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Cali drivers are about to be taxes per mile driven as cars are now to fuel efficient for the state to add rape people with the gas tax.

Ducking phone posting

The gas tax is literally going to this healthcare proposal


Oy vey not being able to subsidize that through the other states thanks to SALT repeal is anuddah shoah

Crazy what one fucking amnesty bill can do

They already pay more than that amount. Is this now in addition to the illegal funds?

I’m guessing their first stop will be at Cher’s house, since she’s so gung-ho on illegals.
She was memed into oblivion over this shit. I wonder if they’ll notify her first or just show up?

Why are the politicians in this state so hellbent on destroying everything?

At least they can feel good about themself while the state goes down the toilet

They need more scumbags to vote for democrats.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that shitty graph show democrats winning the last few elections? That didn't happen.

At least it's not Lily Allen who took in diplomats instead of refugees and even they were gibsmedats niggers

That is California's voting record in its history. Sorry I should have been more specific

Lelelelelelelel i fucking forgot about that.
I’m about ready for the Calexit strategy to start, since they’ll gladly throw good money after bad at illegals instead of putting it towards vets or roads or schools or infrastructure. It’s quite clear that federal funding isn’t a priority for them.
Think how much fun it will be to watch Commiefornia sink, both figuratively and literally, at the same.
We should have a party.

California alone spends $23 billion on illegal immigration, and now they're adding another billion on top of that.

lol .*paella story hissing spit laugh * motherfuckers but seriously they should just make Mexico the 52nd state at this point.

The most retarded state in the country.

Let's hope the libshits don't move to other states and destroy them as well.

If Calexit happens you know damn well Cascadia will become the new 50th state

California is a just a bridge to funnel illegals in through, so they move to the rest of America and fuck it up

wtf on what

Hollywood is already moving their shit to Atlanta like rats on a sinking ship, you make the kool-aid you don't drink it.

Free healthcare to illegals. Can you read?


Someone should mobilize a bunch of Mexican gang members to her house front gate and have them shout "Let us in!"

>Use existing gas taxes, DMV fees and etc to pay for everything except roads
>Increase gas tax to pay for roads. But promise you'll actually do it this time
>Use widely despised gas tax to pay for free healthcare for illegals

Holy fuck hahahaha.

>400 billion in debt
>Adding 24 billion a year for people that only cause crime and force tax payers to flee your state

Realistically, how hard would it be to rally flash mobs of blacks and mexicans at homes of LA celebrities?

ICE can now hide outside of the clinic and send them to a doctor in T.J. instead.

How are illegals getting to Hawaii?

why is money getting spent on illegal aliens?

One would assume, by boat.

desu at this point. Im pretty sure half our leaders ( Democrats) are purposely trying to overspend and collapse America so they can initiate a China style communist revolution and take over.

I'm not gonna lie, this is the only time I have ever agreed with one of theses stupid BTFO LOL threads

you are not wrong

>1/4 of the budget go to people not paying taxes


honestly, every politician who redirects money from it's original purpose unless that purpose was at least 105% funded should be shot in the head, no questions asked

lol I totally think that's the plan. The only problem is all the people with guns despise commies

we need to get all those canadian illegals out of alaska as well

Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me. Same in Germany.
Our spending is so fucking retarded that I can't even excuse it with corruption anymore, it seems to really just aim at destroying the current system.

traitors run our countries

wat do

They'll be in Texas by the time the fireworks start flying in California.
At this rate California will be a territory of Mexico within our lifetime.

Nice battery menegement

The Cloward-Piven Strategy

this is exactly what spics do when they take over. they start looting the coffers of the government, it's why they live in abject poverty and eat dirt in their native homeland.

they'll do this until they default and then they'll try to take some more. spics are thieves and robbers. after Commiefornia collapses, they'll just move on to the next state to pilfer.

More like Russia-style, cuz the Commissars will all be Jewish.

This is what accelerationism is leading to, btw. Trump was a big step on (((their))) way to their eternal Kibbutz dream.

>More like Russia-style, cuz the Commissars will all be Jewish.
Which is probably for the best, because it will just mean it ends the exact same way it always ends when they make a move that's too obvious to still be denied.

I feel like people don't know how truly bad it is.

>The only problem is all the people with guns despise commies

That's why (((they))) have a $700 billion national army. And if people like Chertoff, Perle and Wolfowitz take control over it again, this army can turn into Red Army.

watch from 3:49

>B-but illegals pay taxes. They're good for the economy!

Nah I'm still here and plenty of strapped conservatives are still here. Never give up, never surrender

Only if the troops don't defect/coup

Because we gassed the Jews so now minorities are the sacred cow that can never be touched, no matter how destructive they are.

You are retarded


>36 mil
What the fuck? Has Ben been slacking recently?

Not if the troops are made up of spics, niggers and psychopaths like that "commanding officer".

