Migrant data for Sweden

Some dickhead said Sweden accepts more migrant women than men.
I made this thread for you, Sweden does not accept more women than men and the vast, vast majority of migrants are MEN

>Från januari till oktober i år har 23 349 ensamkommande barn sökt om asyl i Sverige. En absolut majoritet – över 21 200 Endast runt 2 000 av dem är flickor, enligt statistik från Migrationsverket.
So around 8 % of migrants are girls, the rest are boys.

Not ONE of these graphs say that more women than men migrate to Sweden, not one.
Why not? because its not true.

Between 70-95% of migrants are men, if you have evidence that suggests otherwise then please present it.

also Sweden general i guess

Other urls found in this thread:


Sweden is a lost cause.

>Sweden mentioned

Why accept immigrants at all?

Everything is.

>Sweden has not yet learned how to be multicultural.

>Why accept immigrants at all?
Very good question

I made this thread because someone with a swedish flag said that there are more women who come to sweden as migrants than there are men and that the opposite is fake news.
The thread got achived and i figure this is a good thing to talk about

Men are coming to europe in masses, creating gender imbalances and this in itself is a very bad thing.
Sweden is further along and now has the largest gender imbalance in the world but other countries shouldnt be too far off

Canada and britain are worse

Sweden still has hope

I pray this is true my friend. i really do but SD has lost ground in recent polls and even if they do win they arent capable of solving this problem

They will pay my good friends, they will suffer and they will bleed like pigs at the slaughterbench.

They, the arabs/muslims/afghanis/niggers/mulattos and most of the jews are not to be confused with actual humans.

When I see these mammals, all they do is ranting, screaming and above all of logic - behaving as apes disconnected from their habitat.

These mammals are not in their habitats. Either they get put back - which we all know won’t happen.

Instead we will burn it all. We will burn their housing, their finance and even burn their flesh. It will all burn.

I do not serve my nation as some cucked nigger-lover. I will live and die for my people, my family and country.

Always remember - we are stronger and way better at all skills. We are humans faced against animals. Before the dog bites you shoot it.



They lost my vote when they started giving backrubs to the zionists

I’ll probably go moderate

You won't do shit cuck.

>trusting polls

Aye i hope they can pull through

Even if they get a majority the rest of the parites will probably form a bloc and say fuck you sd, but that will most likely show people what immature children our "leaders" are who refuse cooperation

Hope is only lost when you give it up

I still have high hope for my country, it will never be homogenus again, but we can still create a fair and just society where rapists are not given a slap on the wrist and immigrants actually intergrate, trust me when i say this most immigrants intergrate just fine and are actually productive members, but there is still lots of work to be done, pc corruption and wellfare statism still run deep but there are many wokes sweds (many woke immigrants too)

Only christians turn the other cheek

Now post pisa results :D
You gonna get fugged in the ass Sven

Nah bruh you are only voting for the same old hidden cronies if you vote for anything but sd

WhO knows mabey they are controlled op, but i would rather put my vote against the current establishment then for it, even if its just a convoluted jewish trick

Then taxation is theft and you should stand up for yourself.

>I still have high hope for my country, it will never be homogenus again
Sadly no, but atleast we can attain some level of decency instead of...this whatever this is

A 14-20 year old girl was raped in Malmö and what does the police do?
Tell women not to be upset or fearful
Its heartbreaking

sweden opens the butt cheeks


>show people what immature children our "leaders" are who refuse cooperation

Yes, just look at this stronk womyn, so mature in her virtue signaling.

>I still have high hope for my country, it will never be homogenus again

I am starting to seriously doubt that there will be any "civilized" way to save this hellhole.

Exactly the problems are not immigrants persay, it is our justice system and government who seam to care more about profit and looking good then having a fair society

I know plenty of non native sweds who are peaceful well mannered people who just want to live a calm life and work in a civilized society

Ofc there are plenty of them who just fuck about and do whatever heinous deed they want, ofc completely sanctioned by our government because of "cultural differences"

My profession is ksp58, I will need my baby for the coming tide.

Chug, chug - I will feed my baby. Victoria

Ge upp hoppet när du sitter i fängelse för ett " cyber hatbrott" eller måste stå i kö 12 timmar för din dagliga ration

Inte innan dess

Även med sveriges alla problem så är det ändå en av dom bästa länderna i världen så kämpa för att göra det perfekt ist för att gråta över dess problem

>the problems are not immigrants persay, it is our justice system and government

Please user, don't fall for that fucking "low expectations" crap.
They ARE the problem if they can't fucking follow simple basic rules and laws in their civilized and welcoming host country.
Yes, the gubernment is guilty, but they are GUILTY TOO!
Are they the fucking scorpion that can't help himself and sting the frog halfway across the river?
If so, then they should be treated like stinging scorpions and not like anything else.

