Will young males in the West ever go back to the institution of marriage...

Will young males in the West ever go back to the institution of marriage, or has feminism made the too unappealing/financially risky?

All my friends and my girlfriends friends are getting married and now she’s hinting that she wants to get married. either people not wanting to get married anymore is a meme or I just oddly happen to be surrounded by the outliers. This is 22-27 age range btw.

Many will, the prospect of endless amounts of white pussy will make you think stupidly.

But many know that it’s an institution of the 1900s and not relevant anymore.

How to fix the developed world in three easy steps:

1) Women no longer allowed to vote
2) Women no longer allowed access to higher education (beyond high school)
3) Minor financial bonuses to FAMILIES (not given to single mothers) for every child they raise. No more bonus after third child, but people can continue breeding if they have the means.

You're welcome.

They'll do it once they are lonely enough

Wouldn't this just force women to stay in abusive relationships or face poverty?

if we can prove the holocaust and 911 were frauds then we have a slim fighting chance.

If you don't understand why you are a brainlet.

I get what your saying I think. But validate me for smart boy points please. something to do with collective faith in society?

With all the absolute insanity with #metoo I can't even imagine being single. Women are fucking out of control right now and are lying to destroy the lives of successful men.

He hope so

If you discourage sex before marriage, and we return to proper dating, this wont be an issue.

think of da poor, poor women goy

think of da hypothetical abused wife

Marriage was always about keeping women in line.

By definition, in Conservative cultures women are just breeders. :/

The Eastern views toward marriage seem far more appealing and sucessful in fostering stable, prosperous families. As well as building up communities rich with societal cohesion. The West is either going through a cultural dark age or its death throes.

Even if they get married the issue is also if they're going to have children or not.
It's expensive and a lot of people have no financial security and may already be overworked. They can't have children.

sure, hitler comes up regularly when teaching law and history.
Just watch Jordan Peterson try to explain Hitlers motives. He cant do it haha he goes on to conclude hitler wanted to fail basically.
Then when white girls are learning about history they find out how evil white people are and it makes betraying their race fun!
by proving 911 was fraudulent it will get people rethinking what they are constantly told and seems like absolute truth.

MGTOWs are pathetic fags who basically surrendered to the feminists and let them win. I hope all MGTOWs get aids and die.

China socially frowns on unmarried women over 25. Left over women they're called

That's the thinking of a woman's mind. I think many men are perfectly content being alone as long as they have something productive to do.

>50% divorce rate

I work at a restaurant and the millennial s that come in (who are rich enough) sit there staring at their phones their entire meal while they are with their “significant” other

Relationships don’t exist like before. It’s over. Now it’s just buying new shit and being on social media pretending to be cool

Why is Sup Forums full of unironic fundies?

oh the irony

feminists are not desirable. there is a reason so many old feminists are single/lesbian.

I will never marry an American women unless it's legally impossible for them to refuse to sexually serve me as much as I want and it's impossible for them to divorce me unless they forfeit 100% of my assets and any kids that may or may not exist

t. being a good mom is abusive

What are you memeflag shills doing here?

They are called old maids, not chink leftovers. Real white men marry 8 year olds. Patriarch4LyfeBiatch

so what if i go to a different coutry full of white people (if there are any left)
maybe i will find my aryan goddess there?

>as long as they have something productive to do

Nah, most people instinctively require love and a bond with another. Plus there's not much productive for young men, jobs are all wageslave tier shit. Loneliness is hell, there's a biological drive to find someone to share your life with, solitude might be bearable if you have a large family and community, if you take care of your family's children or have an important social role. Sadly most young men don't have that sort of privilege.

Women are going extinct after artificial wombs are perfected.

no 3dpd is still best fug

Who is this seed vault?

Nah no no polski...

1) Sell your would-be wife/bff to a black bull

2) Buy a cockring with the money

3) Sit in the corner and jack off

>Tfw people are festering anyway about "muh white women" meme so it doesn't matter if you troll them or not.

i fester about it because we were on our way to a well refined race now its an empire of dirt

Not sure if feminists are interested in that. Family is dead user.

Hungarian Christian actress Barbara Palvin

Only one way to find out...smash it all.

Not 100% sure she is blacked.

find what out haha
i KNOW we have something good going and we are throwing it away because we haven't been awake

I know I know...I would have assumed that bringing it to their frontyard with all the interracial shit in the media and irl would have moved the average joe.

But alas, they have conned everyone into being afraid of being a neo-nazi.

In theory, miscegenation is about as sure as entropy - it is just a matter of time. It would take an enormous amount of digits to convince normies.

sure. our only hope is revealing holohoax.
revealing 911 is the first step there.

Started dating a really nice 6' tall blonde Dutch girl when I was 18. We did the let's go to college thing and ended up drifting apart three years later. Knowing what I know now, I would have put a ring on it, convinced her to to be a stay at home mom, and had my first of many kids with her before I turned 20. Oh well.

>Not 100% sure she is blacked
>has "enfant gate" on shirt
>literally translates to spoiled child
yeah, I'd say she's been blacked

No she's pure

>turbo whore

Right Nigel
She's a coalburner

alpha fucks beta bucks right roastie?

Believe it or not, most "men" 20-30 years old are completely and utterly bluepilled. I have one friend of maybe ten that leans just a little to the right. The rest are full on soyboys.

Same here man, it’s definitely a meme, there’s an engagement every 4-6 months in my friend groups

She ain't happy. Believe me still thinks of you

Well if you cant find a good man it isnt our fault

the force of the law being used to destroy other men's lives is more terrifying then loneliness will ever be.

The problem is NOT "proper dating" It's the laws designed to allow the woman to destroy a man's life, steal his money (legally) and take his authority away.

That folks, is the problem. and until you fix it, you ladies might as well be psychotic for all the good this "good woman" crap will do you. More and more men are reading the laws involved with this mountain of legalese and fuckery... They are saying fuck that shit, fuck it no thanks..

You just have to be sure that she is the one. I decided that my ex of 5 years was not the one due to her many personality traits that poisoned an otherwise comfy situation.

When the price of raising families is brought back down to parity with that of raising livestock. Ah those were the good ol' days, and it's probably the reason why countries where it's such are having higher birth rates.

What about couples who have kids and live together but never get married?

better look into common law user marriage

It's not just feminism young lads will need to deal with. It's the whole gamut of the culture of nigger behaviour, casual sex, destruction of family structure, destruction of a sense of community and the eclipse of traditions that have benefited society since ancient times.