How do I fix my fetish for the most slutty degenerate women?

How do I fix my fetish for the most slutty degenerate women?

You faggots bang on about "mug traditional waifus" yet they are all boring as fuck and usually even worse than your average whore

You're the kinda guy that would lift in order to attract a woman rather than improve yourself. You're never gonna make it.

You need ti force yourself to see that whores are using your primal instinct to get what they want.

>tfw boring guy
Where do I find these boring girls?

Brush your fucking teeth, that will solve your problem.

leave them for the blacks, if theyre white anyway

Sup Forums is full of /r9k/ tier incels who claim to hate women when in reality they're just jealous they can't fuck who they want. I say keep going for the chicks you've been going for. They're wayyyy more fun than regular women. At least they're honest about what they want. Just keep fucking them until you find one you can put up with even when you're not having sex and you'll be golden.


Most people in England have decent teeth we just aren't cucked into having them whitened by Dr. Shlomo so shit loses colour over time its natural.

>America is literally a jewish colony these days

Keep mutilating your children too, it pleases your masters

actually most males in england have piss yellow teeth

I will not be lectured too by a circumcised kike, remove yourself

you must be one of those liberal democrat anti fact lala land lbgt handicapts

Grab a degenerate and impregnate her.

I hear that usually works for all types of women. Good advice.

Are you abo?

pray to allah, bong boi

Pray to Allah you don't get sunk, samali

take the trap pill, theyre loyal and fun

Hit a nerve, govna? I thought they were all uprooted.

Until they either regret the sex and call you a rapist, cuck you into an open relationship, or just flat out cheat on you.

I only like tumblrinas to be honest, I don't like sluts but neither do I like those threadbare traditional women. Tumblrinas seem to me the epitome of feminity, they are very feminine and praise their feminity, not like those submissive women who don't want to improve themselves because they are traditional and embrace their obedience wholeheartedly.

I would love to have a short haired bossy tumblrina as a girlfriend.

It's never rape of you're attractive. Notice all these Jews being accused of rape are uggo af. If she breaks it off or cheats, who cares? Move onto the next one.

Of course this only applies to happy, confident men. Incel boys like you find on Sup Forums and /r9k/ (though, honestly, is there a difference between those two boards these days? Not really) have to settle for whatever pussy falls into their laps.

I'm willing to bet that thing you posted has a benis you fucking ball gargling faggot.

yes just be happy and confident it will magically protect you from any kind of harm a woman can do in our gynocentric society.

Christian Traditional women are fucking boring, it's true.

>tfw you want an intelligent, artistic woman who is also feminine and leans relatively conservative and doesn't sleep around

It's hard out there mates

t. 0(Zero) experience with women and gets all his knowledge on them from Sup Forums and mgtows

Find a degenerate girl
Do all the crazy ass shit she wants
Give her a baby

I'm also willing to bet that by intelligent you mean that she's into the same faggot things you are. Literally neck yourself right now.

Absolutely BTFO'd

Idk maybe you are just incompatible with most girls? Having a hobby or a skill that you can talk about/show off is a big bonus. Most ladies aren't degenerate, don't fall for the meme. Making a girl laugh is a good start.

Lose your virginity.


Yeah just be bitter and unhappy and blame women all day. Sit around on Sup Forums and never improve. That's the "redpilled" way if living, huh? Sounds so much better and more fun....

why not both

why do you always think that without women there is no reason ever to live or self improve?
Self improvement is a lot easyer when you donĀ“t have the Damocles sword of false rape accusations and nagging and bitching around you all the time.


>He lets his fears control how he lives
What a sad and depressing outlook to live your life by. I feel bad for you.