I'm Terrified for Net Neutrality

The internet is really the only one thing that makes life enjoyable. I'm graduating high-school soon and have to wait a full year to apply to college due to taking a year off as an exchange student in Italy. So if the internet doesn't work I'll literally spend a WHOLE year without internet just sitting at home bored out of my mind. Yet Sup Forums cheers this as great.



sockpuppet shilling.

Explain net neutrality. Not even the people who advocate it can explain it.

It's like fucking Arianism or some shit. Might as well be describing some theological concept and why it matters.

Shitty trolls are always first responders

I don't think anyone understands it.

Go outside.

Oh you're in high school alright.

(That's not at all what happens fearmongoloid)

And do what?

Changes and costs will creep in slowly. Thing is apple/google/facebook/amazon have a lot to gain by cutting deals since they can leverage their position to prevent competition.

The most serious effects is the stifling of innovation due to the higher costs associated with accessing consumers. Ultimately, you won't feel the loss of things you didn't have an opportunity to get.

The thriving competition that exists between websites, apps, services, etc. will all become a slow steady stream of subquality shit. They just to the internet into Windows XP except only Microsoft products work.

Anything besides sitting in your room wanking

Sorry but Sup Forums is way more fun than walking around outside doing nothing.

You know that's bollocks.

You know you're just messing with me. How is the most enjoyable and fun thing (Sup Forums) not as good as outside which is cold and boring.

>Sup Forums

It's hot here. I promise you, the less time you spend away from here, the more you realize how much time you actually wasted on this total shithole.

Yeah but real life is hell man.

It's awesome theres memes and stuff.

Of course the_donald nigger amerimutt.
Firms need time to plan strategies and then implement them. They need to study if it's really worth it to slow down certain content or make fast lanes. At this time you don't really need a study to confirm that it's not worth it to implement such a thing because you would lose customers that your competition will gain but maybe in a few decades when we live in a more dystopian world it could actually become reality.

Luke dies. Leia doesn't die. Yoda returns. Snoke dies

I still believe the changes won't be as exorbitant as Twitter and r/politics are making it out to be.


You are terrified over nothing. Obama era FCC confirmed after 2015 NN laws that actually the moment an ISP violated NN they were no longer subject to NN and thus could not actually get in trouble. So the NN shit you are whining about was an illusion to begin with.

Which should have been obvious given the only reason we were ever in this mess was a 2011 circuit court decision that the FCC apparently can't actually regulate....

Plus Obama giving away the internet to that foreign non-profit.

>He doesn't understand that "new neutrality" is just proposed FCC regulations promulgated in 2015, and now we are going back to how things were pre-2015.

The absolute state of meme flag retardation

Did you have internet in 2014 before net "neutrality" was introduced? Genuinely curious here