Chechens beaten by cops

Chechens usually love to post of how "macho" they are, yet here they are getting their asses kicked by Police.

dude we get it perestroika, vodka, wahoo

See, nice and fast beatings work wonders, where the fuck is this in the western world.

They are beaten by CHECHEN cops for insulting a holy imam or some shit. Moreover they are 15 while the cops are adults.

They are crying like little girls tho, i thought u guys were "men".

>t. Mohammad

wow that chechen cop was macho af
thanks for confirming how manly chechens are OP

Only a leaf would find a grown man beating children "macho af".

Stop being butthurt Ivan

Muslim white supremacist XD hahaha

Oh pure joy muslime extrimist geting beat up! Oh truley it gives me joy. Thanks for posting it.


you didn't get a complimentary one to go with your public school dicking?

Far right white nationalist ideology is near identical to Islamic extremism.....

White Muslims are based.
The only whites with balls.
Western Men are all total faggot cucks.
Fucking emberassing when we used to be the machos back then.
I literally have no problem with white muslims, it's the nonwhites that are flooding our nations that I have a problem with


Free Chechnya, Remember Grozny!

> loving your own people, regardless of their religion is cucked
t. kike

Don't put this on Jews, fucktard. The Russians have only themselves to blame for destroying Chechnya.

Nohcho wui xo?


Discord yui xa?