Youtube shadowbanning comments

A year or so ago I was thinking that youtube was so effective in spreading third way propaganda that this outlet had to be (((their))) next target.

TGSNT had 1-2 million views, and natsoc propaganda was spreading like wildfire with vastly positive feedback. Sure enough, they managed to throttle this type of propaganda fairly silently.

However, the comment sections everywhere were still dominated by our guys, turning more and more people counter-semitic. Now it seems that is gradually coming to an end. Effective comments are shadowbanned either instantly or after a short while. (((Their))) string filter seems to be getting more and more sophisticated by the day. I've been having the most innocuous comments instantly ghosted - sometimes, simply mentioning the word "jew" once is enough. The phrase "A certain group lobbyed for the UK poland-guarantee" gets instantly ghosted, it's getting retarded.

Soon enough, only low brow and ineffective comments will be left alone by these algorithms, while any decent comments will be left in the void without the commenter even knowing about it. This could potentially be a big problem for future growth. How do we deal with this?

I've made posts, log out of my account and my post disappears. Log back in and I can see it again.

>how do we deal with this?
We stop using Youtube, Google, Twitter, Etc... We hold all the cards, but everyone just takes it in the ass and continues using these commie sites.

I was bug sprayed five times.

It happens in stream chats too (like in the OP image). A lot of good people are probably typing their asses off, never knowing nobody can see what they write. You're right, we need something new.

bump, the extent of this must be more widely known

I've been shadow-banned in the MSNBC videos every time, except oddly enough, when I make comments about Joe Scarborough raping and killing his intern. The MSNBC mods must hate Scarborough is my conclusion.

My comments are usually non-offensive and factually correct (also - using the term snowflake always gets you shadow-banned)

Wash Post also deletes all my comments as well when I make a reference to them being CIA sponsored propaganda.

I've known of Youtube's shadow-censoring posts for a few years now. That's why I use a second account (with a different web browser) to make sure my controversial posts are being seen by other people.

Not surprised. Jewgle is itching to go full 1984 on right wing videos. We need an alternative video source.

I've known of them but I'm pretty sure they're being extended constantly these days. I can't even reference Siege, a book, without getting shadowbanned - which definitely wasn't the case a mere few months ago.

I got shadowbanned on RT comment too. We really need a law saying tech companies can not censor without a court order.

Kojima warned us.

fake and gay I tried it

Lol. I don't fully know how it works, sometimes I can use certain words, other times I can't. It might be some time based thing, or it switches on and off for individuals as a part of A/B testing. What phrase did you try?

If the algorithms are any good, they're not going to be pure text filters, but some multi-factorial thing that takes into account the general tone of your posts somehow, and what you've been writing recently etc. Sometimes the filter is so strict I can barely write anything.

we have to out maneuver the algorithms. dont use common search words like jew. and be creative when you say nigger, say "spiderman stole my bike". right after the election when it got really bad i was deleting and remaking accounts every day.


i have noticed this for years now

anyone remember what the comment sections were like in RT video circa 2012?
i would frequently have my comments reach the top

the comment sections on their videos were even more glorious than the 1930's

you must be very gratefull you did not catch typhus

Thats not an option though, we need to reach the normies for our ideologies to spread. Our main goal right now is to wake as many people up as possible.

This is false. I've made plenty of racist/rabble-rousing comments on a whole plethora of YouTube videos and I almost always get up-votes/comments back from people. I also constantly see racist comments in YouTube political videos.

I have noticed however that certain major news sites shadow-ban your comments if they include "offensive" words like swears or racial slurs.

channel owner can shadowban, if you said racist shit thats what happened

not youtube

go to an msnbc vid - insult them on the 18 month Russia collusion investigation - and close it with - "it's not even springtime and you snowflakes keep melting away - HAHAHA" & you will be shadow banned.

or - thank them for burning down Ferguson Missouri on a patently false narrative with your hands up don't shoot bs. That also gets me shadow banned.

I've extensively tested this, I'm talking about automatic shadowbanning from youtube side. You can use one browser with your account logged in, and another one which is logged out to check for yourself in realtime.

but this is what shadowbanning does

there are word filters as well, makes it look like the account is banned but it is not, it is only when you use certain words, the channel owner can set all of these

(1) Stop using youtube as it wants you to. Go through hooktube or keepvid and post your comments on forums.
(2) Start new neutral accounts and post much less obvious comments.
(3) Create distractions and false complaints at youtube-favored channels.

Lol. Looking at the stream chat with two browsers, some posts shows up in both, while others only show up in the one. Sometimes the posts are ghosted while only using words that others in the chat are visibly using, so it's not a word filter from channel owner.

that sounds like server errors, youtube is buggy like that all the time
if the intent was to ban people it wouldn't show up anywhere

OP, your problem is simple:


Take a few days off, then post some comments and you will see that they will show up.

I barely post

These shadowbans are definitely not server errors as I can replicate the results on all kinds of unrelated small shit channels. There is some kind of continual censoring algorithm that works globally on certain words and phrases when active.