Why are Burgers and Anglos saying we are not pulling our weight?

We are. We are all over the world fighting for Americano-Anglo wars. And then they are shitting all over us with their filthy degenerate media and their "muhhh, 2%" nonsense.

How come Anglo-Americans are such assholes?

Other urls found in this thread:


Its because everyone in the world hates the fucking germans, has this really not sank in after 100 Years?

Then why the fuck do you even ask us to fight alongside you in your shitty wars? If you love your wars so much, why don't you fight in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. yourself?

I am truly serious here. We have not started any of these wars. You have. And we then reluctantly help out and you shit all over us. WTF?


Yeah lol. Funny aint it?

>female defence ministers
why is this a thing

Not funny at all, asshole. Clean up your own mess.

At least a female defense minister is fiscally conservative.

yeah because if there's one thing that's essential to a competent defence force it's "fiscal conservatism"

>Americano-Anglo wars.
Its Anglo-American how can you fuck that up

The only "fighting" the Bundeswehr does under vdL is the FIGHT FOR EQUALITY
The presence talked about there boils down to redundant and unnecessary support roles (recon flights, protecting a french aircraft carrier)
Their materiel ranges from mediocre to bad and any actual combat action leads to hyperventiliating bureaucrats back home

>fiscally conservative

Yes, saving money on equipment and maintenance in favor of flatscreen TVs in the barracks and funding the fight against the gender gap in the armed forces is a brilliant strategy.

Did you even join us in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Uhm, sweetie....

>lost two world wars

von der Leyen
>hasn't lost a single world war

nazicucks BTFO!!!!!!

why do they call it Bundeswehr in a english article?
fuck these jews with their shitty propaganda.

Why don't you just pay the mandated NATO amount on defense? Maybe a little bit less on giving refugees free rides would help?


>loses both world wars
"but ze balance sheets!"

It's because you are using equipment and ammo paid for the the u.s.

>why do they call it Bundeswehr in a english article?

Because we're a Bund and we're getting wehr'd

you know what, maybe you're right!
men are too aggressive and toxicically masculine to successfully wage war
conservatism means nothing, efficient allocation is everything

2 Words Ahmed, MEAT SHIELDS

>2 Words Ahmed, MEAT SHIELDS

Don't you have Canadians for that?

That's not true, Europe hates germans but shitskins have a weird fetish for it.
Still germans are right to not give a single shekel for blowing up shitskins in the middle of nowhere because Israël and Jew-York asked for it.

>paying an occupation tax to amerilards
You realize it's basically feudalism right? When your government whines that europeans aren't investing enough in their army it basically means "buy more weapons from us please".

I'm Truly sorry, but my turkish is not that good yet.so your post made no sense to me.
alas i do hope you know what i meant.

German troops suck.

"And what have we now in Germany? A country of bankers and car-makers. Even our great army has gone soft. Soldiers wear beards and question orders. I am not ashamed to say I believed in National Socialism. I still wear the Iron Cross with diamonds Hitler gave me. But today in all of Germany you can't find a single person who voted Adolf Hitler into power ... Many Germans feel guilty about the war. But they don't explain the real guilt we share – that we lost."

-Hanna 'The Last German Female' Reitsch

>Europe hates germans

Germans are the most popular people in the world.

Apology accepted

Germany has been the kike punching bag for the last 100+ years I am truly sorry.

reaching out for recognition from Anglos.
If you were actually German, not some niggershitter, then I would simply identify you by having enough dignity to despise both US and Britain as the degenerate countries they've been for centuries.

Israel is our greatest ally.

Uhm, excuse me?

America is a problem, but Britain has given us civilization and dignity.

Know your place, peasant.

Jesus Christ

You are occupied since 1945, you are a burger vassal state.

When are you going to fight for independence like Ireland did?

Please leave my thread at once, Nazi scum.

>When are you going to fight for independence like Ireland did?

Fighting is for drunk lower class scum.

Use your words, not your fists. Asshole.

This is a middle finger to nazis and right wingers.

Based! Based Germany!

How many metric tons of soy do you consume on a regular basis?

>This is a middle finger to nazis and right wingers.

lmao inorite

Foreskinlet says what?

Anglos occupy you! And fuck your bitches you cuck-state.

Pay NATO 5% GDP you fat pretzel.
Even Poland and Greece can manage that.

Nahhh krautcuck nailed it the first time

Please stop. Your toxic masculinity is disgusting. Don't ever assume my fucking gender.

Anglos are our friends. And our friends protect us.

It's what friends do, you friendless leprechaun.

the entire US army is a meat shield for British drone strikes. they literally coke up your water supplies and pick up braindead yanks on the side of the road outside school and enlist them in the army.

>"only males can have foreskins!"

I bet you don't even own a single Lady Gaga album, poser.

>braindead yanks

You said yanks twice.

mainly this

but also this

you euros have gone soft, all the while complaining about how much the US spends on its military.

Time for you to pony up.

>implying I don't have the whole collection in vinyl

fucking hell this bait nearly got me, it's not like Ireland is literally a countryhouse for Brits

Scared we will SWEEP you off your feet, little snowflake? :3

>not latex


I need to fap. This is not a drill.


