Sup Forums on Net Neutrality

Why is it that while every other major websites user bases are panicking over net neutrality Anons on Sup Forums give 0 fucks?



Because we understand complex issues and aren't dumb faggots

Feels before reals user.

Lots and lots of fucking paid russian shitposters and suburban retards being edgy.

Not to mention they already proposed to eliminate the entire reason to have net neutrality. Like we predicted. It's simply a move to give government control over the internet. A means to deliver when Hillary say "Breitbart has no right to exist".


Because there's not a ton of pro NN propaganda being run here, which isn't just a bunch of zerging redditors?

Because doing actual research into issues makes you not retarded about them.


A lot of r/the_donaldfags worship the FCC CEO because he's a "based brown man". It would be racist to oppose repealing net neutrality.


(((Net neutrality))) is super important goys. I saw on Reddit that we will have to pay for Facebook now!!!!

>Sup Forums

Go fuck yourself, and stop drinking the tap water

And op is a fag

No one thought to pay anons to freak out over it. There have been some, but nothing like elsewhere, apparently.

Because Sup Forumstards are contrarian useful idiots. They've been deceived into thinking any regulation is bad because corporate propaganda tells them so and it angers leftists. The Verizon FCC shill sandnigger tells them it's all good and they buy it because muh freewheeling capitalism.

Sup Forums is a shadow of its former self.

Based Magapede

because Sup Forums unironically has the most intelligent and mature userbase of all of them

no, I am not complimenting Sup Forums. this is a statement about the general human stupidity. if you would kill the 95% least intelligent humans on the planet mankind would be much better off

Netflix didn't pay Hiro

Im only interested in hidden flags...if you know what I mean.


>why doesn't Sup Forums give a fuck
you answer your own question. Sup Forums never gives a fuck. Sup Forums does things because Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck. we don't do things because we don't give a fuck. we always don't give a fuck.

I've just mostly stayed out of it because of how little everyone seems to be informed about it and how everyone is just being manipulated into caring for it without developing an understanding first. I've never seen any evidence for the "THEY'LL THROTTLE THE INTERNET" or "THEY'LL START SELLING WEBSITE BUNDLES" claims that have been the main driving force behind the pro-NN party, and stuff like that always makes me suspicious of jumping on the bandwagon, I mean, why not just go all the way and start shouting "ISP CEOS WILL BE ALLOWED TO RAPE BABIES IF NN IS REMOVED". Nobody will fact check or verify or provide evidence for what is actually likely to happen but just make wild speculations to keep something around that they don't understand because the people above them want to keep it.

I've never seen any compelling pro/anti NN arguments so I just don't care about it.

Because I’m not a racist bigot like those yahoos over at reddit

>Not having full NKRO

>because Sup Forums unironically has the most intelligent and mature userbase of all of them
wow who are your peers IRL? Permavirgins ranting about all women being whores and blaming their woes on jews is maturity and intelligence to you? Not to mention obsessing over pundit-tier news fed to them by MSM sources while their own lives go to shit...

>my fucking nose

>everyone calls each other faggots, niggers, cucks, soyboys, manlets, burgers, le 56% face, poos, etc

Honeslty why do these people give a flying fuck one way or another. It's not going to change anything. And that the way they are slobbering on the knob o free 'based pajeet' just makes me sick


Nothing is stopping you from creating a thread that isn't bait.

But you would never do that.

i dont use facebook or any other social media. id be happy if it dies. hopefully the indian will ban porn as well.

k mjim90

I went ham, I even managed to hit the spacebar second.

being mature means being able to handle bants and different opinions instead of restricting yourself to pc speech and censorship. Sup Forums is not a safespace which is why it is a mature place

okay go ahead name me any other community as big as Sup Forums that is more mature and intelligent

Or do they?


You sir, are the most patronizing, dick sucking, Verizon-ball-fondling, tech support giving, freedom hating, cringeworthy, cuntish fuck I have ever seen. I feel dirty even typing this comment, because I’m taking time out of my day to acknowledge you exist. Scumbags like you are the reason people hate this country’s government. Get raped in a dumpster. Sincerely, A pissed off Youtuber.