welp, my day is ruined

>don't fall for that fucking "low expectations" crap.
He is right however, its not about low expectations

If you punished these people severly for rape, murder, theft and all other crimes they are known to commit then it wouldnt be a problem.
The problem is that they are allowed to run rampant with no opposition

you cant stop the scorpion from stinging but you can punish it after the fact and deter others from following in its footsteps

Oh Sven......r.i.p. in peace my friend

But in reality far from all of them actually commit any crimes

The problem is the government, they allow it to happen, ofc the rapist rapes and the theif steals if noone stops them, even worse there are people whoes sole duty is to stop them but instead they look the other way, cops are mostly based or justice system is pozzed beyond belief, most cops hates our justice system because even when presented with evidence and confessions they will just let them off the hook for just being fucking immigrants

>you cant stop the scorpion from stinging
Jeebus H Chrysler!
What is: Don't offer the scorpion to climb on your back.

What is: If you got a scorpion on your back, throw him back to the desert, where he belongs.

The goyim is afraid!

Would be a shame if native swedes were to...take things into their own hands

You know what i think, we SHOULD have parallel legal system for all 'refugees' and immigrants, where native europeans or westerners are excempt. The most heinous parts of sharia law only, to be punishment for it. They rape someone, death sentence. They steal, cut their hand off. They cripple someone, death sentence. And for every normal european or westerner normal western law if they do something normal sentences, for normal crime if you are a nigger or shitskin 50x higher sentences and at least 1/4th spent in complete sensory isolation eating very very shitty food with zero parole no tv no visits nothing. Make it so intolerable for them to do even the slightest thing wrong that they literally run away from the west and never come back. Then we shall see if they think they are 'smart' enough to try to do such things. If they do we can then execute them legally.
These are different people and such things are the only thing they respect, it is only fair we should have different legal system for them than for us since they are much more likely to do such things. I mean i'm just trying to be the ultimate multiculturalist, let us make laws for them that fits these individuals, and keep our own laws for our own people only.

They are already here user, and you cant get rid of them without a massive fight

Be realistic for once
Punishing them for their crimes is better than fighting to get rid of them

Seriously, if we stopped child support, cut back on ALL social benefits, stopped ear marking housing for migrants and punished crimes by migrants we wouldnt have these issues.
Its that simple

Sweden ratio men to women is 114 vs 100 ... RAPE WARS will come in full swing

>They are already here user, and you cant get rid of them without a massive fight
So what if they try to resist deportation violently, you can just gun them down with the military that would be hilarious. Europe hasn't used their tanks on local soil in a long time.

I thought they did ...take mandatory imported bbc.

Seriously, if we stopped child support, cut back on ALL social benefits, stopped ear marking housing for migrants and punished crimes by migrants we wouldnt have these issues.
Its that simple
Yes, just remove all financial gibs for any and all immigrants, and also remove the right to vote. You will cause them to self deport AND cripple every leftist party in existence that use them for voting block, they would literally implode on themselves before the next election comes around.
There is no legitimate reason why immigrants should have the right to vote in the first place in a country they don't belong in, nor any legitimate reason why actual native citizens should pay for them for anything, since none of them have even paid into whatsoever of what they recieve. So it's fully legitimate to do, and easy to argue the case pragmatically, the only 'defense' would be 'muh feels'. And that's a very bad one. And if the left push it we could just make it so that only left people have their taxes increase to pay for it and everyone else have their taxes lower since they don't want to pay for immigrants. Then let's see how long the left lasts they will abandon their position.

>They are already here user, and you cant get rid of them without a massive fight

Exactly, why i said:
>I am starting to seriously doubt that there will be any "civilized" way to save this hellhole.


Point being this will NEVER come to pass
First off Swedes are peaceful and caring, how do i know this?
Because many think these are children and that they are being sent back to die, this is a blatant lie but this is why they are so adamant about letting them stay no matter the cost.

A realistic solution isnt war, its limiting social benefits and punishing crime severly.

Enjoy your last days of prosperity. We both it won't last. Sweden wealth was built by Swedes for hundred of years, soon Swedish men will flee Sweden, best women will flee other will get raped. Sweden will be arabs/somalians/mulattos and low IQ whites you can't compete with such shitty population against high IQ, organized > Japan, Korea, Poland, Singapore ....
When you wealth will be spent you will become shit-poor FOREVER.

Here you go bub.
More information, bub.
>Most refugees are young males lacking qualifications - German migration service

>The natural "sex ratio at birth" is 105 boys for every 100 girls, according to the World Health Organization - and official statistics show that in 2014, there were 108 boys for every 100 girls among Sweden's 16 and 17-year-olds.

>But the country now has 123 boys for every 100 girls in this age group, according to Valerie Hudson of Texas A&M University.

>Literal quote: "90% of the interactions with refugees were not of the pleasant kind. Not like i imagined it."

