
If you listen to it, it's just a fucking copout. Typical "problems on both sides" le radical centrist bullshit and >tfw to intelligent to have an opinion.
He's not even mad at kraut for going after us. He's mad that kraut looks like a fucking idiot and is making himself and anti-race-realists look like morons, as they rightfully are.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Implying your wouldnt pound his pure, aryan biopucci

Why would a faggot, care what a couple of other faggots are saying or doing online? How gay are you?

In other news, Kraut plans to go down fighting, using any means necessary. He plans to dox every ebil raycist he can. Anons make sure to back up that one video where Kraut blasts le SJWs for dirty tactics, such as doxing

this so much this he never says what the so called alt right did wrong

>that ID

>pure aryan biopucci
he is a jew tho user

So where are you on this scale?

I do not have an answer for you


This is the problem with Sargon, he absolutely refuses to take a position on fucking ANYTHING. He's such a fucking good shill

Yes, keep in mind, people were pressuring to mirror the race realist video for the sake of impartiality.

Not long ago he got attacked by a minor outlet over talking to the alt right, so now he needs to reinforce in the public space how (((centrist))) and skeptic him and his community are, and officially posting a race realist video wouldn't help him. Conveniently, now he just "doesn't want the drama".
"I'll just delete this week old mirro which was not even necessary to be kept up in the first place to show how impartial I am".

He has those dead eyes....like a shark or prostitute

When is the reckoning maaastaaaah, hissss hissss

You brainlets don't understand Sargoy's role. He's useful as an escape route from the sinking ship that is cancerous leftism.

So what if he's a civnat cuckfiend? Civnats don't have all the answers and people will eventually wander further right when Sargoy can't explain why people vote along racial lines. He's a gateway to something greater.

still waiting for the video about krauts discord


>destructive psychopathic german genes + slimy minded kike genes
What an unholy mix.

and some beady eyed anglo genes

Joey Diaz?!

In the other thread people talked of a stream with Kraut, JF and Ayan Paladin, link?

Looks about as German as Weinstein.

soulless eyes user

>If you listen to it, it's just a fucking copout.
Of course it is.
He really didn't have many options and he isn't brave enough to sacrifice his channel over kraut chimping out.
If he mirrors Kraut Video and not JFs he is blatant Hypocrite.
If he mirrors JFs video he will get A LOT of flack for that, he already got attacked a number of times for significantly less (I wouldn't even rape you).
The only option he has that won't hurt him in some way is abandoning ship.

>In the other thread people talked of a stream with Kraut, JF and Ayan Paladin, link?

JF doesn't talk much



Warning: 3 hours of autism

Sargon is a leftist, he is using the same Daily Show routine of laughing off valid view points and calling race realists users, etc. He is just not very good at his role.

>those fucking teeth

i cant unsee it now


Aydin enters at ~40:00. Kraut at ~1:15:00.

part anglo

Warski... thanks for the link but I think I'll skip it.

Doesn't matter. His arguments and audience ideologically curve towards the right, AWAY from the left. His attempts to curve people back to the center when race realism shows up is ineffectual.

That's the only thing that matters.

seems like his ""academics"" have abandoned him


woaw what a cringey pathetic creature.

>Shitty, embarassing video by Kraut gets taken down by false flaggers
>Sargon immediately reuploads in support and blames the alt right
>Evidence surfaces that it wasn't the alt right who did it
>Some time passes, in which Sargon tries to make a (((deal))) with Millennial Woes and the alt right that would clearly do nothing but result in the alt right cucking themselves out of the stratosphere
>Slimy Kraut tactics gets exposed by le genetics frog and his video gets taken down for "hate speech"
Sargon is a big fag

It curves away from SJWs which are being abandoned, it does not curve towards ethnonationalism. Just wait until one of the Skeptics gets a deal at MTV.

/ourguy/ confirmed?


Sargoy is never getting on MTV.

He btfo the Kraut
called out the jew and has the answer to the JQ

>you don't understand ____, do you?
every. fucking. time.

Sargon is an absolute dullard, i'm convinced the only reason he's actually made it on jewtube is the fact he has an english panzi accent and amerimutts equate this to scholarly cleverness. I mean come on how many videos of 'esss jaaay dubyooos suck' can people consume before it gets old hat. Also my opinion is sarcuck kinda wants the alt right to be btfo'd and discredited same with all the other skeptics they ran out of material two years ago and need a new punching bag.

So what are the tenants of race realists?
The species meme with the aborigines?

