread so OP is a useless faggot.

>"A new study from the National Foundation for American Policy found a remarkable 83% (33 of 40) of the finalists of the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search were the children of immigrants."
>Out of 40 students at a science contest.
>Acting as if any of these are children of illegal immigrants.

Try harder next time. Pretty shitty bait.

>Asians are 1 or 2 standard deviation points higher in IQ than Whites

Based on rigged CHINESE IQ tests. Socialists lie about everything they do because the reality shows they're inept. They have to lie for their very survival.

>asians are smart
Have you ever been to liveleak or a gore thread? I'm convinced that over 80% of their population is literally retarded.

I willing to give this to them though. I dont really care. On average they lack overall well-rounded personalities, "EQ" (if you believe in so-called multiple intelligence theory) and a bunch of other things Whites excel at. If you aske me we balance each other out nicely. 1 Asian and 1 White = 1 well rounded ubermensnch. Thats why you see so much WMAF.

Because they have too much privilege and don't ever have to actually try at anything.

They get floated through school on BS athletics and are adult babies for the entirety of their 20s

Thats the Asian brain on Communism. They make brutal Evangelical fundamentalists as well.
They are pack animals. They perform superbly under the right conditions and training. But this can be easily subverted with disasterous results.

They are Caucasoid , just like Whites - So they're our cousins .

None notices that half of those finalists are women?
No legit competition (specially about science and math) will have so many women, if any at all. So it's affirmative action used as propaganda and used at the same time to shill for more immigration.
>Americans are stupid so we need more immigrants to do high tech jobs
>Americans are lazy so we need more immigrants to do jobs americans don't want to do
>Americans...well let's introduce this diversity lottery to bring underrepresented immigrants
As always all are kike schemings to accelerate the brownification of America. All immigrants come from shit countries because they're too retarded to make their own country work and yet kikes will try to make is believe we need them.


Asians/Indians get even worse disadvantaged because of Affirmative action. They are all suing universities because of it.

>Posts the two scoops meme

Actually the most disadvantaged are whites...once you stop counting jews as white.

>Acting as if any of these are children of illegal immigrants
Never said anything about Illegals.
Why are you so keen on proving the study right by acting dumb?

>Meme flag opinions don't really count.

Not true. Look at any study and it consistently shows that Asians have to score way higher on SATs to get into same college.

in england only 1 of 350 aplicant for nationality is acepted what do you expect if brought the best of the best

Unironically they are. The education system is just as corrupt as any other gov controlled system.

of course is true read the end of american meritocracy you retard

Catch a bullet you euronigger

this, school is for fags glad whitey isn't doing well

>OP reveals that he's a gook with a 1 inch dick

They reason they need foreign people is becuase they are easier to controll and they won't need to blackmail.

And that doesn't invalidate what I said.

>Why are white kids so dumb?

Second generation kids of those immigrants are even dumber as soon as they become Americanized.

The only reason why children of foreigners succeed so easily in American schools is because they still retain the discipline and parental involvement that it takes to succeed in school in their home countries.

I know because I moved here from Europe before middle school and I was a straight A student without actually having to try until junior year of high school.

Asians have to score 150 points above Whites on SAT to get into same university. You moron.
Show me one study that shows Whites have to score higher than Asians in SAT for the same university.

Harvard, Princeton Admissions Discrimination: Asian Student Lawsuit

Blacks really hurt the native test scores.

Yes it does invalidate your point because Asians have to score 150 points above whites in SAT to get into same college.
Whites get Affirmative action over as Asians.

You whities are the quota queens.

Asians (american born, not foreigners) are discriminated against but not as much as gentile whites.
Jews are the most benefited by selection bias at top universities, followed by blacks, hispanics, asians and in last place whites. If you think about it it makes lots of sense why (((they))) would want it to be like this.

Again, whites are the most discriminated against BY FAR. Jews play with the white label to get benefits as usual.

>Children of immigrants
You realise anyone can migrate, right?

That is enrollment levels and they are low for whites because whites are dumb.
They don't score as high on SATs as Jews and Asians.
They can get in the same colleges by scoring upto 150 points below Asians. And that is the truth,.

You need to face the ugly reality and ultimate black pill for nonwhites and that is: They are simply not capable of pushing civilization forward in any kind of meaningful way. Simply incapable. If white men are pushed out of science and engineering, both will stagnate and become irrelevant.

>american tax dollars got spent on foreigners hahahaha fuck white pipol

>Why are white kids so dumb?
Because the system has literally been changed to work against them by promoting non-white individuals and actually hindering whites.


Its not that easy to enter in to US for most non europeans or get a green card.

Stop feeding this low life, prob a jews

you fucking retard non jew white enter 4x time less with the SAME grades than in ivi leages universities,and 2x respect to asians


Fucking braindead subhuman in the second column clearly says "relative to high ability students age 18-21" aka national merit scholars, so whites being by far the most able are also the most underrepresented at elite universities.

I am not reading some hillbilly's rambling turned into a book. You are just siting BS.
Look at the SAT scores by race.
Whites are way below Asians.

>High School
anyone in high school is clinically retarded
it's called being a dumbfuck kid that knows nothing about the fucking real world
>83% of gold star recipients in pre-k are children of immigrants, why is whypeepo so dum?

Careful... not all Indians.

Only North Indians and a small percent of them are Aryans. The rest are niggers (I.e. South Indians).

Moron its still enrollment relative to national merit scholars not SAT scores or any other merit data.
Of course white enrollment is low. And that is because they are too FUCKING DUMB. Just like you.


This made me laugh harder than it should.

of you wont worthless insect you are nothing more than crap like the rest of your worthless race has proven in history

Fucking retarded braindead low iq motherfucker how many times do I have to tell you that whites are the most discriminated by far. Whites need a SAT score way above asians but because jews count as whites the overall number is lower. Or do you think that national merit scholars score shit in SAT while those who didn't qualify mysteriously get a perfect SAT? Ofc there is a huge correlation between the 2 retard.

Australia's not in asia though.

More fucking BS.
How can Whites need higher score but somehow Jews make it lower?
That fucking makes no sense.
Colleges select by race not Jew or not Jew.

>How can Whites need higher score but somehow Jews make it lower?
>Colleges select by race not Jew or not Jew.
Unironically saying this on Sup Forums. Lurk more faggot.