Why don't you own a cat Sup Forums? Cats are way more alpha than dogs tbqh. Pic related my new kitten

Why don't you own a cat Sup Forums? Cats are way more alpha than dogs tbqh. Pic related my new kitten.

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My cat chewed on the powerlines to my TS-2000 and cooked herself to death. (40 amps will do that)


Why not both?

i have 3
one is getting pretty old and will probably die soon though, he got really sick just a few days ago

I've never been able to find that webm of someone pulling out some cat's tongue

you are what you own
a pussy

>his house doesn't have ground-fault protection breakers
I thought your wooden houses were bad enough, but now this? You're housing is truly last world.

Doggos are cute

You have to earn a cat's affection. Sup Forums is full of unlikable rejects.

dogs are better, salu2

The power supply converter (110 VAC to 13.8 VDC 40A) is itself hooked to a gfci and the fuse inside the PS popped and the GFCI tripped but not before it was too late.

My house is a brick and plaster 1938 build with all new wiring.

Truly Aryan, but I like my white cat better since his eyes are the color of gold.

It would eat my parakeet in some bizarre real life rendition of sylvester vs tweety pie

They are beautiful souls, they heal aswell! Dogs too are beautiful souls, I often joke and say both my pets came along to my home to retire! I am so luckey to have meet them both the cat and pup!

Dogs > c*ts

I don’t earn a thing from an animal. Your world is on it’s head.

Neither cats nor dogs are alpha. Dogs will cower and obey if you assert yourself as their master, cats will usually defer to whoever gives them food and scratches their ears.

I would say they've been domesticated specifically because they aren't "alpha" and can be easily brought under control.

we're commanded and charged with taking care of critters like cats and dogs. they both are invaluable companions that have been with man since pre-ancient times. dont draw up false, pretentious strawman shit. both have their uses and should be respected

Why not both?

We were given dominion over animals.

>the GFCI tripped but not before it was too late
Why do you even lie? It literally takes 0.00004 seconds to interrupt. The whole point is that it will interrupt before the electrons can travel through tissue and cause damage. You literally feel nothing because it works before you even get electrocuted. If you're telling the truth, your breakers are as bad as your houses.

Dogs are the niggers of pets

If you are mean to an animal it will not like you. Super simple stuff autismo-kun.

the enlightened soul recognizes how important this charge is. We MUST respect what the Lord commands us to do. Dominion should be viewed through the prism of love and protective care.

Cats are bros.

Dogs guard you and your livestock and go hunting with you.Cats keep vermin out of your grain and feed stores, and they warm your feet at night.

If you don't like cats or dogs - you aren't white

>cats are for cucks
>whites pick cats
checks out


That's two fucking cats.

You are likely confusing mean with dominant. You do your dog a disservice by being overly “nice” to it. Don’t be an abusive prick, assert yourself and many dogs will give their lives for you.

cats are chads because they don't grovel to humans and beg like dogs do.

Pitbulls are the niggers of pets

>t. 5 foot 5 Boliviano shitposting using the Argentine man's internet

Reminder that Europeans have the highest average height of all races and therefore are indisputably the chads of humankind

Do you understand how a power convert works? There's high residual energy in the caps inside it that have huge discharge times. I've lost power and the caps kept running the radio for 30 seconds after.

I rarly feed my cat or dog maybe 1 or 2 times a week, also I rarly walk the dog but both from day 1 are absolutly lyal to me. The cat came to the house and refused to walk out, each time it was sent out it would insist to come back in so home sweet home. The dog had pups and I picked up another dog only for her to run to me and would not leave my side, they said she refuses to moce from the pups ever even for food she was to go to another home that afternoon but climbed my leg and would not let go so I took her with me! I dont do much to care in terms os food and water but they are so loyal to me. The cat cill come to me when I have a headache and pur by my head. I feel so much love for them both, I adore their souls.

Cats are a leach. Sounds like welfare queens.

Dogs know their place. Cats think they're your equal.

>Not owning a parrot.

PLEBS abound in this thread.

More intelligent than both cats and dogs.
Loves you more than both a cat and dog can ever can.

Thats a long cat

I've got 3

Post more pictures of the kitty please

cats are basically just prettier raccoons

fuck your weirdass hollow bones

Cat behavior towards humans is the same as cat behavior towards their mother. They view humans as superiors, not inferiors. You however are inferior and a beta because you're intimidated by cats.

Looks like my cat, user. Best pet I've ever had.

clean your floor cletus

>Randomly decides to break your finger with its beak.

Cat the other other white meat.



The whole cats vs dogs debate is fucking retardation, white people have been settled on this matter for centuries. Doggos are man's best friend, help protect your family and are the indisputable #1 pet. Cats are bro-tier, they fight infection and disease by exterminating pests and vermin around your property. Dogs are more active and fun to play with, but cats are comfier and better for sitting in your lap passively while reading or just chilling.

If you're white, you like both. Dunecoons and spics hate dogs because they're ultimately weak races that can't discipline inferior beings properly, and niggers hate cats because they don't have foresight and understanding to comprehend the utility of having a cat, nor are they capable of concentrating on a single task for an extended period of time.

The only pets that are truly shit are reptiles. If you meet someone that has a bird or a turtle as a pet, run the fuck away. Guaranteed weirdo

Get the rake.

My parrot will preen my fucking eyelashes.
He has never bitten me ever.

Look at all these plebs in this thread, too poor to own an exotic bird, too stupid to look after one and unable to give these rewarding, bright and infinitely curious creatures the attention they deserve.



>Not having a cat and a dog
>Not having a cat and a dog that are friends


>I love looking at my pets asshole
The thread.

Cats are cool. I've always had doggos but a good cat is a lot like a dog. Those big ass Savannah or Maine Coon cats are based.


>a burger only able to speak single syllable words
yep, it checks out


Dogs only beg if you are retarded and incapable of training them.

Every house that has a cat smells like cat shit, I don't understand how anyone can live with that. On top of it, they get shit all over their little paws when using the litter box, and then run around your house.

Cats are the purest niggers of animals.

At least dogs can be trained to shit outside and do useful stuff.

Cats are shit storms.

Shall we constrain our intellectual intercourse to a more proper vocabulary or will the vox populi suffice?

be honest now, how many times did spellcheck have to fix the mistkaes you made while typing that up?
and don't tell me it was your kitty walking on the keyboard that made the mistakes either

And the worst is when you see a cat run across a kitchen counter, smearing shit bacteria EVERYWHERE that you prepare your meal.

Even if you think you've trained them not to, they do it as soon as you leave the house.



American bobtails are amazing.
They dont meow, they quack.
Smart as hell too.

t. chink

There's that fag talk

Animals hate me. Im too alpha for them

nice backward ass logic coming from someone who voted for legal dog blowjobs