Meanwhile on 1980s pol

>meanwhile on 1980s pol

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Niggers aren't all that bad. Have you heard of that new fellow Michael Jackson? He's pretty good.

Reagan’s /our guy/ he’s just playing 4D Pac-Man. Based negro in a LMAGA hat!

>inb4 go back to the ronald

80s girls looked like shit


only rural and suburban retards voted for Reagan
city people voted Bush

Star Wars is liberal propaganda. Don't watch it. The multicultural Rebel Alliance is portrayed as good guys while the human-only Galactic Empire are portrayed as pure evil.


Pacman lanklet is thinking
>f-fu-fucking manlets always get the girls
>b-but i have h-high score

I'm so glad /ourguy/ Reagan won, can't wait for the economy to trickle down and create great prosperity and wealth for this country and its people many years down the line

I’m currently head cheese at government capital punishment RnD - been offered a trip to Europe to investigate so called death camps. Should I do it Sup Forums ? What could go wrong?

This. Being a jock with a kick ass leather sweater is the ultimate red pill.


Hey anons why dont we all go help south africa and support Apartheid?
We...we can have our own ethnostate!!
(If only we knew back then when things could still change...)

Just got.


Bush is /ourguy/ isn't he pol? He seems like just a 'normie' and could be a great president in the future

Luckily the guy looks worse

You here that new song by TKA? It's mint!!

>CIA please go

Once the Afghani's throw out those commie soviet bastards, they will end up being the pinnacle of freedom in the region. I can't wait to vacation there in a few years. Looks beautiful with all those flowers!

They looked great in person at the time, but now everyone from then looks hairy and sweaty.

is he dare i say it /ourguy/, blowing out the russians what a man

no way man I heard this guy is a huge fucking nerd who plays computer games and watches cartoons all day.

We still doin 80's?

Who? I'm working on a special project at the lab, I think we found a way to make Coke dirt cheap so more people in the black community can enjoy it. That's a nice flag you got there - what's it mean?

This is a slide thread by the CIA to divert us away from the Seymour Hersh leaks, wake up sheeple!


Plus you have to factor in their mental state in which being feminine and slim wasn't a sin.

>boxed wine

Oh dear. Actually, as no air enters the bag it's probably fresher.

This "democracy" thing is garbage. I wanna go back.

Things are really shaking up here lads... Dunno if the Communists will last...

the berlin wall is coming down RIGHT NOW
it's amazing
germany is going to be reunited
it's going to be awesome, it's going to usher in a new era of peace and friendship
in 30 years germany is going to be a place that people from all over the world are going to want to come to because they will be a bright shining hope for all of us
nothing can possibly go wrong

>gallon of negro wine

this was happening for the last 5 minutes of the 80's, save this for the end of the thread or something

More like "Why is this fuck grabbing my girls ass?". You know, back when you could kick someone's ass for this without the cops getting involved

Our President has just froze the prices! Finally we will get rid of inflation! There's no way we will suffer again with 40% monthly inflation.
Also, Collor is doing a great job in finishing privileges at Alagoas state. I think he'll be a good president.

t. fatass

alright lads?

>80s girls looked like shit
>sample group of 2

even the dog can't believe what he's seeing

Alan Greenspan is now chairman of the federal reserve. He's a great Ayn Randian and libertarian, he's totally going to be great for this economy and bubbles will be a thing of the past.

Reported to DS, enjoy Belene.

new coke v coke classic

The 1980s are so overhype on Sup Forums that it is embarrassing.

I'm from the future spread the word! When Angela Merkel has a chance to become chancellor make sure to not let it happen. Trust me in the year 2015 you will be infested with roaches that are immigrants they will lie to you to say it's brotherly love and humanitarian, they will guilt you because of HITLER God rest his soul. Don't fall for the Jewish lies!

The painter?

B-but Its mario 3 pal! Just released on 8-bit, Look at the graphics man

From 8-bit gaming to 8 inch BBC.

>that's a 90s game
>your fag ass emulator makes it even worse

Mario 3 was released on 8bit srgt. Killjoy.
Allthough sure Im playing it on 16 bit emulator

I don't recognize the game, but the resolution is way too good for 80s.

