Dear Sup Forums niggers

Dear Sup Forums niggers,

How accurate do you think this image is (on a scale 1 - 10, 1 being not accurate at all and 10 being 100% accurate).

With love, me

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

oh ok

The difference is SJW's were probably once likeable people. the same can't be said of Sup Forumssters

>T. Urban retard who graciously eats Cuckdeau's shit


The alt right doesn't exist, so 1. SJW side seems accurate though.

horseshoe Theory is so dumb because one side is clearly good while the other is clearly evil

I’d give it a 9 on account of me not being able to see if the nazi larpers are overweight or not.

You can apply this muh horshoe reasoning to any two groups since you can always force a similarity.

I mean...your not wrong

we cannot let trump get the scoopular codes

fify dumb faggot

The only people that vote for the left are faggots, self hating whites, shitskins and kikes. Your prime minister is a cuck faggot and so are you Nigger. Now go watch Achmed fuck your mother while you pander to the PC Police on MuffPo or Plebbit. Seriously, fuck off and die.


This is why schools should abandon politics in academic curriculums and instead teach about: marriage, divorce, finances, cooking, house repair, car maintennance, mortgage, etc.

jokes on you, i dont have an ideology to spout. i have distilled myself into the personification of a shitpost

i watched the Charleston shit on tv i bet 50% of those guys have never even been on the internet they were just old Charley angels and shit

this describes me almost perfectly to be honest, but at least Im self aware, never met a self aware SJW


here is another image

OP btfo


1 Sup Forums isn't alt-right. A bunch of different people with different opinions post here Including you.

Horseshit theory - Where you're retarded enough to believe faggots like this have anything in common with the far right.

Wow look at all these memes he's learned. His mom must be really proud of him.

I'm unironically an actual communist and shit, and I say that picture is spot fucking on.

Im taking this to the school board to have Sup Forums unblocked or have tumbshit banned

This is such a real horseshoe effect