>Around 70% are young males, between 20 and 25.

Based Jimmy

>fragile states index
>country reptrak
>human development index
>world happiness report
all meaningless jew studies meant to make socialist countries look like utopias
>importance of religion is in descending order
>top of (((climate board)))
>pays the second most to the (((EU))) per capita
Why would you even add these ones? Are they supposed to make you look better?


lmfao at that shit hole no go zone we call Europe. Enjoy your 96% continent, nogs. Please don't come to America, we're in the middle of evicting our nogs.

Hello, sorry for stepping in here. Watch my new islam isis music video sponsored by the taxes of the Swedish people


also fuck this guy

And then all other western countries will follow, including yours.

Haha wrong

>trust me when I say this
No, you're a fucking idiot.
The unemployment rate for immigrants (especially Arabs, and ESPECIALLY especially Somalians) reach over 50% after a year or more in Sw*d*n.
They're all on pogey ,you dumb fucking sven.
I'm glad your country is getting torn to shreds, fags like you make me sick.

3 children were killed by an active shooter last week in New Mexico. The USA will never be able to have immigration laws like Sweden when we can't even get our own citizens under control

Sweden mentioned.

I translated this a couple of days ago, this is literally made and printed by the most liberal and actual socialistic newspaper in Denmark. And even in their own fight of equality and all that, they mocked the Swedish extremist!

We know how it will end. Swedish women will be mass raped or blacked, Swedish men will get stuck will infertile raped HIV infected women or will have to breed with mullatos. Chaos, violence and collapse is coming to Sweden. New nation will emerge from Sweden and it will be shit, Bosnia-tier country.

Well it is a shame because they have qt women, and the men are faggots so it's easier to pick them.
Even a 6'1 (manlet cutoff status) lean boi like me managed to pick up an easy 8/10

>I am starting to seriously doubt that there will be any "civilized" way to save this hellhole.

That's the spirit, sven.
Also, what exactly is going on in this vid?

>notice F2 where the players agreed upon sharing the occupied field

Can anyone tell me why Sweden was targeted to be fucked so hard? What historical crime are they paying for?

When money are over their women will flee to look for better sponsors.

>Can anyone tell me why Sweden was targeted to be fucked so hard? What historical crime are they paying for?
Jews don't like white people obviously.

Vikings, for one.
Also, during the Thirty Years war, they basically went all across Germany, stealing and looting like albino niggers.
They did the exact same thing with Poland, attacked Poland when their back was turned with Cossacks/Russians, and stole, looted, murdered tens of thousands.

Yes, even the young and naive will eventually come to that conclusion too.

I'm not sure, I can't see who the woman is, but there seems to be a debate. And at the end of the debate she refuses to be civilized and shake the hand of the "ebil nazziss white male Jimmie". And thereby virtue signaling her perfect 100% goodness to everyone watching.


The women are insanely cute but incredibly hard to get because there are so many dudes around

Doesnt matter if you stand out in a crowd either because there are hundreds of men approaching every girl in social settings

Pic related is kind of what happens but x10

>supported Nazis
>high quality white genes, Nordics were considered hottest people on the planet
>iron ore, defense industry competion for USA/Israel (they make even own jets)

>Vikings, for one.
>Also, during the Thirty Years war, they basically went all across Germany, stealing and looting like albino niggers.
>They did the exact same thing with Poland, attacked Poland when their back was turned with Cossacks/Russians, and stole, looted, murdered tens of thousands.
>tens of thousands
>destroy all swedish people
You are sick in the head leaf, you don't go retroactively around and do such things. And if that was applied on every single ethnicity, let's say there would not be many people left in the world.

>Sweden still has hope
>t. increasingly nervous Swedish man for the 100th time today

>SD is too jew-friendly
>So instead I'll vote for the moderate Muslim rapist enablers

This is how Sweden dies


I just told you, commiefag.
Women aren't complex as you think they are, if you're somewhat attractive in the face (like me) and lean (not /fit/, lean) you'd have incredibly high shots with anyone. Add in confidence.
Anyway, I met a group of swedes on Steam while back, the only dude of the group was a faggot who lied about being a homo at first, which is why all of his female friends were single ladies, because their "male" friends were beta orbiters.

Never once suggested that we should destroy Swedish people lmao.
I think they deserve what's coming towards them, because they infected Europe with their immigration policies (millions of immigrants commit crime en route to Sweden, thousands more flee over into Norway/Finland), and because they have had a cancerous role on the community for years.

Denial < You are here

swedens already dead, you ever notice how 70% of the swede posters on here always claim "EVERYTHING IS FINE HERE WE GOOD MAN"

Then the next day shit like this hits the newspapers.
Country is a fucking joke, Worse than america

They helped Jews escape from the holohoax, and now are receiving their just reward

They're so far down the drain that they can't admit they're wrong because full blown civil war will instantly errupt if they defy the feminist order.

