George Soros has Failed

>Can't crash the US market despite several attempts
>Antifa is a fucking laughing stock and liability that did IMMENSE damage to the Leftist "brand" and likely cost at least $10+ million dollars.
>Shareblue has completely failed at everything, the internet hates them, and we wish they would just go away
Soros hates paying Americans according to leaked internal conversations so his staff is mostly foreigners using scripts and Google Translate. guess how hard it is for places like Sup Forums, who found Shia LeBeouf's flag in a cornfield, to figure out if we're being astroturfed?
>Now NET NEUTRALITY completely fucking blows up despite UNPRECEDENTED shilling,

We're talking EVERY page of EVERY website anyone gives a shit about blanketed for DAYS with artificial enthusiasm. We figured out early on something was odd about the sudden outpouring of support, then we got into the finances and realized, of course, George Soros was funding the SHIT out of this campaign.

tl;dr Soros has failed, will continue to fail, and I look forward to pressing S soon.

P.S. Alabama was rigged

Other urls found in this thread:

He's set to make billions off the GOP TAX SCAM

Imagine being such a fucktard burger who is so mindfucked by FOX News that you celebrate the end of Net Neutrality.

there's that quote about taking solace in the thought of suicide. it gets you through your toughest nights or whatever. forget who its attributed to.
but along those lines, for most people, you are almost guaranteed to wake up one day and find out that george soros is dead, hillary clinton is dead, etc. it's actually fucking tremendous


The enormous amount of support for getting rid of NN was clearly fabricated by these cunts.

He's the reason roy moore lost he's also the reason u.s is in debt

>In 2017, Wagner referred to billionaire businessman George Soros (a U.S. citizen since 1961) as a "Hungarian Jew" who has a "hatred for America."[10] He further clarified his comments by saying: "Look, He (Soros) has spent a ton of money playing in Republican races everywhere. He has supported a very radical agenda.He was a big supporter of Obama and Obama set this country back eight years.I think everybody's getting their knickers around their ankles over this and there's no reason for that." Wagner said that Soros was born in Hungary and was born a Jew. "If he was Catholic, he would have been 'a Hungarian Catholic." There was nothing offensive meant by that," Wagner said.


he was the one behind the push to keep it. the money trail from Demand Progress! leads straight to Soros.

dear diary: today OP wasn't a faggot
kys maplefaggot

We can get these fucking retards to support anything we want as long we tell them it's to "trigger liberals"

it's gotta hurt to keep losing at everything you guys do.

You think that the way things would be the usual would understand. Not in that way understandably will be futile. Always look towards the Optic, Nuances will always cause the pot to boil. Watch what will happen tomorow in the northeast, The Train will be towards it but not in reverse. You look but you wont, It will see but wont Speak. Look.

lol k

>cares about literally one of the worst states in the USA

>deep red state
>one of the worst

yep checks out


Dont forget the kikes are about to get replaced by Chinese and beaten at their own game. They killed themselves off with their own greed and political correctness coming back to bight them in the ass.

The absolute state of kikes today. Literally JUST: the race.

enjoy getting fucked in the ass by your isp's.

This board is too fucking retarded to frequent anymore.

Are you kidding?!? He runs the US! Every single one of his policies is happening. Gay marriage. White Genocide. Open borders. He is the most winning motherfucker in the world

It had to be something like that. There are reasonable concerns on both sides, but the sudden rush of "OMG You Kilt teh Interwebs!!" was just bizarre. So is all the intense butthurt still pouring out about it. There's no reason for that. If repeal was negative, it's minor one, and it's one that we won't know for sure until it plays out and we see what ISPs actually *do*. The panicky freakout isn't founded on anything, so it has to be paid propaganda.

What incentive did he have to keep Net neutrality?

There's so much bullshit on both sides about how supporting/not supporting net neutrality will cause the end of the world, it's hard to distinguish who is shilling what at this point.