Literally fuck off. Not everyone on Sup Forums sucks Nazi cock, retard.

the entire world is a vassal state for America

Its you angloshits who are unisally hated in world mostly for your meme empire outside of the Sup Forums bubble we are loved in the world so shut your mouth an bin that comment or the cyber police will arrest you

You don't even know what your country is doing in Iraq and Syria. They are not involved in any warfighting, all you stupid ass germans do is to take sandniggers to the shooting range and learn them to use a gun. That's it. You call that war? Get the fuck outta here

>implying I don't have a latex allergy

Your privilege is showing.


Cold war is over dumbshit!

They are occupiers! And you do nothing in Cuckland.

Shut up because you want an army but nobody trusts you m. You're like a pyro trying to get permission to by a clipper. Fuck off and pack it in.

Wow, your Polish immigrants have really done a number on you. No wonder you want out of the EU.

>Cold war is over dumbshit!

War. War never ends.

You stupid penis.

We're goading you because going to war with you specifically makes anglos happy, and you're really dragging ass.

And they say krauts don't have a sense of humour. You're alright, cunt. I'm ever in Cologne, I'll buy you a kebab.

The reparations paid to Israel after WW2 likely helped them out more than any other nation. So it seems accurate.

I guess it's payback? I don't have anything against the Germans, personally, but there are still people alive who remember the the second world War, my grandma for example.

Countries tend to have long memories. While it might suck for you, you should feel happy that America spent a fucking long time protecting West Germany for so long. I doubt Germany would be the country it is today if America rolled back out of Europe. I know we basically did, but America had nukes before anyone else so our dick was waving all over for a few years. I'm just thankful the USA didn't preemptively nuke the soviets. Could you imagine? I'd much rather have these wars against goat herders than against the soviet army. That's just me tho.

TL;DR things are pretty good. If some people have to make sacrifices for it, than you should take full advantage of it. Enjoy the life you have because it's properly a thousand times better than the people your soldiers are fighting .

Guys, I have a question!!!

Does being able to cum multiple times (after short breaks) make up for the fact that I am a fast cummer, or will literally every woman reject me over it?

All I want to do is save the white race by fathering a million white children with a conservative woman who respects me. Is that too much too ask?

I'm scared, guys.

Its a meme


>I'm ever in Cologne, I'll buy you a kebab.

I live in Munich, plus I'm a vegeterian, but you can buy me a tofu currywurst at Gute Nacht Wurst in Klenzestr.

I don't want to.

Volunteers routed your best, anglo-fag

I was in Kiel last summer for BaltOps/Kiel L wocke. A German Naval officer was telling me your Minister for Defence used to he Minister for Families. How ridiculous is that. He even told me

>Ja, so we have de minister for families in charge. Atleast ze Bundeswehr will have good kindergartens

>3-6 dead

They don't even know how many Irishmutts died because live Irishmen and indistinguishable from dead Irishmen lmao

How can potatoniggers ever recover?


No, I really don't want to, I'm sorry.

"mutt" says the tanned German.


He was not even joking about the kindergartens
One of von der Leyen's explicit goals is to set up kindergartens in army bases to make the Bundeswehr more attractive to women with children
It's total fucking insanity

she was a really good Minister in Family affairs mind you. under her Germans actually got back at a decent fertility rate after the "Death of Germany" scare. she was really successfull in taking over the French pro-Family policies.
But she got too popular, so Merkel put her in the most dangerous Position in cabinet to get rid of her.
Thats german politics, if you get too good at what your doing, theyll shoot you down

Same flag, different IDs.

Why is this allowed?

>Implying the pathetic Bundeswehr does any fighting

Its honestly shocking how weak and useless the german army is these days.

put your glasses on, kraut

They probably shit on you because you didn't do fuck all in Afghanistan.

When Canada starts pulling more weight then you, its time to evaluate your life.

Yea, more german troops deployed abroad, so the enemy which is already millions strong in Germany can destroy the country better.

Seriously, I'm not against women in leadership roles, but Germany kinda proves why women shouldn't LEAD when it comes to military affairs.
The enemy is among us, so let's send our troops far. Germany is toast.

This. Canada is leading the fight on racism and toxic masculinity as well. You krauts need to step it up.

I don't know whether it's that much of a general pattern or just Merkel disposing of rivals to remain "alternativlos"
Anyway, I'm no fan of vdL, but I'd prefer her over Schwesig or Barley as a minister of family any day

your not even contributing 200k soldiers abroad. so your not doing anything.

"oh look we sent a battalion to some god forsaken place. look at us were doing it were doing it." ~ some faggy kraut 2017

Don't even TALK to me, nazinigger.

We have no enemies. Germans are the most popular people in the world.

How the fuck did hittler lose two world wars . Are you fucking retarded krautcuck

why the fuck should we die for senseless fruitless wars in a desert shithole on the other side of the earth ?

>How the fuck did hittler lose two world wars

Never send an Austrian to do a white man's job.


why do those shitty desert countries give their soldiers green camo?

So that your country can be enriched by the wonderful diversity of the world.

Green is the color of hope. But I wouldn't expect a retarded Canadian to know this. Go suck dog cock, you stupid vagina.

Hittler lost one world war not one . Ffs mohamed

To hide in the poppy fields protected by America's soldiers.