Oh that'll just be fun then senpai

Thanks libshit congress

State level government wins again

Califags can deal with this, I'm sure given their voting history they will be cool with it

They do know those SALT deductions are getting a massive reduction right? I don't think California should be proposing any massive spending bills until they know just how that's going to shake out.

They'll probably just bitch about solidarity or whatever and demand someone else foot the bill.
It's what our commiefucks always do when they realize their retarded plans would cost them a lot of money.

Probably doesn't have property accessible to schools. It's all

Oh, I would totally take in all of the Dreamers forever

but, oh, too bad I don't live anywhere near the Universities, and public transport doesn't service the upper end neighborhoods my properties are in because that is for the plebs.

But hey. If private citizens want to host foreigners at their own expense, I would appreciate they do so legally - but at least its a start. Terribly misguided, because it'll just be a brain drain as the illegals inevitably leave. If she can put her money where her keyboard is, great.

They voted for it. So hopefully they enjoy it.

Whether you are in the country legally or illegally it is in everyone's best interest that you receive healthcare. Sick people affect everyone, and we don't discriminate against someone when they are brought into the E.R. It is in our best interest to have preventive care so that people do not end up spreading disease or need expensive emergency operations. This is especially considering that California has largely accepted the fact that it is infeasible to simply remove undocumented immigrants. Those that are here will continue to be here for the most part.

Also, California doesn't need to be lectured from shit-tier states whose economies are dependent on aid and food from us. I would much rather put money into helping poor Mexicans in California than I would racist hicks in Alabama.

Enjoy California. The people that pay taxes and make sure your EBT card isn't declined are leaving.

>It's officially better to not be an actual citizen in the u.s.

Really makes me think

Enjoy getting mugged in broad day light and/or getting shot and then your murderer gets off scott free.

Probably, but it's not going to happen because of how the US works. Unless they start bitching about this to their next presidential candidate (that's a hard fucking platform to run on - more taxes to fund illegal immigrant healthcare) the money will not be footed by the government

that is why they started the fires and kept them going

Doctors should euthanize anyone requiring major treatment who can't pay for it.

Is that why it seems like everything is filmed in georgia these days?

Goldman Sachs. Bear Stearns. 2008. The money will be footed when the (((right))) people ask for it. Unless Trump manages to change that and purge (((them))).

California is a dirty shithole literally a new homeless person every 10 steps

Seems like you only have to worry about that kind of thing in states that vote republican.

But fuck the homeless, right?

Yes but the fed won't let them sink so sooner or later you're going to be contributing one way or another

we need a wall around california.

It's in your best interest that they aren't even in the country.

>suicides accounting for roughly two out of every three gun deaths

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it would take a lot more for California to stop being the premier state of the wealthy. Good weather, beaches, technology, and Hollywood are not suddenly going to sprout in Idaho.

>Including suicide in firearm deaths
This is the power of the Mexican intellectual

You need to look at Firearm MURDER rate. The death rate includes suicides and police officer’s shooting of suspects.


I have a nifty way to (((alert))) people that I'm a (((moron))), just by showing them my writing. I call it my (((retard))) signal. Can you guess what it is?

to be fair, that's the case if you are alright with living a trash tier life with no chance to ever improve.
but yeah, if you are fine with the lower class being an illegal is the better choice in most Western countries

>lawmakers provide
think it's time to take a closer look at those "lawmakers", they don't seem very well informed about their own subject area

Absolutely not. I am plenty sympathetic towards the homeless.

We need to improve access to shelter and mental health services.

Enjoy that multi hundred billion dollar debt, and the ever worsening credit rating. At least you can feel good knowing that your hard earned money is going to pay for people who have no legal right to be here in the first place.

My sides! They are gone.
Going to be right wing death squads by the end of next year.

Ahhh.the sweet taste of slow-roastie, sauteed to perfection, home-style Mexican Communism.

This is hilarious.

Except for all the commies moving from california to other states because of how bad commiefornia is.

see that fist he's making in Ops pic? It's going right up Cali citizens asses and (((they're))) gonna yank out every shekel you have hiding to pay for it.

Maybe you geniuses should go down to the "Murders" tab.

Isnt 1 billion literaly nothing to america?

Until they threatened the rich liberals' houses, of course.

Now scroll down to the murder section.
What do all these states have in common?
Hint: it's not Republicans.

You're kidding right? California has been losing tech jobs since the late 90's. Engineers have been moving to lower COL states and gutting the University feedback loop that creates talent for silicon valley.
It's gotten so bad that I can work 6 figure gig for Intuit remotely. Silicon valley has turned into an overpriced theme park with all of it's engineers writing code from the comfort of their paid-for home in Utah.

Yea you do, which is why you should go to the MURDER rate on the page.

lol, about three of you hicks have made the same mistake.