>plans to dox every ebil raycist he can
Pretty much. He has decided that even some of his own inet friends deserve to get doxxed among them.
This right here
is a complete shitfest too.

the most annoying thing about sargon is his smugness, when he pauses a video just to add his fake laughter like this disproves, fuck i hate this fat fuck so much.

sargon just wants to make money from his brand now...he seen what kraut has done to himself and is distancing himself from it before JF locks his target on him

sargon is a decent lad...he blasts the alt right then in the next vid goes full 1488 on white genocide sjws and the migrant crisis lmao

hes just a gate keeper,its not up to him to bring the edgy stuff..but to educate newbs on debate reasoning and seeing the damage social justice is doing

he leaves you to go down the rabbithole on your own...he just shows you its enterance

eventually you stumble across more redpilled youtubers and eventually wind up here like i did.

He came into the scene when there weren't quite as many people making videos about SJWs, I wasn't too active at the time but I know people like Thunderfoot and the Amazing Atheist were around and occasionally made videos on the topic, but Thunderfoot's videos are the most gratingly repetitive piles of trash and TJ is a retard and knows nothing about anything. They were both pretty big names though, and I think a lot of their viewers wanted something fresh and at the time the kinds of videos Sargoy of Mossad was making were at least a change in tone.

But he fails miserably at fitting into meme culture, it's as if all his exposure to memes is from the people who browse r/Sup Forums and shit like that in his comment section, which is probably true.

>metokur has started circling kraut like a shark


I love drama but who can be bothered watching hour long livestreams just to watch some skeptic fag get btfo

Yeah I hate that shit too. This is why anytime I tried to watch Sargon videos in the past I had to turn them off eventually because that fake laughig was too fucking obnoxious.

I think he trashes the alt-right so much because of the way he's forced by his own view of individualism and collectivism to lump SJWs in with the alt right. He wants to cling to his classical liberal identity which he is proud of, which is pretty understandable, but it means he can't come to the logical conclusions of the things he sees all around him in Europe. I don't even think he's against race realism, I can't provide any links or references but I'm pretty sure he believes that there are differences in intelligence and behaviour between the races but he refuses to discriminate on an individual level. And because of his fucked view of individualism and collectivism, he can't see the difference between calling some poor dude on the street a nigger, and not realising that the more non-whites you have, the less liberal things become.

So people swapped in a fucking neanderthal with gollywog hair and a fat cunt with a tiny dick that bangs trannys and sticks bannanas up his ass for a jobless quadroon. Makes sense.

>a fat cunt with a tiny dick that bangs trannys and sticks bannanas up his ass for a jobless quadroon
well its a step up dont you think?
also he is an actual cuck not just a quadroon

He's smarter than TJ and he makes more frequent and more engaging videos than solar roadway man. And I think Sargon can be pretty likeable at times, but as he has to accept that things are more nuanced than being a singular individual and being a faceless borg collective, he's gotten more and more aggressive and loud. It's not the actions of a rational man to save and post black gay porn on twitter to ''le trigger,, the alt-right, he's lashing out because he feels like he's pressed against a wall by his own moral beliefs. He's a bit of a faggot personally but I do think he's just trying to do what he thinks is right.

It's important to note both Sargon and Kraut are Jews. The rest of your diagnosis is true.

>he is an actual cuck
Do tell!


Kraut is done now. Metokur often tears his targets a new one hard.

Our community is crushing the political sphere of youtube. After the skeptics have finished their decline, its only natural their followers will migrate to the victors.

i'm fucking dying mate, it all makes sense now ty gypsy man.

>its only natural their followers will migrate to the victors.
some will sure
but the majority will remain with them as they are unwilling to even hear anything else but their favorite youtuber

yeah fuck "our" community
there's people who are right, wrong, and then there's sheep which is what most of you are


>everybody who's a race realist is a collectivist
>wut? Just because I joined a group/cult doesn't mean I'm a collectivist, mate
does he understand the irony or is this the so called cognitive dissonance people always talk about?

>and amerimutts equate this to scholarly cleverness
He "made it" on youtube because he created a following on twitter first and then appealed to all the CivNat faggots once he realized the ethnostate crowd was serious. He's the consummate Jew.

"It is not truth that matters, but victory." - Adolf Hitler

who knew it was a leaf that would do that

>i'm fucking dying mate, it all makes sense now ty gypsy man.
no problem

Nah dude he started with that whole gamergate shit, i remember because i to was don touge muh games fugg.

>who knew it was a leaf that would do that
a special leaf a quebecois
he alone has postponed day of the rake quite a bit

"Skeptics" are basically people that want to go against the popular narrative, but not so much that they want to upset their parents.