Jew shilling for Jewgle, Jewtube, and other (((content creators))) detected.

>Sincerely, A pissed off Youtuber.

Get a real job

they already had a "packaged internet" where they would prevent people from accessing certain services on mobile phones such as face time, asking for more money to have that feature. They already throttled p2p connections so you wouldn't be able to torrent movies so you could buy their own tv packages. You're just too fucking stupid to realize it. You fags don't understand complex issues at all, you all got 4D chess'd by those fags and dont even realize it. Once again, the americunts supported regulations that went against their own interest.

>if you say any of these words on other platforms you will be screeched at autistically, shadobanned or outright banned
>somehow that makes them more mature
stupid faggot

I went home and the cable jumped out of the wall and raped me


I was so pissed when I heard about this shit that I actually considered assassinating him for a moment. fuck you for supporting the end of the internet as we know it you pile of shit.

waiter, more pasta please


because we bothered to see what it was all about before deciding to react to it

its nothing


Damn this motherfucker must have a fat head , also

And your mom is sucking my dick as we speak. My conjecture should be proof enough.

Because most of the internet is smart enough to know pic related is a bad idea, and is therefore against it. People on this board are contrarians who support whatever liberals are against, so they support pic related happening.

>net neutrality gets implimented a couple years ago
>all this youtube advertising drama starts
I bet its somehow related if you dig deep enough and you are literally fighting against your own interests.

This isn't funny guys. Ajit Pai just personally kicked down my bedroom door, knocked over my freshly procured plate of Great Value Honey Mustard Chicken Wyngz, snipped my modem's cables, and proceeded to meander around my bedroom making fun of not only my luxury fidget spinner collection but also my Star Wars Edition Funkopops. When I managed to stop crying and pick my head up from my desk to give him a piece of my mind, he'd already shot me in the back of the head with a Nerf Gun and strolled out through my front door with my wife in his arms and her son on his back.

We were here before Facebook.
We were here before Reddit.
We were here before Tumblr.
We were here before Twitter.
We were here before Instagram.

And when all of them have come and gone, we will still be here.


That did not happen for the many decades the internet existed before net neutrality went into action 2 years ago.
It will not happen now.

The thing i want to know is now that we have gotten rid of it, just how long does nothing need to happen for before you retards realize its not going to?

>completely fails to read his debunking here

This is issue to monopolies, birthed by the corrupt politicians merging with monopolists. The solution is anti trust suits, not more government control.


Except that in Europe, the golden land of Net Neutrality is the only place I know of where the government arbitrarily censors content on YouTube.
Explain that you retarded fucking pile of extra chromosomes.

Say no more - these 2 responses right here hit the fucking bullseye!

>doesn't understand that what happens is someone makes a point then immediately gets called one of the things I mentioned

You are too immature to understand my original post

Fuck off


...and curtains.

>the FCC was invented to censor political speech, enforce conservative norms, and establish a TV monopoly
>left sees the FCC as teh savior of freedom
>NN would've allowed federal agency to strongarm ISPs into shutting down sites or keeping dissidents off the internet altogether
>Twitter/FB/Google censor and limit communication every day
>left doesn't care about communication now

It doesn't set any kind of precedent for a centralised and centrally regulated internet, you colossal faggot, It extends common carrier status to ISPs. That's literally all it does.

Explain how ISPs being common carriers leads to a centrally regulated internet.

>666 get
Satan confirms Sup Forums is immortal.

