Ajit Poo literally shits on designated american internet

>Ajit Poo literally shits on designated american internet.
>Sup Forums praises it

Other urls found in this thread:


It only helps mega corporations, most of the people praising it are paid shills

>Sup Forums is libertarian
>deregulation happens

Your flag is all kinds of incorrect.

Net Neutrality was the mechanism that put in place the power of the federal government to regulate internet content. All IPs had to give equal access to all websites, but if the government said, say Sup Forums, was to be banned it would be banned.
Right after Obama put NN in effect by Executive Order, he signed over control of the US internet to the UN. The US can't limit content by 1st Amendment, but the UN can.

some on Sup Forums behave like the liberals they hate, gladly cut off their own head it if pissed off libtards... fucking over the shit that goes on in here...

and without NN it makes it so much easier for ISP to block sites like Sup Forums

I can't wait for the internet to become a niche hobby for middle class white guys again.

>but if the government said, say Sup Forums, was to be banned it would be banned.
first amendment, the government cannot actually do that. corporations can though because they aren't bound by the first amendment

It's kind of funny considering all the illegal shit that Verizon did before they enacted NN, and then all the illegal shit they did during it. It really should exist, but it never actually helped.

the propaganda was really effective

>block websites for no reason
>competition scoops up dissatisfied customers
>alternatively fcc invokes article II

>>block websites for no reason
>>competition scoops up dissatisfied customers

>only 1 ISP in your area
>fuck the lube just let them fuck you right in the ass

A lot of areas only have one provider


>Literally wants Jews to slow/shut down small business websites so he can pay more slingbergs to goldbergs

>mfw I type Ajit and it autocorrects to "shit"

Then move you fucking worthless Nigger


For now. Monopolies only persist with government patronage. An ISPs success will only attract competition.

That's not fair. There's also some clueless fuckwits.

>literally incapable of reading the last line

If it hurts Reddit it helps Sup Forums

It takes a few years to even set up an ISP for a new area

Is the FTC better equipped to handle ISPs than the FCC? They seem more anti-fraud, and healthcare investigators than internet regulators though they did introduce the Do Not Track mechanism that some browsers support.

>example of a propaganda success

yes goy, when you get rid of the rules that keep ISPs from blocking small business web sites it saves small business web sites from being blocked.

also war is peace
slavery is freedom
poverty is wealth
ignorance is wisdom

Reddit got BTFO so it was worth it.

This will never happen, but if this ever happens.. maybe they will be... h-hope???

Then get another ISP.
Letting the Government ban ALL ISP from granting access to a website for politics is not the answer.
The left wing has been arguing that treaties are superior to the Constitution because they intentionally won't parse words correctly. It's wrong, but if they get hold of the Supreme court, the constitution is finished.

>Communists literally BTFO
>/leftypol/ mad as fuck

>If it hurts Reddit it helps Sup Forums

>expecting a leftshit to understand irony or be self aware
>pointing out their retarded asspie bullshit like they will understand what you mean or will correct their idiotic behavior

>Letting the Government ban ALL ISP from granting access to a website for politics is not the answer.
Again that can't happen because the government is bound by the first amendment, do you not know what that is?

It would be the FTC, if NN is gone the FTC will almost certainly become the governing body that the ISPs answer to. But your point still stands, they have more than Title II at their disposal as well, they also have Sherman Act Antitrust Laws, Privacy Regulation, and if for example Comcast wanted to degrade or throttle Netflix because they offer video streaming as well it would be dealt with as anticompetitive foreclosure.

NN alarmists are all low information fuckwits.

NN is not even interesting you people are such incredible, breathtakingly gay phaggots

Which is fine, user. Change is not always immediate. The best kind of change is incremental anyway.

The government trying to legislate change into existence rarely works out well for citizens.

>false equivalence

Yeah, good thing the government has less power to ban Sup Forums now, 'cause that's how this works.

net neutrality is shit

>durr lets give Netflix all the power over isps


>durr there will be fast lanes now


Actually, nn as originally enacted only helped big internet giants like the Goog and Facebook.

With Title II if ISP or FCC deems Sup Forums as "illicit" content it can block or throttle it anyway.

FCC has nothing to do with bandwidth usage. The only purpose of the FCC is to censor.

If an ISP is blocking a website you can file a complaint with the FTC. They exist to protect consumer rights and destroy resource monopolies.

FCC doesn't care if Disney has a monopoly on copyright (Disney merger with Fox didn't apply to broadcasting sectors), but cares if AT&T is trying to buy up multiple broadcasting companies (ie, Direct TV, CNN, etc) because it gives one company too much power to propagate to the public.

Hasn't stopped 'em before, nigger.