Sargoy started as a big GG e-celeb

>ID: edgy
>posts an edgy comment

>a leaf
A Quebecois legend*

Wasn't he part of the whole MRA/anti-feminist crowd even pre gamergate? Somehow I found him more bearable back then, I think this is the first video I ever watched from him:


Probably, but he didn't hit it big until GG happened.

Part of the issue is that sarcuck used to actually make arguments against feminism and SJWs and whatever. But as timw got on, he just started using "ur a SJW" as an argument in itself. And then he just started comparing everyone he doesnt like to an SJW. He's become lazy and complacent, along with having no actual arguments against us other than "i dont care" and "but i think thats amoral within my own POV". All copouts

Soygon doesn't have the courage to express opinion on truly controversial topics. He just throw 1 or 2 jokes, says piss-off and quits the debate like a faggot

Kraut may be a virtue-signaling dishonest cuck not above using sjw methods, but as least he's taking some risks.

MRAs have been on a losing streak since they started.

Soygon (I'm stealing that btw) was a jobless quadroon before he 'made it' on YT, I can see why he doesn't want to rock the boat.

So does the skeptic community think they won or is this a decisive victory?

>So does the skeptic community think they won
they dont think if you look at their fans
but yes it has been a crushing victory one of many ever since the first videos

That is Kraut?

>the skeptic community
Who's that even supposed to be at this point? Usually people say "skeptics" to refer to Sargon and his buddies but both Sargon and his right hand Vee DISAVOWED Kraut over this shit. Kraut himself hardly even counts as a "skeptic", he's basically an SJW who happens to hate muslims.


the people actual seem to agree more with jf, the sceptics that make the vidoes on the other hand

The g*rman outright said in private he doesn't care about winning the argument, he just needs to LOOK like he won so the evil nazis are BTFO

>sargon is a decent lad...he blasts the alt right then in the next vid goes full 1488 on white genocide sjws and the migrant crisis lmao
I'm reminded of the hitler quote about the "non"-zionists jews being mad at the zionists, but after awhile adolf began to realize they weren't mad at the zionists for being zionists, they were mad at them for being explicit about it and giving the game away.

In a similar way we are the explicit zionists and the skeptics are the implicits ones. Except the skeptics don't realize they are implicit and just get irationally angry at the explicits

If it actually came down to it and you got the skeptics to form a political party their policies would be 90% of what we want. That is why this entire youtube war is ultimately dumb as we are essentialy just arguing about how to arrange dining chairs on the titantic in regards to what happens after we hit the iceberg, when we could be steering the boat away from iceberg because we haven't hit it yet.

I've created a little playlist about the Krautism if anyone wants to watch the dumpster fire from the beginning to the end.
(If I forgot a video just tell me and I'll add it)

He inherited the worst traits of all of his ancestries

what the fuck is all this drama about?

Kraut said in private he hates french people lmao?

Anyone who follows the whole enlightened, centerist, athesim+, skeptic, whatever the fuck they call themselves now adays should just stop giving be liberal. If you don't want to be liberal, but don't have the spine to grown an opinion and realize criticizing weak links while not actually engaging with topic or giving any actual solutions to societies problems should just do us all a favor and stop making yourselves look like the jokes you are. You aren't 'too smart' to give an opinion on complex situations. You are just to weak to take a stand and actually defend an opinion if your own.

WEW lad ...

Kraut has been employed by the New York Times to "defeat" the alt right on race realism and has recruited scientists to refute frenchman named JF who has been using hatefacts and nazi science. The only problem is that the scientists agree with JF.

In a leaked conversation, the recruited scientists are saying that JF is right so Kraut is attempting to come up with dirty tricks that aren't related to the subject in order to derail the argument so that he wins in a typical leftist fashion.

Uh oh, Sandre and Habeeb are going to talk about twin studies! What are you gonna do now, Sup Forums?!


>If it actually came down to it and you got the skeptics to form a political party their policies would be 90% of what we want.
The mixed race leftists policies' would align with ours? They are perfectly fine with mongrelization and africanization, they just don't want to be inconvenienced.

Oh no, is this the start of the RECKONING?

non of them are in favour of "mass immigration" so likely the immigration numbers would be reduced by at least on order of magnitude. They would also probably be infavour of attempting to remigrate muslims, so one of the quickest breeding populations could be reduced. Its better than nothing.

HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAAHHAHA it is evolving almost pissed myself user nice meme

Sargon doesn't want to damage his brand by engaging with the race realism stuff any further.
It is pretty obvious though that he is leaning further and further towards Sup Forums tier sentiments. Just fucking look at his DND thinkery campaign. It is full of Sup Forums tier humor, and humor is how this shit starts. I was a nazi ironically at first as well. I ain't ironic anymore.