How can people continue to defend trump after this tax "cut" fiasco?

How can people continue to defend trump after this tax "cut" fiasco?

I unironically supported his MAGA message but it's abundently clear the principles he campaigned on are dead to him and the GOP establishment.

This combined with Bannon running a pedophile and losing Alabama(how the fuck do you do that?) show the trump revolution is done.

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you say "problematic" a lot
and "embarrassment"
You're also a female.

Since when did trump become a member of the house or senate?

He directed the focus of the "tax reform" bill which just happens to hugely help his family and friends(the same people he campaigned against).

And the rest of America ya ding dong

>I unironically supported his MAGA message

So you were basically mindfucked by Comcast's propaganda which was destined to uneducated, low-IQ voters.

You can always kill yourself, you know?

Seriously we can't let this guy get a hold of the nuclear codes

fucking retard

Directed the focus!? Bullshit. Your congressmen is buttfucking you, not trump.

Most sources say the tax-cut directly benefits the rich and will provide no economic benefits to the groups that actually need it(you know, the ones that got him elected).

How exactly was the MAGA related to comcast?

I vote for trump for

- Closing border.
- Economic nationalism and holding companies which undermine the US accountable.

What I got was:

-Tax cuts for rich people
-Shilling for Israel.

>I vote for trump for
>- Closing border.
>- Economic nationalism and holding companies which undermine the US accountable.


tax cut will save me $3K a year

>How exactly was the MAGA related to comcast?
It's not. It's just a dumb talking point these shills apparently have now that's based on nothing. But they're such drones and devoid of any critical thinking skills they think it's real. They don't think for themselves, just think what they're told to think.

This is why they can't understand the NN issue.

>$500 000 to Hillary
>$2.5 million to republicans

Wow you sure proved me wrong.

Roy Moore has been debunked. He doesnt even have a basement.

The party split of 50/50 is right there in the image you dumb cunt.

>Comcast is split 50/50 over being given total control of the information that Americans can access.

Imagine being this dumb.

I hope you get indicted Steve Bannon.

This thread isn't about net neutrality, fuck off.

Isnt this exactly what Mega said? The establishmemt would try to say Trump has deviated from campaing goals......just like this.

The GOPe baited the fuck out of Trump. They knew he has no principles and only wants to "win", so they hemmed him in to where he could only "win" by doing the GOPe's bidding. The truth is that to MAGA would mean sticking his neck out and taking heat from the entire establishment, GOPe, Deep State Media arm, etc. He's not a true belieber, just saw a market opportunity on the stump early, and to his credit had some massive balls campaigning. But he can't MAGA. doesn't have the vision and will. For fuck's sake we had Javanka as the gatekeeper for months! Bannon's out.

Best thing is Trump cracked open the nationalist door open. The key point is who next takes the mantle...

I agree with that.

I can almost guarantee after this tax bill passes, excluding a war for Israel trump will become a lame duck president and nothing more gets done.

Why does Bannon always look like a homeless person coming off a 3 day binder?

HIs liver is like a well done steak.


Slide thread

Kys faggot

No way I'm making predictions. Almost anything can still happen with him. But he's going to have 1-2 arch-con SCOTUS picks and he has a shitload of federal judgeships to fill. I'm not a basic bitch conservative but i'll take them in judgeships over sjws. Jerusalem is a perfect example - Trump was feeling unloved so he wanted a wet Zionist kiss and got one, and that's all he got. Bad deal. Sad!

Bottom line, anything can happen, but what was going to already happen, either way, Trump accelerates it all. Accelerationist in Chief.

It's true he will appoint judges, hopefully ginsberg will be dead soon.

Still I doubt he will acomplish anything more in his presidency. After the taxbill his political levarge will be spent, he's done.