Pretty darn accurate


Other urls found in this thread:

Christmas already looks like this between rich, middle class, and poor families. His tax plan reflects reality.

>give me that for free

wait until the rich kill themselves because of unfulfilling lifestyle of materialism.
Profit, become the new rich and kill yourself for the same reason...
metaphorically speaking.

I'm getting almost double my refund due to the new standard deduction, and I'm a borderline poorfag.

I noted Horsey always draws the rich as whites and the poor as coloured, why is that? Did he draw a Hanukkah cartoon too?

Poor people don't pay taxes.

Not slightly accurate. Increases in the child tax credit and doubling standard deductions are huge give backs for low and average income families. Also lowing the corporate tax rate incentives new small business creation and the higher of new employees and investment in existing businesses. The tax reform is not perfect, but it cannot be argued that it hurts the poor or average income earners. Some upper middle class households in high local tax states will pay more, which should encourage states like NY and California to reduce their taxes and wasteful spending.



Horsey has a net worth in excess of $1 Million. He lives in a gated community, so the only time he sees blacks are those filthy niggers living on the other side of the wall, where they steal car radios to pawn for crack.

Really those who already have money get more money. If you have an income of 0$ a tax cut won't help you.

>waaaaaahhhhhhh, I pay almost nothing in taxes as it is. I deserve free shit.
Can we just start shooting each other already? I really want to kill you.

It was their money in the first place anyways.

I got a 3% drop. Then again I'm probably considered "rich" :(

>If you have an income of 0$ a tax cut won't help you.
wow... that.... really makes..... me think.......

pic related is the first cartoon of him I ever saw (I'm from Germany), when I posed it in a forum it caused an outrage because it was not pc. It seems he has sold out completely now.


Horsey is racist as fuck

Civil war when? I want to wade knee-deep in the bodies of liberals.

We'll ... not exactly. The way our money is printed now and how our Nation's capital flow is controlled non-government central banks, in a way, it is our money (produced by national debt) and given out in the form of bank profits. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Occum's Razor is bullshit.

>I'm not getting more free stuff other people worked for, and they are allowed to keep more of their stuff they did work for, unfair, fascism, evil, white supremacy!11!!!!

cry more faggot

wow really? if he made that now he'd probably hang himself the next day

Wew, good job missing the point

So it's trumps fault those kids parents made poor life choices because they are fucking retarded?

The cis white boy is not rich because of Money but because his parents genuinely care and wanted to bring a child into the world and sacrificed allot to do so.

If the other kids parents want to blow money on smokes and beer or what have you..well instead of complaining about taxes maybe they should enact sterilization.

U aint gon do shit

>get a tax cut for the first time in 50 years
>bitch about it

Stay tuned for next year for round two, when we kill Social Security to fix the budget.


Slide thread! Remember to season accordingly.

This shit makes me want to drink HEAVILY.

That would be amazing

It would be much easier to stand liberals if they were at least half honest.

>Pretty darn accurate
The part you missed, jackass, is that the stuff in the stockings already belonged to the kids and was taken away by the government. The one who had the most taken from him is getting the most back.
But you're a fucking socialist and can't understand that concept.


I’m not rich and my paychecks will be much larger under his new tax plan. Only liberals are pissed Bc it takes money out of the governments coffers. They use the same old fefe based attacks bc it’s easy to spout off if your a liberal.

Everyone who's in it for money dreams of "selling out." Internet startups dream about the day they become big enough to be bought by Google. Horsey is a well-paid puppet do do what his masters want. It's every artist's dream.

It really pisses me off that leftists are still using this false equivalence to stir up hatred against the rich. Tax breaks are not hand outs, they are tax cuts. The real reason he's the Grinch is because those aren't gifts, those are just the toys that were stolen from those kids last year.

And of course they favor the rich, the rich pay the most fucking taxes.

LOL the poor kid is a nigger. Accurate

Trump is the retard who keeps pushing the Christmas present anology.

I don’t make much money but what I do make is taxed to shit. The more money you make the more comes out of your check. I feel like we have to break this down simply for a lot of anons.

I love how the nigger, that doesn't pay taxes already, now expects the government to start handing them MORE gibs just because other people got their own stuff back.

is this also true for Ben Garrison?

The face on trump is drawn pretty damn well



it's like paying more taxes gets you a bigger tax cut
really gets the noggin joggin

Every once in a while something inside Horsey snaps and he drops a redpill like this

The crusades were the awnser to centuries of Muslim provocation and violence.

The inquisition killed aprox. 800 people over the timespan of a few hundred years.

Muh christian violence...


>rich boy is Aryan
>poor girl is a nigger
yup very accurate

Every single Horsey cartoon follows the same pattern.

Yeah cause drumpf is a racist



Hey don't forget to change your flag when you decide to stop shit posting.

Aside from Noam Chomsky's work as a linguist, he is a great critic of US foreign policy, the corporate state, and the media establishment. There is much to criticize in these spheres and Chomsky does so prolifically. He is so prolific a critic that we are inevitably drawn to the question, "What is Noam Chomsky for?" It is difficult to discern this from his essays and remarks which are overfilled with analysis and criticism.