Kübler-Ross model

The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.

They are in phase 1

>if you're somewhat attractive in the face (like me) and lean (not /fit/, lean) you'd have incredibly high shots with anyone
I look good, im tall and fit (low bf, alot of veins/muscles). This doesnt matter for shit in 99% of cases
ive been approached by girls and i can flirt but very few girls are ever single and willing to fuck because they already have a guy at home

A lottery winner will claim its skill as well but in reality its all luck and this isnt a problem until the faggot starts giving advice on how to get rich.

just like fuckin' whatshisname who helped jews escape the holocaust then became a UN peacekeeper and got shot to shit by zionist terrorists in palestine.

>but in reality its all networking

Swedes are being targeted by the jew world order because of their genetics. It's about defiling the blood.

Norway and Denmark under German occupation were purged of jews, as a neutral country during ww2 Sweden was a natural harbor for jews escaping German occupation. Take a guess how it went from there..

Sweden is the testing ground for communist subversion.


I think its because you're an August with no social skills.
to be fair I do consider myself to be a good people reader

sweden has always been very kind to the jews and jews have a long history of fucking those closest to them the hardest and most violently

where you see altruism, a jew sees only weakness to exploit.

>because they already have a guy at home
This has barely any impact on whether a girl will sleep with you

I read today that one member of the radical leftist party in the Bundestag refuses to shake the hands of AfD politicians.
Seems like leftists are the same childish assholes everywhere.

I think people online always try to come up with justification in order to attribute their own success to skill rather than plain old luck.
Thats why you always see a predictable pattern
>Youre ugly
>Youre short
>Youre fat
>Lol then you got bad social skills

So predictable and i have no interest in proving you wrong because you wont admit to being wrong.

Yes it does
Im gonna try and find a study i read awhile back that said that girls who are in relationships are way more flirty, dress more like sluts and are more open to approaches than girls who are single.
Ive known many girls who go out because they want an ego boost from guys hitting on them and after they get it they go home to their bf, sure some cheat but very few actually do with randoms who come up at a bar

Moreover girls dont want to be known as cheaters so she will only cheat if she can justify it somehow
Maybe her relationship is bad, maybe he has been working too much lately, maybe she is feeling lonely. These are not things you can influence at all

True. It's not like the jews appreaciate whites for letting them take over their institutions.

Yep, denial.

Why piss in the ocean when it can suck you in and drown you?


No, Sweden was chosen as the sacrificial lamb to redpill the USA. Rise up, or enjoy your televised demise.

>I can't see who the woman is

It's ex-Green Party spokesperson and ex-deputy PM Asa Romson.

You know, that mental feminazi who willingly allowed Islamists to infiltrate her party, who referred to 9/11 as an "accident", and who wept when the government decided that it had to stop the endless flow of precious brown dick when they realized the welfare state couldn't handle it anymore.

The bitch should be beaten and hung.

The Swedish Bikini Team are actually Amerimutts, FYI.


I think it's really just the same 2, maybe 3, shills who post here.

a manlet

>lets shit together
my sides

Kek. Nice stats. But I'm afraid we all know that Sweden criminalizes the collection of the most important numbers. Keep botposting this junk and stay delusional.
>1 post by this id



>genetics. It's about defiling the blood.

Make us all descendents of ham?

You know how the lutheran church has been utterly pozzed and is behind much of the immigration to sweden, minnesota etc? (Also the lesbian priest who wants crucifixes removed for muslims is curious). I am reading now that the condition of entry for jews into sweden in the 17th C was conversion to the lutheran church. So thats why that had to be defiled.

It wasnt until King Charles XII got into debt in Turkey that the creditors followed him back and got the law changed to allow religious services and circumcision. Charles XI had said fuck off, they are a bad influence on christians and must convert. 20 yrs later they got their way. These are stories i am really interested in. How royal households got into debt and gave stuff up/allowed jews to marry in. They resisted for a long time, realised they had to be controlled, that their business practices must be limited. Early 19th c people cracked the shits about the wealth division even with restrictions they had cleaned everyone out. It just keeps happening

Do you think occupy wall street set them off in defense mode thinking the world was going to turn on them again? Or has this just been a plan since the beginning to take us out for good?

>supported Nazis
They have a HUGE justice boner for switzerland because of all the gold teeth. Rabbi on YT calls switzerland magog, as in God is going to glass them all, even though generally magog is thought to be russia (or UK)

Germanics are amalekite. They have gods blessing to take them out because of WWII. But they were clearly targeted before then or WWII would not have happened. I am trying to trace back where this tit-for-tat started. I think it was genesis..


Sweden has hope because it will be the first nation to break out into civil war, and all the whites willing to kill will fly there to fight.