> This board is too fucking retarded to frequent anymore.
mfw not identifying the non-stop op to disrupt Sup Forums.

Well, if you think your delusion of neutrality was good, i'm sorry to say, but YOU are mindfucked.

Net Neutrality was neutral as much as the PATRIOT act is patriotic or as much as the Affordable care act is affordable. You got meme'd.

if only people knew who he is

Truly a kike. Not only takes pleasure in fucking with goyim, but fucking with other Jews as well.


We know Alabama was rigged, but will anything be done about it?

The Trump tax bill gets rid of all itemized deductions that aren't charity related. He's probably paid close to zero in taxes under the old plan. Not anymore.
There's a reason these crony capitalists hate Trump.

Solid, thick and tight. He's got a another quality 10-15 years in him.


That is absurd. Some people hate racism and sexism and Republican fascist policies. Do you ever think about that?

This one is not quite over. Is it?

praise !

Soros is an investor. Trump is giving trillions in tax cuts to corporations. Soros is going to make billions.

He did succeed at making the Netflix Documentary section absolutely unscrollable. How many goddamn Docs do they need that's main point is "Hitler wuz bad."

all the baby blood keeps a man looking youthful

Isn't doing much for Hillary. Maybe it has to be taken from hymen, that would explain why Bill looks so good.

Well, the US does have one of the highest corporation tax in the world. And I'm thinking, Trump wants the US to get back into the top 10 of countries, where it's best a new business.

If there are more businesses, there are more people to demand taxes from.

Believing Net Neutrality makes the net neutral is like believing the patriot act makes you a patriot.

The good thing is if it works out maybe we can give it a try if it doesn't then we are fine up here in America's hat land plus I'm confused why rolling back rules to how they were in 2014 is gonna be this massive shift in the online world

Goldman Sachs doesn't need a tax cut. Corporations only pay taxes on their profits. There's no reason why companies making billions in profits can't pay 35%.

The globalists are already admitting they're just going to pocket the money Trump is giving them

>There's no reason why
Other than that company leaving for another country and you end up with zero in taxes collected. At 21%, one of the lowest in the world, there is incentive for those companies to come back and get taxed.

Because it hurts expansions, and coportaion expansions creates jobs.
You can say the rich gets richer like a commie. The more open a market economy is, the more rich gets the entire population.

you know companies leave because of cheap labor right?

r u gunna work for $1/hour?

lol u think giving corporations that area already making billions in tax cuts is going to help u?

even they admit they're pocketing the money

Corporations make $6 TRILLION a year in profits and are sitting on record piles of money. What's stopping them right now from hiring and paying higher wages? They have tremendous access to capital and employee costs are deductible.

Revenues - expenses = profits

they only pay taxes on their profits

Corporations are people, user. Threaten prosecution of the entity for tax evasion if they complain.

Nobody actually pays that.

>if we just give multi-billion dollar transnational corporations massive tax cuts, they'll totally stop using tax havens

oh good soyim

u got played son

All I have to ask is:
>what is Fake News saying?

I believe the opposite

You have to think about everyone else than the big cooporations, think of the competitors that now have it easier time to establish themselves and drive the prices down for the good of the end users. It will also create more jobs, which can be taxed. We have been doing that for years in the Nordic countries, and it's how we have become rich.

Trump is actually make the US more like Denmark than Bernie Sanders ever would. He just need to rise the private taxes.


You're pathetic

>obamaleaf coming to get BTFO
took you long enough faggot, enjoy your tax cuts ;^)

Fucking leaf nigger.


Yes, it's prostate cancer

US unemployment rate is 4.1% and job openings are at all time highs.

you literally have to be good soyim to think that tax cuts for goldman sachs and Citigroup will trickle down on you

i've never seen bigger cucks in my life than right wingers

CEOs admit they won’t create jobs with their tax cut money

Flabby George Soros spent 200 million pushing for NET NEUTRALITY and failed. Sad!