Your original post was garbage. There's nothing to respond maturely to you fucking cum guzzling faggot.

if Trump bent over on live television and let forty rabbis rape him, Trumptards would applaud it

your God is a jewlover

I do see there are a lot of George Soros media matter faggots on here shilling for google, twatter and fagbook... waaa waaa it is way past your bedtimes kiddos.

aww boo hoo
want mommy to put a hot towel on you ass?
sack up fagtron

nice tl;dr

We aren't faggot redditors who hop on bandwagons because they've been convinced via social pressure its cool

>Anons on Sup Forums give 0 fucks
many anons on here have been brainwashed by the propaganda bots and paid shills who robopost here 24/7

Because Sup Forums won't have to pay more money to function like kikebook or tumblr

the most telling thing about the left is how much in a tiff they get over net nigtrality but children being trafficked raped and murdered for blackmail porn and adrenochrome is a nonissue

>many anons on here have been brainwashed by the propaganda bots and paid shills who robopost here 24/7
you forgot russians

which one are you in this picture ?

Don't worry - MSNBC/CNN/Vox & Buzzfeed say Hillary will win in 2020 - 147% chance (sorry math is racist)

Soros paid people to support it

Because even though we are all LARPing Christians, deep down we are involuntary nihilists. It is why we have the instinctive need to grasp (quite desperately at times) at memes about "objective" morality and the need for an ultimate basis for such. In short we are terrified of the chaos.

Praise Jesus!

thank you for your important opinion, your contribution will shape the world for eons to come
remember, you are important and you have impact on the world

Czeched Satan.

>after the race wars

wtf I love net jewtrality now

>Explain how ISPs being common carriers leads to a centrally regulated internet.
They won't because they can't. They also have nothing to say about the millions of tax dollars the companies got to build infrastructure which they pocketed....

It's simple. Sup Forums wants Chaos, we are the ultimate contrarians and just want to see people butthurt. Ignore any of the faggots pretending like we give a shit either way, all we want is to watch the happening. We want to watch and laugh as all the libcucks and leftists get asshurt whenever something they don't understand happens, despite not really understanding it ourselves, but at least we get to laugh at someone. It's revenge on the normies for the rejection we've faced from society from them, watching them writhe in pain as everything they hold dear is taken from them is the most satisfying thing alive. All the salt produced, all the tears, all the cries of the "internet activist" fuel us. There's nothing at stake for a NEET like me (and most others), so we just enjoy watching everything burn. That's why we voted for Trump. I'm not a retard that thinks he's some sort of super genius, I just wanted to see him make liberals and leftists butthurt, cry and whine and moan. Just like why I supported Roy Moore, just wanted to see people get all asshurt, and it worked. Shame he didn't win because the salt mine from that would have been glorious. Net Neutrality, who even gives a fuck about this shit anyways, nothing will happen even if it was a good thing, and normies everywhere are anal-devastated from it so it's all worth it in the end.

If net neutrality is so useless why did it get implemented in the first place?

Let me just say that Verizon already throttles video to 720p or even 480p on the cheaper plans, the fine print even says that you'll be less of a priority than if you were on the more expensive plans

I don't worry because the worst is already happening and the rest is just shills worried about having to pay more for netflix

whoever they are its ridiculous. then those /cbts/ threads were going around and everyone was posting in them with user names, i was bored and cross referenced the user names on 4plebs.
I found a poster who had made thousands of posts over the previous week and literally posted for 16 hours straight, exactly 8 hours of no activity from 10pm to 6am, and then back to posting.
idk man, to me that seems like a bot using a Sup Forums pass trying to make it seem as if its not a bot.


>nothing will happen
But even though multi-billion dollar corporations have co-opted everything else in government...this one thing... they will not co-opt.

>They also have nothing to say about the millions of tax dollars the companies got to build infrastructure which they pocketed....
Don't muddy the waters, you cock-smuggling anal bandit, that has nothing to do with anything.

>satan tripsss get
checked and stay safe now

bcv v

net neutrality and Net Neutrality are two different concepts.

If the latter was just the former, I would not have problems with it.


gf gtrvtggtgtfvygtfdewsghyjukl;,oiuhjygtfas sxz

Oh mein gott, this was worth the read


To let the left censor the internet by establishing heavy handed regulation that protects 'lawful content' and the means to inspect all internet traffic to ensure its being 'treated equally'.

All it takes then is to decide something is illegal and the mechanism is already in place to actively track and filter it in real time.