So how do we go back to our roots?

I'm not talking about full muh vaikangz back to pillaging,raping and taking slaves but just the traditional,spiritual part
being one with the earth and land you live on
living with your parents and grandparents in one house yknow

thread theme

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Northern midwest US, Alaska, or barren parts of Canada. Cold, but no one will tell you what to do. Be ready to cut a lot of wood and learn how to hunt.

I suggest you stay right where you are
the kebabs are not going to get rid of themselves

>being one with the earth and land you live on
>living with your parents and grandparents in one house yknow

be born in oorga-booga tribe from central africa

>Be ready to cut a lot of wood and learn how to hunt
thats what I'm talking about
but its not just about the north america,I'm talking more about europe and the west in general

thought as a slav you'd understand what im getting here at,you guys still have strong traditions

Well that's the only way I know of obtaining it, really. I have only really heard of naturalists from over there. Sorry that I can't be more of a help.

thanks ,appreciate it,maybe if this really goes down the drain I'll move there

not being cuck as all that neo-liberals not a tradition, i mean, yeah i like village where part of my ancestors were born, pretty comfy house, what we`ve built there, but i`m not going to spend all my life there

you cant
>tfw the Europeans never gonna pray again to god to save them from the arrows of the Hungarians feels bad man
alt thread theme:

>Sagittis hungarorum libera nos Domine.
>from the arrows of the Hungarians deliver us, o lord

Anarcho Primitivism, I'm not even joking

but that's completely unachievable how would you even enforce it?

m8, just walk out into the wilderness and never come back. You might have to be smart about where you do it, but you can choose anywhere in the world - one way trips aren't hard to arrange.

Lots of east Europe is like this. Most people have a farm and are mostly self sufficient

traditional Catholicism my dude

by being always polite and never rude desu

You are missing the point, it is not about hiding in forests, but about restoration of our primary form, back to the model of first white human. With each generation we become more primitive, just take a look of what is left from our ancient civilizations.

>Northern midwest US
Fuck on, we got room.

the problem isn't the people who want to be part of it but what stops the other people from fucking it up

Why are german so smart but so spineless?

>anarcho primitivism
>wanting to shit in an outhouse in the middle of a blizzard
Are you fucking retarded

kys fag

do the opposite of what jews say.

Id even put up with a pagan feminist monster cuz even thats fixable IRL. if we could get back to our roots in peace all things are possible but with jews nobody is ever gonna get they want. not me, not you, not women, not niggers, not muslims, not norks. nobody.

because their emotionally crippled from childhood trauma cause by the krampoos meme

>do the opposite of what jews say.

So be traditionalist Christians?

sometimes it really is that simple.

stop wasting time pursuing happiness
it's easy as fuck to obtain short term boosts. Alcohol, drugs, shallow women. All that bullcrap that amounts to nothing. Nothing to pass on, nothing that leaves a mark past your life.
But your body will demand more and more, so don't get hooked up in that shit.

Pursue order and stability. And demand it from your peers.

identity politics desu

christcucks btfo

Humans are multidimensional beings, and should be treated as such. Maintain the health of your various aspects and be at harmony with yourself/the world around you.

>get plenty of direct sunlight
>eat a healthy balanced diet appropriate for your bodymass
>exercise every other day, or if your body can't handle that then twice weekly
>lift on days you don't exercise, or twice weekly on a day you didn't exercise
>spend time reading a spiritual/philosophical text daily, then spend time contemplating what you've read and its relation to everything in life you've currently experienced
>learn/practice a musical instrument
>learn a new language
>learn a new lifeskill, like carpentry
>meditate daily (20 minutes min., 60 ideally; single session)
>practice yoga or qigong daily (20 minutes; single session)
>practice visualization exercises daily (20 minutes min., 60 minutes ideally; single session)

Its probably the biology first, if you want to go with evolution lore (evolution lore is the closest thing to a non jew worldview, that developed further from our roots, somewhat)

To me at least its the idea that we are much like a cart (subconscious) being driven by our horse (conscious). The two of which are very dependent on each-other. If you feed the horse wont drive the cart very well. may need to get some "brutisch" habits. Which rhyme well with your DNA. Discard smartphone use. Walk more outside, be less sedentary, be less accepting of society. This struggle = manhood cannot be found inside of society that very well.

