Other urls found in this thread:

Nice try doug


Low effort

So, basically, the left really hates him and dug up a sexual assault claim.
Can't say the left wouldn't do that since they've been trying to suborn his murder; slandering him would be nothing compared to that.
Guess we shall see how it goes. No links, OP?

Is this your first day on Sup Forums?


Don't be reddit please.

Nice period at the end of your news headline, aspiring newsman.

nice flag broski

'tis the season

Republicans btfo again just like moore!

cool man how does it feel to pay for a virtual vip paper machee construction board pass?

Feels pretty good. No capcha to dick around with. $20 well spent.

Atleast you tried


sounds like when Luke Dies. Leia doesn't die. Yoda Returns. Snoke Dies

You fall off the truck today?
LOTS of lies posted to Sup Forums and NOTHING turns up on Google or DuckDuckGo for "ajit pai sexual assault". I asked a legit question. If you can't put up, shut up.

user, OP used a website to make a fake news image. I literally posted the site up the thread. He was doing this for (you)s

>do anything of note in your life that causes someone do disagree with you

>Christmas Island
>Right around Christmas
Hi proxynigger.

Honestly? Of course I'm here user.

$20 what per month because I would legitimately not be surprised for cucks like you to actually pay this.

Retard, it's $20/year and I pay it with my BTC gainz

>I'm a meme man, I have this meme thing that is being paid by this other Sup Forums meme thing
Bro just don't kill yourself because you're obviously on the edge of it.

I like it better than primetime TV, so it's my evening entertainment.

always interesting when i see a country ive never heard of or knew existed. you a native?

Huh? Is this another lol you're a leaf thing? Get out more neckbeard faggut

You seem confused.

He raped my internet


ive had that in the name field for a while i just dont feel like changing it. one time, someone tried to make a "what did he mean by this?" thread using a post i made the previous night, and i saw the name in the screencap. i guess after that i was too ego-inflated to change it

How new are YOU, cancuck?

Keep on rocking with it then. It's not that much different than what I'm doing.

> Can't someone just go ahead and charge that guy with sexual assault already?
-Seen in a tweet about NN earlier today.

Mass hysteria. Where are Moore's accusers now that the election is over? They're playing this to the hilt, and it's coming to the point where each accuser will have increasingly less credibility so that when the hammer falls on the big players, no one will believe it to be true.

>dat font
you faggot

Lgbtkys you stupid fucking faggot.