>ISPs sue the government claiming the government doesn't have the authority to stop them from throttling and blocking web sites

>Court decision is that the government doesn't have the authority to stop ISPs from blocking and throttling anymore

>new laws passes to put back in place the same authority to keep ISPs from playing favorites with internet traffic

>now those rules keeping ISPs from blocking and throttling got repealed.

>1 ISP in your area

What is satellite internet.

Its supposed to help both the big ones and the smaller services. Remove it and ISP's have more power effectively fucking everyone.
Its too soon to see changes but I would be cautious if I were you guys.

What changes though? We didnt have nn before 2015.

>America is the new loo for the most delicious of Hindustani poo.

>searches "pressure cooker"
>suspected terrorist
>gets arrested
>calls someone a nigger
>that's a hate crime
>criticizes immigration
>that's xenophobic
>arrested for intollerance
Haha good thing that doesn't happen in the US and only happens in the superior EU, right? Ban guns so we can't defend ourselves! That'll stop criminals from breaking the law! XD

Depends on how much they can go.
To the extreme, assuming they can discriminate or throttle all they want, they could very well discriminate users by both bandwidth and priority while blocking competition and thotling down those who dont pay them what they want.

the modern equivalent to shiting in your own hands and eating cause you have no other choice..
Do you even understand internet technology ?

>picking favorites
>levels of service

>*how further

>Has most punchable face
>Punches internet harder

Sup Forums will do anything that is contrarian since /r/the_donald invaded

FTC already involves ISPs as far as consumer rights are involved. Its the fault of local state leaders for allowing shitty infrastructures and state-monopolies. They also do nothing to help their citizens when they want to file a class action anti-trust lawsuit against an ISP.

FCC deals with public broadcasting (ie radio, TV). Title II has no power to manage ISP infrastructure, let alone bandwidth usage. All it deals with is ISPs unlawfully blocking or throttling "public" content through bias. Because with Title II and as long as ISPs classify themselves as "Broadband" they are subject to FCC censorship regulations.

If trump said that everyone on Sup Forums should kill themselves most of them would do it. There arent even discussions here anymore. This board is now just shills, counter shills, "im just pretending to be retarded" shills, "praising trump" threads, "calling trump a jew shill but still supporting him" threads, and "fuck niggers/liberals/europeans/asians" threads.

Free market mother fuckers

>Girlfriend bought 3 cookers online
>Fucking FBI comes for a visit

Felt like a criminal man

the government made internet an article 2 so it could eventually make it article 3, idiot, who would want that?

fuck off shill its 4d chess


Hey don't blame me because you're a poorfag that can't afford a good package

>Sup Forums will do anything liberal since reddit invaded

This shit is done. It's over. Capitalism has prevailed. Stop crying about it for fuck's sake.

you already pay for a level of service
you pay for a rate you receive data
or you pay for an amount and a rate

I'm surprised Trump hasn't killed the FTC for being anti-business.

Keep sucking Google's hydra-headed kike dick you fucking fairy.

I live in Aus, does not affect me, i am just showing how cucked you Amerifags are

>It's a big fucking joke
>OP doesn't get it, is it or it not b8?

Wonderful, so we can agree that there is no picking favorites and in fact people and businesses pay for level of service.


FTC is the only reason you can choose between Comcast or Verizon.

>Kangaroo nigger who's country is scared to sell kiddy games like GTA
>Calls Americans cucked

Go fire up the barbie and roast yourself, filthy abo

>triggering libs is more important than actual policy

You should feel bad, suspected terrorist. How dare you consider cooking your own food! Why can't you just enjoy your government brand Starbucks Meal(tm) like everyone else?

Youve gotta stop and think about what chrome-plated balls the sandnigger's gotta have to say 'fuck you' to an entire nation just for a few bucks.
>Fucker must wake up laughing at how he was able to do this shit in the first place
>Do people even look at how he carries himself and shows himself all over the internet? It's like he's just fucking around with as many people as possible for one giant ass joke that's actually pretty hilarious if you ask me

>I don't bother arguing policy because "save the internet" is all you really need to know!
Fuck off, lemming. You being assblasted and confused is just a bonus.


>FCC exists only to censor public broadcasting and prevent monopolies of public broadcasting
>this will make the internet better

Soros is taking baby steps. It starts with an FCC regulation. Then he starts deciding what content is "allowed". Then we turn into Europe with no freedom of speech on the internet.

Seriously I feel bad for every shitty country that comes here to shit-talk. They would not be allowed to do it in their own country.

it was actually a really odd thing to go through. Only eat what's approved by (((them))), get fat and get in debt with healthcare costs

They still can't throttle after this vote. This lie needs to die.