It's been 1 day and nothing has happened

It's been 1 day and nothing has happened.

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It's almost like the fearmongering and shitposting was exactly that.

you cant take a shit in 1 day for politics what are you going on about

my comcast injected ad told me i used up 90% of my 1tb data for the month, but its cos i was scared of net communism being repealed

That's right goy, all those corporations spent billions of dollars to get Trump elected for nothing. Don't listen to the fear mongering.

Never an argument.

It will take months.

Take it easy. The dick is coming for you.

>all those corporations spent billions of dollars to get Trump elected for nothing
Let's see about Hillary.
Time Warner


>Every internet service provided by an American source has considerably improved it's service towards South America
>Even World of Warcraft is getting considerable less ammount of latency

This started yesterday, and we haven't done shit
>If we had, we would know because our politicians wouldn't shut up about doing something right for once

Could this be related at all?

Where's Comcast on your list, nigger?

If Hillary wasn't going to repeal NN, she was going to do something to destroy the internet. It was going to be anti-free speech, I guarantee it.

lawyers work by the hour ...

its a mexican standoff ,everyone has plans in place to abuse the reduced regulation to leech off more shekels but they're scared to be the first one to start fucking the consumers because then all the shitstorm will concentrate on them while all the others gradually start throttling and charging differentialy

Wow, you guarantee it?

Fucking retard.

It figures you'd support a murderer being our president, when your PM is a dictator apologist. Of course she would, a world when she wins is a world where the SJWs win.

You got played, faggot. Just admit it.

You're going to lose all of your internet and if we try get it back the death squad is going to come and kill our families.

I know alot about this net neutrality topic, I'm just not making shit up here.

Why do I still suck at Overwatch then.

Fuck you Ajit Pai.

$489,193 went to Hillary from Comcast

Trump is, without a doubt, a disappointment. But just admit Hillary was a worse option, and we'd all be burning in nuclear waste months ago if she won.

that less than 25k a year for the top

10k a year for middle of the road

that is peanuts

I was outside at 2:30 today and traffic sucked. I'm sure Ajit is to blame.

This is individual contributions not PACs. That's where the big money is.

Here's a terrifying idea: What if Ajit Pai becomes our president of the US?

Of course nothing happened. This was literally deregulation and return to pre-Obama fuckery of the internet. It's objectively a good thing, and anybody who unironically bought the jewish media lies should commit suicide.

Reddit would literally commit suicide. I'm down.

do it

>shilling for some brown cunt

nice Sup Forums

>Trump is a disappointment

Where the fuck do morons like you come from? Were you expecting Trump to whip out his cock, slap paul ryan in the face and declare himself the god-emperor you meming NEET faggot? Kill yourself, especially if you slandered Trump to ingratiate yourself to a fucking leaf.

You were either dropped by your mother or you were born a retard. Repealing regulation doesn't make everything change over night. It's a gradual process. Shoot yourself already.

There was a porn site in the Ukraine that took twice as long to load oday

fuck you pai

>university of california which is publicly funded is allowed to donate to specific candidates

haha gotta love that fucking corruption

Well, let's start with: It was a retarded idea to back out of the Paris Climate agreement (why do you think the hurricanes and wildfires in Texas, Florida, and California just miraculously started happen?), that Muslim ban fell through the floor, the Obamacare thing fell through the floor, and obviously this repeal.

You just need to look who's so vehemently against it.
And relax.
And get on with your life.

>reeee why are the amerisharts still around
> pajeet promised to fix the internet
Can we now all agree that this was an utterly pointless debate all around?

make it happen

>conveniently forgetting all the years before Obongo's bill
They had their time then, retard, and they did nothing. You literally ate the shit the media fed you and have no evidence.

Luke dies. Leia doesn't die.
Yoda returns. Snoke dies

II still believe the changes won't be as exorbitant as Twitter and r/politics are making it out to be.

What a dumbass.

go to watch movie. buffering..... damn you reeses drinker!

I don't think you understand how the chart works. People who work/are affiliated with UC donated the 300k, as denoted by the column headers at the top. You are required to tell the government where you work if you make a political donation. Dumb American.

it's certainly a lot of uninformed fearmongering.

I'm sure a lot of what they're saying could be true but then they throw in how all our bills will soar by 40% to 100% in now time.
That doesn't make any fucking sense. The price of my internet went up more from 2015 to now than it did the 3 previous years

>trump president for almost a year
>nothing happened.
>no wall

>Be me
>No Streaming or Social Media
>Buy from stores instead of purchasing shit sight unseen online
>Occasionally browse here or game
>Mostly focus on hobbies or going out

It will take months to notice if anything changes for the end user, operative word 'IF'. If anything changes, it won't effect me. Social media is honestly just a soul sucking waste of time anyway.

the internet was FINE before 2015

stop being fucking retards who dont even know what net neutrality is (shit)

Sup Forums, serious question. What if Ajit Pai was an actual white man? Would that make people hate white people more? Why aren't the mad pro-NN people calling him a dirty shitskin/curry nigger? I guarantee you if he was white, there'd be racism against whites.

>amerimutts are now shilling for a pooinloo and for having cumcast on their face even more than ever before

enjoy your 4rd world internet for the cheap price of 200 buck a month, buy the additional Sup Forums package and get unthrottled access to your favourite meme site for just 29,99 a month+3 free memes per month

The debate was pretty useless. Did like the salt on Reddit and the funny pajeet memes.

Nothing burger. Just like this post.

checked, it was all bullshit

the left's credibility goes down the more they lie too