Put your hands near the small of your back again and we will shoot you do you understand?

>put your hands near the small of your back again and we will shoot you do you understand?
>puts his hand on his back
>gets shot
1000% not the cops fault
perp did the EXACT thing he was told not to do.
multiple times.
and is a bumblefuck retard on top of it.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a white guy dude.

im not a racist.
i dont judge people on their race like the nazis and SJWs.
i judge people by their actions.

I kind of agree but the cop was still an enormous dumbass. When the guy was lying on the ground with his hands behind his head they could have just walked up and cuffed him.

Instead he tried to innovate some sort of modern interactive dance floor routine

they thought there was a 3rd perp armed with a rifle in the room

unironically when i saw the video i was like FINALLY a case for the cops. beacuse cops have been getting a bad rep recently and we see fucking clear as day in this video of the cop being 100% in the right. realistically that shouldn't have been a fucking heavy duty AR aimed at the fatso but it shoulda been a taser or some shit. When i saw the defence of the guy who died i was in fucking awe. And they had the audacity to really think the cop who did it should be punished. What a laughable country

Land of the free amirite?

It's ok to be white.

is there a video of this???

you are the definition of racist.

Yet they stand in the frame (of the wrong door), casually for minutes afterwards?

As soon as he's prone with arms out, you drag him and cuff him.

It's really not hard.

>admitting you are from reddit

Its boths false, while the suspect shouldnt have moved his hands , the cop shouldnt have spent so long playing the word game and just detained the suspect asap.
Both parties are guilty of being stupid, especially the suspect waving air guns around for the public to see.

Long story short: If you're so terrified of guns that you can't do your job properly: you need a new job.

he was just trying to reach his super saiyan g-spot

>When a game of Simon says gets too serious.

cops murdered an unarmed contributing member of society

Technically the cop was justified in shooting him, because of what you said, but the situation could've been avoided if the cops had been more competent and given better instructions.

Get on the Floor! Walk the dinosaur!

>be american
>get shot
>you paid for the gun, the bullet,the cops paycheck and his (((treatment))) if he feels bad for killing you afterwards

freedom feels great dosnt it ?

This would have been easy to handle if cops did what they usually do.

> lift up your shirt
> turn around

It's pretty standard but for some reason wasn't used. He went for the trick play of making him crawl.


fascist bootlickers will defend this


>American cops can't just go over to the crying white dude and cuff him

I bet I could get you, through a string of shouted life-threatening illogically-sequenced and self-annulling commands, to put your hands somewhere you shouldn't.

>Having a gun means you're not allowed to be afraid
It's almost like they got a call that someone had a rifle in the hotel, it's almost like in a hotel there's a shitload of doors, almost like someone could be behind one of those doors with the reported gun.
Why does nobody here act like they know anything about self preservation?

Why aren't you living in North Korea?

He was pulling up his shorts, you dumb fucks. The police officer was clearly itching to shoot somebody that night.

i bet the cop is a psycho
how can anyone justify killing an crawling unarmed man?!

>go to pull up shorts
>arm is making the same motion as if you were drawing a gun from your waistband
>do this after being told to not put your hands to the small of your back

He was a father of children in a hotel room with a woman who was not the mother of his children. He should have been shot immediately. The cops should all serve a week suspension for not shooting him sooner.

>if you don't follow the directions of police you will be summarily executed
>"land of the free"

Being a cop means you are paid to take risks to keep others safe.