Why are communists so shit at warfare?

Why are communists so shit at warfare?

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why did the finns split ww2 into the winter war and continuation war? is it because the soviet union btfo and stole 10% of their clay in the end and they need to save face?

We had actual tactics while russians were running towards us drunk as fuck.

Winter was about defense, continuation was about offense. We trusted Germany as an ally and paid the price. After the war we were only country that actually paid war debts to USSR.

Germany said to stop (winter war) at any cost and we would take everything back later.

ah so its germany's fault then? how convenient...

Finland kept its independence. It's a first world while the territories ussr took are 5th world shitholes. Yeltsin wanted to give back karelia and the fins said no

It really was. Hitler had his head stuck in the ass and we shoved our own head in there to make company. We even talked about Great-Finland which would have included partly St. Petersbourgh.

Sorry bros. We good?

uh huh

Karelia would have been like Crimea.


Merkel is fucking us, so not really.

Well, blame that one on the USA.

This has to do with fighting ability. The NVA and VC lost nearly every engagement with us forces. Dumb ass.

>sending conscripted, poorly trained and equipped factory workers to fight against snow-autists
what the fuck can you do against people who can sit for 17 aeons in 0 kelvin temperature without moving a nanometer waiting for the right moment to put a bullet squarely between your eyes from 10 km away without using optics.

>lost the Vietnam war
>"NVA and VC lost nearly every engagement with U.S forces"

Communists have nothing to fight for

because instead of being individually responsible they always expect someone else in their squad to do it.

>cucking to communists
>acting like that's a good thing

Why is it so difficult for euros to take responsibility for their actions?

they btfo the gooks and then just fucking left halfway through winning for no reason .

>playing dumb on the internet.

I guess by that measure aussies got BTFO by jungle farmers too, cool story bro.

The weak preach equality

You don't need to feed as many people if you lose huge chunks of the population with bad warfare.

>ah so its germany's fault then? how convenient...
Generally if something is wrong in Europe it is always unironically our fault.

communist charlie did pretty well against the frenchies and the americoons. charlie would of fought you for 1000 years if he had too. life for charlie couldnt get any worse.

Occupations are impossible. Either exterminate or just leave. This is how nation who loses almost every battle still wins a war, straight up attrition.

Thats fucking rich.

The Soviets were really shitty and would send a lot of guys out without weapons and what not. They fought their wars retarded but somehow won.

Like 15% of migrants are from war torn countries, and euro politicians say "oh it's the Americans fault for warmongering, nothing we can do!". Complete abdication of responsibility for political expediency. If it wasn't America, you'd blame some other power. Are you going to say we caused your sovereign debt crisis too just because ground zero of the recession was in America?