If "an armed society is a polite society" (as conservatives claim)...

If "an armed society is a polite society" (as conservatives claim), then why does the highest state murder rate in the US belong to Louisiana, a gun-friendly state where basically everyone is always armed?


New York City alone has 10 times as many blacks as New Orleans, but a much lower murder rate.

Why does Chicago have so much violence when it has such strict gun control laws?

Numbers are high because of all the negro rapists who get killed by armed women.

Persons of African descent.

Higher poverty.

Look at the proportions my dude, not the raw numbers. No one calls NYC a "chocolate city".

Niggers and Jews.

> then why does the highest state murder rate in the US belong to Louisiana, a gun-friendly state where basically everyone is always armed?
white trash

>Why does Chicago have so much violence when it has such strict gun control laws?

Justified homicides are not considered "murders" for statistical purposes by the FBI. So, no, defensive cases (including cop shootings) are not included in those numbers.


>I don't understand statistics


there are no new arguments.

we will not succumb to lies.



Louisiana wassup!! lol damn thats not a good number 1 to be.

Why is DC higher than Mexico?

That's an unusually good pic for such a tired thing to argue about.

Actually, the city with America's highest murder rate (St. Louis) has the gun laws of the state of Missouri, which are very loose. Explain THAT one.

High Somali immigrant number.

Hi OP, let me give you the answer that we all know, but unfortunately for you you're too pussy to say it: NIGGERS!


Here OP I'm sure you can use your context clues for this one

Thread over, thanks for playing (((OP)))

Don’t they teach you fractions in yeshiva? I know verbal IQ is your thing but damn.

dem niggers

So many mysteries of crime and poverty statistics can be solved by seven letters

niggers in nyc don't practice voodoo.
that shit is evil and makes the soil tainted.
therefore, the niggers in new orleans are the worst niggers.

just remember,
niggers eat chicken because they need bones.
black magic is worse than democrats.

It's not because Louisiana is full of guns, it's because it's full of niggers.


Lots of northern states with lots of guns, yet little crime.

>Basketball Americans

Guns aren't dangerous, certain minorities are.

I thought Alaska was the winner?

It's more than that, though. London has around 900,000 black residents, according to estimates. That is more than St. Louis and Baltimore COMBINED (the two US cities with the highest murder rates). And yet, blacks in London commit around 50 murders per year, while the smaller number of blacks in Baltimore and St. Louis commit well over 500. That's an enormous disparity in the black murder rate. What is the variable here? It's probably easy black access to firearms.

I thought Arizona and Kentucky had the most gun owners?

Look at KY, very lax gun rules and we are near average. Now take a step back and do this same per capita thing with a racial and gun law break down. See what you come up with.

because there are a shit load of violent niggers in louisiana?? Guess what, wyoming has no gun laws, damn near everyone owns a gun, there are no niggers, and a murder rate that is almost non-existent.

Thread over, everybody go home.

we seriously need a survival game that takes place in a virtual alaska.

now compare knife crimes. I'll wait. All that happens is a shift from gun crime into whatever the next best outlet for their violence is.

>blacks in London commit around 50 murders per year, while the smaller number of blacks in Baltimore and St. Louis commit well over 500.

Uh... huh.

This is some good bait

Lets correct it, Poor Niggers. Ones that actually can trace their ancestry back to slaves.

I said knife crimes, not knife murders



Fench lol

You'd have to add in nonfatal gunshots in US cities, though. Chicongo alone has thousands each year. Another problem is that American cops/detectives are extremely BAD at solving murders and attempted murders - they are just not very competent compared to elsewhere in the first world. Vienna solved 100% of its murders a couple years ago; many American cities solve 20% or less, and ATTEMPTED murders are even lower. There is just a lack of competent policing going on.


not proportionately

