Krauts issue """last""" warning to Poland...again

>Y-y-y-you better accept rapefugees THIS time, o-o-or else :(

When will this fucking charade end.

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pfff wtf are the EU going to do if they don't? cry?

Classic, You can't call the Polish xenophobic becuase history has proven they have good fucking reason to be wary of foreigners.

Stand your ground Poland

withhold coin.

>tfw they switch to their own actually stable currency

Why is it so important Poland take refugees? Why is Germany such a bully in Europe?

I hope Poland remains a beacon of sanity

Seriously glad that I got to see Europe when I was younger, before it all went to hell! Stay strong Poland! Fuck the EU! You guys are better without Brussels.

optimistically this will just drop the all to high EU approval rating here.

realistically the average pole will still want to remain for the gibs.


do you retards understand that Eastern Europe is an economic periphery and depends on what Western Europes gives it? We can't just ignore Western Europe, nobody can, so we will always have to negotiate with them

It's funny how no matter what, the American is always the constant.
Really goes to show how horrible their posting is on Sup Forums

as soon as germany pays their fair share of reperations


Western European countries like Portugal or Greece are already behind Poland or Czech Republic.
Poland has lower crime and homicide rate than UK, Germany or France.

Germany better pay their fucking debts then. You Nazi retards owe $500B to Poland for the rape of their land during WWII, and you haven't paid shit. Open your fucking checkbooks you scumbags.

>t.self-hating cuck
Fuck off.
>i'm sad that based Mohammed's cant fuck my Agnieszka for me :((((

A polish defeatist? Now I've seen it all.

Btw. nothing will come of it. Germany wants polish workers and markets just as much as poland wants eurogibs. The EU will whine, merkel will give a speech citing her deep disappointment, and then it's business as usual.

>Western European countries like Portugal or Greece are already behind Poland or Czech Republic.
but who gives a fuck. Eastern European economies are built on Western money and ownership, and that's what matters

It's a bit more than that.

>When will this fucking charade end.
In a month.

Dont take any Refugees. Merkel went completely crazy.

Yet Germany is fine with this. She is the pimp of the whore that is now Germany.

hohol detected

war in syria is over. germany better start shipping them back

>use them for gibs
>tell them to fuck off every time they want you to do something

I fail to see the problem here

Dear Poland, please stop cucking us.

"Realistically" speaking 90% of the Poles have no idea how Gibs work and how many Gibs we receive.
That's a topic we rarely talk about, mostly because we don't care about it.

Stop being a self loathing cuck, Marcel

leave polen alone germany :((

hahahahahahahhhaaaaaaa ive even started to see bill posters on pulawska about 1 country 1 world.

the great thing about being behind the times is that we get to see all your mistakes and learn from them.

im not even polish but if refugees make an entry here, i'll be at the front line with my Polish brethren.

They ARE using their own stable currency.

the government is currently investigating whether or not it is save in Syria and if they decide it is bye bye sandniggers

I love what Visegrad is doing in Europe.
Don't conflate our jew-puppet overlords with us, though.

Mein Neger, wenn ihr Deutschen nicht völlig okay damit wärt, in den Straßen von halbaffen niedergemetzelt zu werden, würden wir zumindest alle paar Jahre einen anderen Judenpuppenüberlord sehen. Stattdessen ist es immer die olle Angie. Die meisten Deutschen verdienen genau was ihr relativ bald bekommen werdet.

Ja, ich bin dabei mich vorzubereiten.

are m&m thinking only about destroying europe

we need to take refugees, its our only chance.....

JEŚLI wyślesz je do Polski, zmiażdżę merkela łomem