Part of it are mental paths that lead to ancient types of brains that you may read about in the vast amounts of lore. But part of it is also simple biology. Testosterone obviously will give you a higher chance to attain this alpha/ancient mindset...and most importantly also keep it. And to get testosterone...well

Also to get into that mindset you have to train your neural paths, just as you would train your muscles. By large amounts of repititions and training. Pic related.

Fucking nothing, which is why it's a shit political position to have. If that's how you want to live, though? Totally possible even today.

There are plenty of options for living outside the system and according to your own values. You just need to give up wanting other people to adopt your way too.


a smart mudslime?

and to top it all off, read the last section about training the amygdala in here


The last part with that I mean, inducing maturity.

Trad Catholicism is more “pagan” than Varg

Yeshua is a kike

there is nothing in the world that the Jews hate more than Christ

Are you Finnish or Italian? If not then good luck.

Ive been thru 5 hurricanes. The social breakdown was astounding, violent and rapid when ppl could not get "necessities". Mothers not feeding their infants because they've been so conditioned to believe they can only be fed store-bought formula and they had no internet access to google what to do. Boomers had to tell them the old ways so the babies wouldn't dehydrate. The level of inability to think for oneself was truly shocking.

Being the goodest of goyim still makes you a goyim

No, but Jews claim he was. They are lying as usual.

What am I supposed to do
If I want to talk about peace and understanding
But you only understand the language of the sword

Ow, you are a retard.

>living with your parents and grandparents in one house yknow
Fuck that. I'm 25 and I still live with my parents because there are no jobs in my area. I want to be on my own so bad.

>cringy anti-Catholicism
Varg’s an atheist. Catholicism is closer to what his ancestors practiced than anything Varg thinks or does.

Sure it is sheckelstien

>A huenigger assuming a random internet strangers genealogy
Kek. Your god is a kike.

This band is fucking AWESOME

nice try

>leftypol thinks calling everything a Jew is going dilute what it means to name the Jew

nice try

He was a middle eastern jewlad you daft faggot

>still posting Israeli propaganda

go away Chaim.

>reads bible written by jews
>worships jewish volcano god
Kek kys bible nigger


because they're brought up with punishment

tired of this meme rendition by (((( Israeli))) Archeologists , He was as depicted and not stort hairy jewish fuck

Like this, now drown in pork fry chip oil

Post one historian who proves he isn't a middle eastern jewlad. I'll be here waiting faggot.

>so how do we go back to our roots?
Destroy Earth

We've done it before, erased everything and somewhat starting over what's stopping us from doing it all over again?

on look at the shroud if enough , you gay faggot anti-Christ kike mosquito

I like the way you think. I want to have a future where my grandchildren and their grandchildren are out exploring space, curing diseases and at the same time holding on to their traditions and being part of their homogenous nation as free people - as Europeans.

I will gladly live and die for this to happen. We need to sow the idea of a greater future - a white future - in order to create a great civilization.

Dream big - accomplish great things.

You and I user, we are the pillars of our future. We will build, a new and stronger foundation that will last for thousands of years.

>be "christian byzacuck"
>destroy almost all traces of the Ancients
>invite (((them))) into your lands. But atleast you segregated them.
>invite non Greeks into your land because they share orthodox culture (lol)
>be ok with this

>The analysis positively identifies a high density of pollen of the thistle Gundelia tournefortii which has bloomed in Israel between March and May for millennia.
>posts link proving he was a middle eastern kike

>The absolute state of christ niggers

Looks like a fucking kike


>pillaging,raping and taking slaves
Anybody want to go full pirate with me?

>I'm not talking pillaging,raping and taking slaves
shame; thats unironically what Europe needs right nao

keep dreaming he's a kike like you kiketards

be german

nice try kill the continent

>still cant post one link proving yeshua wasn't a little kike boy from the desert

>identity politics are good now
We really have come full circle

i have a ton but can't be arsed, you'll just have to take a leap of faith

They were always good. Libertarians were always wrong.

It was always about white empowerment and white identity. Because western civilizatIon is WHITE.

>muh identity
>even if it isnt productive

Fuck off, tumblr. The only thing that should matter is the dollar.

>still cant post one link proving yeshua wasn't a little kike boy from the desert

Anybody have this one with the quote about being both man and snake or something similar.


I can but I will not , haha
>joke's on you , asking for proof to disprove you and not being given cause you are kike

This should be a NoFAP symbol. "NO snek, i told you not today!"