His life ends when he is swallow by a orca whale and then is spit out.

give me proof he tried to crash us economy

Imagine being a fucking leaf

At least George Soros like Karl Popper though ;)

Time is on our side not (((his))). But his bloodline must be dealt with swiftly, lest the cancer spread.

He's worth around 8 to 10 billion. If he's funding millions of paid protesters, how has he not run out of money and where is the paper trail?

the paper trail is in the pizzaranium gate basement of uranium one hq in Jade Helm 15, Kenya.

So you believe we have peaked now? What the actual fuck

keep sniffing wood glue faggot.

Imagine being a retarded leaf and. Not realizing it didn't exist until 2 years ago

>P.S. Alabama was rigged
I'm glad. You will never hear about it ever again and Franken will not resign. Had Moore won, you'd never fucking hear the end of Moore. And Franken would be in tour news feed every 3 days with some bullshit about integrity*

* In Weimerica, integrity is defined as being a scumbag and saying a bunch of words later.
he's also made big bets on Netflix and bought a shitload of put options on MGM just before the Vegas shooting

Where do people even see what Soros is trading? I can't help but feel like this is made up. Soros doesn't have a publicly traded company like Buffett with Berkshire does he?

>Where do people even see what Soros is trading? I can't help but feel like this is made up.

fuck they don't teach you leafs shit in school anymore do they? oh, right. Soros got into your education system too. I'm not gonna hold your hand, google SEC filings.

>just believing what all the headlines on kike controlled media tell you
ayy lmao

ok link to soros's

should be very easy for u to do since you're so educated

>I don't understand financial trading

>tl;dr Soros has failed, will continue to fail, and I look forward to pressing S soon.

Weird how all that "e-celeb" astroturfing shit appeared out of nowhere and disappeared just as fast.

>do the thing I'm too stupid to do you faget

ya my bad i didn't know he still runs his own hedge fund

lol u retards act like all billionaires have to disclose their trades

lol so no evidence of the MGM short?

Everything Twitter gives a custom emoji to is instantly bad.

if they trade on regulated exchanges, yes they do have to disclose them. the art is having an alibi for your transactions. how old are you?

wow! He looks just like the lunch lady from kindergarten

lmao if a billionaire doesn't have a hedge fund and just privately trades shares he owns, he has to disclose?

what is wrong with u retards


Record piles of money that are stashed overseas because bringing the money back into the United States is a terrible business decision thanks to current tax laws.

yes. yes he does. my god you know nothing of finance and yet you speak as if you do.

lol no he doesn't. you're just making shit up now because u don't want to admit you're wrong

>What is middle management?

>give us tax cuts
>we won't use tax havens anymore
>we promise

Yeah NN is soooo great I get my choice of two monolithic corporations to get my internet from

the eternal obama leaf is just chimping out over the impending day of the rake

Nah I made good points. You retards are cucks for thinking that tax cuts for Walmart and Goldman Sachs will trickle down on you. The CEOs are laughing in your ugly faces but u good soyim are too cucked to care

He's going for Sweden. He made his first investment betting against the Swedish housing market just last week. How powerful is this Soros guy? Should I sell my apartment? It's trippled in value since I bought it in 2009. I would love to cash in at the top and rent for a few years and then buy again after the crash.

By removing Title II protections, we can sue the telecoms for anti-trust now. We are just getting started.

>Being this autistic that you spend hours every day terrified about some old Liberal donor
>Meanwhile sucking up the propaganda pumped out by Koch Brothers and Republican masters

Do you honestly think that Republicans don't have billionaire backers that fund right-wing agendas?

a lot of shills are paid by koch and mercer to divert attention

to be fair anyone who isn't retarded and had a lot of money would do well to bet against the housing market in all the big "immigration countries" (Canada, Australia, Sweden, etc.) since their entire economies are property bubbles fueled by financialization of property bubbles driven by immigration

lmao fox and disney are merging and creating a beast

republicans don't do shit about anti-trust

not these days anyways