How about you down an 8 finger vodka and kill yourself ruski wallcarpet nigger?

Hehe, it's just banter mate but come on, even your choice of wine has Negro wrote across it.

who arest you quoting

The rule is if you are in a slide thread to red pill and sage. At the very least link the leak

flashfoward to modern day. DUDE YOU SEXUALLY HARASSED ME.

I disagree, most of them were fit and attractive, especially on the coasts. Midwest girls were more homely and sheltered, and trends took forever to work their way there. We're so used to seeing every image of people shopped and filtered beyond recognition nowadays... I miss the authentic ugg of prior decades.

Did you just assume somebodys gender?

80's girls put out like crazy till AIDs came out
Drinks were like $.25 a shot
There were no cameras watching your every move, few people had cell phones

We fucked and drank and had a great time
Sorry ya'll missed it

life is mother fucking beautiful... i just got a new bmx bike with a god damn microphone... the ladies love it when i pop a wheelie...

it went Coca-Cola, then NEW Coke, then back to (((Coca-Cola))) w/ corn syrup

Agreed, the only problem was they all went for curly hair

Is the UNAbomber /ourguy/?
Will they ever catch the mad man?
What's his motive?

we really didn't give a shit about the Berlin wall
We really didn't give a shit about Europe at all
The U.S. ruled everything.....

Miami Vice
Cool cars

this one time... my friends and i were playing outside... we imagined we were in a different universe and were exploring... pic related...

God, Tiffany was best girl. What happened?

I miss old fast-food restaurant aesthetics.

im glad those gays are dying of aids and i am gay its the 80s

if i get my homework finished on time, my parents give a dollar for the ice cream truck!

>Emulating a 90s SNES remake and playing it with a shitty Chinese knockoff xbone controller

what is this?

He's redpilled on the electronic jew. He wants us to free us from the peter pan world of computers so we can be real boys.

perhaps in muttropolis, here they were pretty rad

>I miss ugly shit brown moop doop aesthetics

Bet you miss perms too faggot

don't be daft user
by the end of the 80s people could do amazing stuff with the hardware resources they had available

say no more senpai...

I forgot about that jingle!. Fuck, I'm old :(

Was Israel in the 80's just like the Western 80's?

Tel Aviv looks like Florida or something similar. Pretty comfy but a weird bubble city surrounded by Islam.

we used to go to pizza hut after t-ball practice... so many feels...

Pre nup fixes all of that shit minus the heartbreak.

Is Transformers redpilled?

lol... not from here... moved for work... in haifa...

now lets remember how cool this shit was!!! playing with the boys! :)

The autism is strong with you I see

best song from teh 80s

after school i used to race my friends on these bad boys down the hill by my house...

Over the long term being raised by a single mother has the same effect on a kid as physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Women that divorce their husbands over boredom are literally evil.

You cannot fix evil with a prenup.

Finally a quality 80's era post. I was enjoying cartoons and being poor white trash.

Going to the pub to smoke some Winnie Blues, drink some beer and then maybe go poofter bashing.

Also Rodney Rude is in town, gotta give that cunt a look in cos he's a funny bastard.

i got one of these for christmas... easily the best present ever...

my parents would give me change so i could stash it in my shoes...

No, it was kikery to get kids to buy cheap ass expensive toys.

i remember watching this on my birthday...

The same thing that always happens: time and age

What is this 'Amnesty bill' President Reagan is talking about? I mean, I guess I'm okay with it, I don't think this could have any bad repercussions

i dont even know who the beegees are...

i used to have a crush on this girl so damn bad... best intro ever...


best post

>sausage muffins have dropped in price by five sense since then

>Big Mac, fillet o fish, quarter pounder, french fries icy come, thick shakes, sudaes and apple pies

Me too bro

fuck off jew

Larpers and nostalgiagrandpas disagree, but it's the truth. And there are two reasons.

>1. Cocaine
No words needed. Also smoking which was still common.

>2. More natural food
If you look at any old picture the females will most likely be uglier than today. This is because our food is pumped full of hormones which make both men and women more feminine.