>the muslim cleric is a white guy

Bravo, Horsey.


The problems with being poor is that you are poor, not the lack of presents

>poor character is a nigger
Didn't know horsey was racist

Progressives must use government as a thug to steal from the haves and redistribute it to the have nots. Government becomes corrupt and takes its own largesse, naturally. Look at Congress--all the progressives get rich while 'helping' the poor.

Pay more taxes, get a bigger tax break. WTF that only makes sence to me.

Exactly. Private property is evil! Keeping what you work for is evil! There are starving children in the world! We need more government and more taxes! Socialism is the answer! Ugh.

he drew cartoons mocking the Berniefags for complaining about the rigged election. Years ago he had drawn the Clintons as a bunch of corrupts. The sell out can't be more obvious, still the left remains loyal to him.

the original text was "parliamentary-military-industrial complex", funny how parliamentary, the root of all evil and the reason why the industry/military can rig everything with their cronyism, always is left out.

I thought the boys name was Rich.
I guess liberals want to steal from the rich and give to the poor.


>getting a tax break when you don't pay taxes
And they say the poor and stupid and lazy

What a load of horseshit. I'm getting back 1.5 grand from the new tax plan.

>it takes money out of the governments coffers.
Not really, it's only $150B/year and that's going to be made up with debt.

There's no stealing when it comes to taxes, it's a pure decision of who to burden.

>use government as a thug to steal from the haves and redistribute it to the have nots
What about the army? What about the roads? Taxes are literally the price of civilization. The decision to spend on something and the decision of who to burden are independent.

Yeah, big whoop. Most of this plan deals with things that aren't even under the income tax, fuck your pleb refund check, we're talking about real money, not some pittance that sunsets after four years.

Actually the tax bill gives poor and middle more by giving them jobs and opening up the market. Plus...

Obamacare mandate gone +2k year
Child tax credit 2k per child refundable 1.4k for lesser income
EITC around 500 dollars
Tax cut will save lower-middle 0-700$

This political cartoonist is complain rich people have more money so a tax break will mean more materialist bullshit. Who cares.

Right, so shoot through the poor to hit the rich then.

Tfw they even sort them intersectionally ;)

>its a good thing these faggots cant reproduce naturally


>What about the army? What about the roads? Taxes are literally the price of civilization.

Prior to WW1 all that stuff was paid for without any income taxes.

Chomsky is a literally anti-american marxist. He has nothing of value to say save the understanding of PR generated by the people who hate us that we allow to live.

No fuck off

This meme is ridiculous. No matter what if anyone cuts taxes its an "assault on the poor"

Of course theyre not going to benefit as much as they rich they dont pay any fucking taxes how can they possibly benefit as much as someone paying tens or hundreds of thousands a year?

Why is Horsey such a faggot? How can we fix this before everybody dies of AIDS?

This isn't accurate. A person in a high-paying administrative job would most likely work for his money. Then, he has to spread that money to the middle class and the poor. Since he has more money, he could either keep it, or get a strike and have to increase wages for the workers.

>0% flag

>Tax cuts for everyone
>"Why do rich people get everything?"

>Nigger is poor
>Nigger is also complaining for free shit
>Shows how lefty parties cant argument so they poison kids minds

Preety accurate

Did you see the intersectionality spread that they did? I chuckled because they do this predictably now.

So hes complaining the tax plan isnt socialist. Hmm got it.

>Dem white kids be racist, they get good toys from daddy and mommy

Ilove how retarded Sup Forums is.You are just wrong about the taxplan, You are being played by Goldman-sachs jews and you don't even understand it. But please, keep talking about how much of a shill people are for saying "maybe we shouldn't give Goldman-Sachs power to decide our tax policy"

Shit, forgot pic
Yes i saw, i no time they will eventualy turn on eachother, for shit like this, putting the white girl in the middle, and you will see the plight of the white women as she slowly turns back to her place as feminism becomes hostile
There is nobody worse to women than other women, the slightest differance becomes a reason for being shunned
Funny is that like nations, a movement such as feminism will be destroyed by diversity

smelly dumb frog posting scum

Bluepill thread?

Post your savings poorfags.

Don't reply to shills, image name and meme flag, it's a bot.


>The crusades were the awnser to centuries of Muslim provocation and violence.
Explains all the dead Europeans in Europe by the Crusaders.
Muslim attack and kill Europeans, Europeans get tired of it and create their own military to kill other Europeans. They can't kill us if we are already dead. Brilliant!

looks like it's going to save me $2,800 a year

I know the tax plan is a raise for middle class. I know personal exemptions are gone. The standard deduction however is doubled so it makes up for it. This tax plan is for the working class, the rich, the small business, the corporations and america betterment overall.



Then work hard to become rich.

>Rich kids get lots of presents and poor kids don't get as much

In other news; water is wet

>when the first post is also the best post

White boy = 2 parents both making money, lots of presents

Whitish girl = single mom, burned the coal, lives off welfare, gets shitty gifts

Black girl = well it's fairly obvious...

>justifying christianism
Retard, there's literally nothing good coming from religion.
Except maybe buddhist monks and 40's - 60's USA

crazy how people can live in a world completely parallel to reality, where trump is some bad dictator guy.