Boston Globe confirms median net worth of black Bostonians is $8

*breathes in*


Other urls found in this thread:

Really puts the Ooga in the booga

what is it if we subtract all the gibs

Something fishy going on with this thread. I got a warning for literally just laughing at niggers.

Its negative 5000$ because each live nigger is a liability


This exact thread was deleted last night by jew mods

Ayo hol up a minute. Is that taking into account the negative value of the nigger itself?

what the fuck is wrong in laughing at how low a nigger is worth?

they are worth negative after the gibs are removed.

I mean I was more focused on how they are a net drain on the economy and the government steals our tax money and gives it to them so they can have 8 kids with 6 different fathers and we pay them to kill and rape white people

even without the 8 kids, they're worthless. Slavery was a mistake. African should've been glassed.

i'm rich

Paul Kersey said each nigger in America is a $7500 drain on society.
I find that number shockingly low

How much chicken can that buy?



I remember finding it freakish that my household is within the top 10% of earners in the US. But it all makes a hell of a lot more sense when I see shit like how many are going around doing nothing or nearly nothing.

I can't imagine what kind of mindset someone has to have to feel comfortable just existing like that, doing nothing and not feeling they should do anything to improve their lot in life.

Dead niggers are worth $5 million if the cops kill them

I can vouch for this. I am 29 and was jumped by 4 high school kids (suckerpunched and beaten when down.)
I couldn't move my right arm and decided to go to emergency. The hospital bill was 9000$. Imagine those niglets growing up.

This exact thread is posted several times a day with different images; it's also one of ShariaBlue's favorite templates. Don't confuse that shit for anything that's acceptable.

I knew Paul was missing a few zeros.

If you get into debt to buy a house your net worth goes into negatives till you own that house.

lol op, amazing picture

The articles came out 2 days ago

Carry a gun my man

what is wrong with this thread being posted everyday? Is it being used as a bait by shariablue? The kike mods should read this: Even if you nigger faggots permaban me, I will find a way to come here and post dead niggers and kikes each and every fucking day. Fuck you bastards.

>tfw jew york
trying to leave as soon as I can user.
>HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA niggers worth less than a pack of decent smokes lmao HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I say old chap, such language is quite unacceptable for this respectable venue of public discourse.

See that's my post. How the fuck does that get me a warning?

did they warn me because I smoke? shieeet


lmao they should really just sell themselves at this point

I can show you the hospital bill. I ended up paying 13$ because of insurance.

>tfw buy a slave for 8$

29 years old and get beat up by a couple of little kids, do you lift fatso.

Uh huh ok pal

moderators are real terrorists. And we should be at war with them, not "Radical Muslims" We should be at war with these fuckers on the internet that think they can censor people, harass people, y'know... tyrannize people and get away with it.

For many people they feel there's nothing they -can- do to improve their life.
College is a fucking pipedream sham that costs 500% more than it did just 10 years ago, and even with college you're not guaranteed a job from the degree.

>How much for the nigger?

not fat, skinny manlet though. 140 pounds 5'7". Literally had never got into a fight, never even got bullied or anything

what the fuck are you on about?

>tfw way more valuable than a nigger
>not in the US
>can't buy the shit I want
Goddammit whitey! Trade me for a black, I wanna be in the US

You couldn't pay me $8 to take one of these nogs.

Oats and squats, eat meat and veg, lift

Yeah, but we're talking about averages here, and the average nig is killed by another nigger or too much KFC and then they aren't worth shit.

That's $8 too much

You were kcmodded, and it was on Sup Forums.

Not quite. If the value of the home doesn't change, then the value of the asset (your home) cancels out the value of the liability (your mortgage), so there's no net change. And if your house gains value, you actually end up in a net positive position.

Of course, the reverse is true if the house decreases in value: your mortgage ends up being more than the house is worth. This is what happened in 2008. Read a little further into the article, and they discuss how most of the decrease in Black net worth is housing-related.