Pushing degeneracy into Star Wars is now biting them in the ass


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the American ideal

> see video thumbnail
> think it’s going to be “look at the top of his head”
> it is

So white America is to blame for the fact that it doesn't have 0% audience score. Good job mutts



le 56% score


It's so good

top tier audio m8

They can blame 'trolling' for the low score but it's legit not a good movie.

first time I was okay with le 56

At least TFA had a brief honeymoon. This has had had the shit hit the fan the minute it came out.


Actually surprised there's memes of Snoke's death face so soon after the premiere.

It's not Episode 2 levels shit but it's not a good movie. Even Normies are split on it.

UK face = Best face

I see some mistake there. Finns are white.

They just go for shekels I believe, it's not so much that they're pushing degeneracy, the degenerates are buying tickets and laughing out loud in the multiplex.

tbqh I can forgive the prequels being shit just because they gave us the clones. The phase two clone armor was the best in the series. The games and other media surrounding the clones have been great too.


it's just simply bad
not because of muh diversity or anything like that

Thats not why its bombed in fans eyes its because they shat all over the previous generation to make way for Mary sue and the new gang.



I particularly disliked the nigger and the coal burning whore

U.K. Face should be an Indian man


The only person on that poster with any Jewish roots is Carrie Fisher(her dad was Jewish). She was raised Christian.

Rian Johnson the director/writer is from a Christian family, and Kathleen Kennedy the Exec Producer is Irish/Catholic.

The Last JUST


Holy shit is that an actual scene from the movie. KEK the state of liberals!


>he hasn't seen the one of Leia flying through space

I heard Luke was a faggot. One of the devs pretty much came out and said it.

RT confirmed for browsing pol


its still making tons of money

honey, it's only about making money, fuck you sw fans

I heard Luke was transblack. Or was it racial curious...

SJW aside it was truly bad.

>mysterious Snoke makes people wonder who he is
>incredibly powerful force user
>lol gets killed by Kylo Ren in the dumbest way possible and everyone forgets about him
>one starship destroying entire armadas with hyperspace drive
>slapstick comedy scenes where they show the First Order to be filled with morons

They fucked up seriously.


Why do I feel so smug that I don't give a fuck about SJW Wars? (seriously, I never even watched Episode 1)

Wait... not a sixth deathstar? It isn't star wars without a deathstar.

Is there a scene where that asian girl gets rekt by BBC?

Maybe then ill watch it

>nazi larper
Are you retarded? That dude is a Russian. He comes to Ukraine to larp with local banderite neo-nazis, too.

what. the. fuck.
Is that real?


ironically this is the most appropriate scene in the movie
luke grew up on a farm you think he gives a shit about drinking spacecow milk? shit's good for you


What an utter shit.



Lol. are those slavic sub humans wanna be aryans?
Ukraine is the shithole of europe. full of ugly cheap hookers.

so sleepy...

Thx user, you just saved me 20 bucks

member when this retard was the worst thing about Star Wars?

miss me yet?

This retard is the worst thing

not since the end of Empire Strikes Back

If ISIS started killing pop critics i would convert in a minute


I would go see this bullshit if it was called "star wars: dino tits"

Lolwut? What is an Anarchist flag doing at a nationalist rally?

I wouldn't mind if a new LOTR was more like that.

What did he mean by this?

Atleast the prequels were original. what the fuck why is the bar SO LOW.

>Atleast the prequels were original.
for all the shit we give to episode 1, at least, the pod racer part was fucking memorable.

Feels good to live in a white country.


Sure, if you were 12 years old at the time.

This was the second of the trilogy. The death star will be back in the next one.

>at least, the pod racer part was fucking memorable
and its the moment where the film becomes shit


Lord Of The Rings: Frodo and the Elf Whores

Snokes ship is sort of the deathstar and a super star destroyer combined. Its comically large.

bitch please

Nippon face should definitely be the "jews fear the samurai" guy

There are 3 super weapons.
and it's soooooooo fucking long.
it just keeps going, and people just get quiet and bored.

>It isn't star wars without a deathstar.

That's not true. The best Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back didn't have a Death Star featured in it.


I don't get the resistance fleet outrunning the first order combardment. It made no sense. We see fighter craft blow the shit out of the bridge on the lead vessel, why not just blow the shield projectors as well? You already took out their fuckin fighters when you bombed the hanger.


That book exists.
it's called Bored of the Rings.

Hmm it's almost like star wars were intended for children...
The film was shit from scene fucking one.

Please just tell me the nigger dies

I knew coming on Sup Forums after seeing Reddit Tomatoes would make me smile. Thanks, user!

Not really. Dummies will still go and pay to watch this anti-white jew shit. It will still make them 100s of millions.

code for

>he climbed inside a dead fucking alien for warmth 40 years ago
>drinking milk triggers faggots in 2017


What's actually the beep beep we hear with the Trueno? Speed alarm?
t. car brainlet


I have that book

Imagine being as much of a living meme as this guy

>Russian neonazi taken right out of der untermensch
>LARPs in Slavic Nazi parades worldwide

i absolutely hated the movie. disney literally fucked up perhaps Luke Skywalkers ultimate ending and for that i'll boycott disney productions for the rest of my life. fuck these sjw faggots for ruining the greatest scifi story ever created thus far. its unforgivable.

>Hmm it's almost like star wars were intended for children...
>posting a scene from the prequels
That's from Lucas's "I want something my kids can watch" era when he remade ET and swapped out the feds guns for walkie-talkies.

>The film was shit from scene fucking one.
You got that one right.

>Lord Of The Rings: Frodo and the Elf Whores
give me dragon milkies

Yeah that was really dumb. "out of range" but they kept hitting the shields the whole time. And why not have a few of those dozen star destroyers jump ahead of them?

I particularity enjoyed The rebels having their commanders pilot the empty ships as they run out of fuel. I suppose letting their leaders die in pointless ways is how the Rebels intend to win.

>Soy Wars

I will never understand why they want to ruin something that they themselves love. Or did they always hate seeing Luke Skywalker because he is a white man?

I don't have time to read the thread but can you give some examples of degeneracy that you feel were pushed in the film?


>Schloßstraße sign
Thanks google