At what point did HXH peak?

At what point did HXH peak?

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Certainly not at that asspull

Vows and restriction isn't an asspull.

When togashi decided to take year long breaks just to fap to his favorite hentai.

I thought Netero's bomb was the asspull?

Torn between this or Chrollo vs the Zoldycks.

I really wish I had been there to see Sup Forums's reaction to this shit.

Gon-san has two left feet.

Pretty much everyone reading it was throwing a fit in one form or another. Togashi taking a break right after the transformation was the cherry on the top.

This. Such a stupid way to end this.

Shit it's true!

>Chrollo vs the Zoldycks.
I've blazed through 32 volumes this week and wasn't expecting this series to be so text/information heavy and think i ended up missing a few details. Who hired Illumi to kill the head mafia dons and why?

The Troupe knew that the mafia was going to place a hit on them, so they did one first.

Illumi did it for the luls.

This point

Chrollo hired Illumi.

Gonna assume you're shitting me and these guys are telling the truth

Holy shit I thought speedreading was just a meme in these threads.

You got me!

Whats so bad about it? I was enjoying myself.

Because HxH deserves to be read properly, and you shouldn't be asking people to spoofeed you obvious shit just because you weren't paying attention.

it's a plot twist not an asspull dumbass

It was one thing. Simmer your autism.

Not sure how that's autism. Speedreading HxH is stupid.

I didn't mean to. I got sucked in and couldn't put it down. I really don't see what the problem is.

Im currently watching the anime, i just got to the point in the hunter exam where Gon got poisoned by that african dude and hisako gave him the id'. Im still not really that interested, should i keep going? Does it get better at all?

Yes. You don't even have an inkling of an idea of the crazy places this story goes yet.

1999 or 2011?

If you think the show needs more strategy, world building, convoluted concepts and an eventual showdown with a big bad then stick with it.

>Sudden unhinted powerup
>Just in time to wreck enemies near godlike levels
>not a asspull

Come on man. I love HxH as much as anyone, but have the decency to call it as it is.

Yorknew. Ant arc took way too long, involved way too many extra, one-time-use characters, etc.

No, we have seem this explained before it happened. And don't forget, Gon lost his ability to use nen after.

The asspull is Nanika. Gon should've died at that point.

Fucking speadreaders I swear to god

Not really. Don't see the point in pitou surviving alone since Mereum, pouf and youpi are dead from the poison by the rose.

Not an asspull since vows and restrictions has been a concept since yorknew arc. It works differently for gon because he is an enhancer.

Don't really care if it is a copout. Killing off a MC is never a good thing.

>HxH deserves to be read properly
Don't put shounenshit on a pedestal.

Chimera Ant arc was garbage.

Well I like that gon has learn to be ruthless when it was necessary.

It was too cool for it to really count as an asspull, and the commentary was also very nice.


this is the only correct answer


is there anyone who could beat this absolute monster?

Madara Uchiha
Kami Tenchi
Lord of Nightmares
Elder God Demonbane


Am i in the minority? I thought York new was dull as fuck and the Chimera Ants the current highlight of the series.

1 googol ants.

He should have died, then he got another fucking asspull crap to keep him alive. What makes you think there won't be another asspull for his nen?

Isn't brion just the sphere? The human is just a host

> :^) too stupid to follow kids manga

Actual asspull was ridiculous powerlevel of chimeras, that resulted in dumb shit like gon-san and suicide bomber Netero, since there hardly was another way to kill those bastards off. HxH was very balanced and consistent manga until Chimera Arc, people had to use their nen abilities in right way to win the fight and sheer power was never an option against exeprienced hunters.

>bisky did literally the same thing and explained everything just one season ago

the peak is yet to come

I'm not sure, but my opinion is the complete opposite of yours

>tfw 3 years long hiatus is the peak

Whatever happened to that rumor that Togashi was going to forget the manga and just continue the anime? Did that die out?

Back to le deconstructions you go

It was always baseless and completely nonsensical for anyone who thought it for five minutes.

Friendly reminder that if your mangaka doesn't care enough to release consistently high-quality material on a regular schedule, then they don't care enough to continue writing a good manga.

>high-quality material
>regular schedule

You shall only chose one.

I really enjoyed the arm wrestling between Gon and Nobunaga.
For me, the Yorkshin city arc was the best arc of every manga I read.

obviously the Yorknew arc was the best.

Of course it's bullshit. Its implied that the pacts and specific powers are the result of careful and specific training. Otherwise every nen user in a tight spot would be pulling a pact out of their ass to save their lives. It's also terrible writing because we all knew Togashi was going to dodge the consequences

Friendly reminder that the only asspull in HxH is alluka

>pacts are the results of specific training
Didn't they literally say pacts were used to make powers stronger without having to train them?
Also Gon didn't do it to save his life, on the contrary he did it to kill himself and Pitou
You're an actual retard

This. Btw, I've seen a theory saying she has been contaminated by one of the calamity (probably Ai) because of Zzigg

The asspull was the final Zoldyck brother being a demigod who just revived Gon for free.

It's not a theory. Togashi confirmed it.
>I am an Ai.

>Its implied that the pacts and specific powers are the result of careful and specific training
>Otherwise every nen user in a tight spot would be pulling a pact out of their ass
Most of them do, but their pacts are very weak. (Gon screaming "Janken" before his attacks, Knuckle forced to punch someone to activate Hakoware, Boomer forced to explain his nen etc...)
Here, Gon sacrified everything, literally everything, his life, his body, his nen to make his power stronger.

You mean Nanika, we knew Alluka existed

Seriously ? Do you have a sauce or you're just kidding because of the pic ?

That's what the text reads.

>Otherwise every nen user in a tight spot would be pulling a pact out of their ass to save their live
Fucking just about everyone has a pact. They just aren't suicidal enough to make one like Gon did to fight Pitou

It's in volume 33

Do you guys know others HxH theories ?
I know this one, the Feitan Zoldick theory and the one about Gon's mother.

>Feitan Zoldyck
Sounds retarded and baseless, fill me in.

What's this about Togashi's wife supposedly carrying on the manga in his stead? bullshit?

>black haired
>he must be a Zoldyck

This. Chrollocucks eternally BTFO. Can't wait for best boy to kill the rest of the spiders on the ship.

Dunno but apparently Jump blackmailed Togashi : If he don't give a script of the next chapters for February, someone will take his place to continue HxH.

If Netero's toxic love was an asspull, then the actual atomic bombs were an asspull.

>desperate, last-minute suicide move
That is a strategy that actual people use, particularly old people with decades of experience.

I think it reached it's peak in yorkshin, and since then it's been at a steady level of quality. I really enjoyed the CA arc but I just can't decide if it was too long or not.

Chapter one. It went downhill from there.

I can't wait until our lad kills Chrollo, the tears will be glorious.

>clownfags are still this mad
Though i'd be mad too if someone styled on my favorite character like this.

>Implying Kurapika won't kill him before

>implying Leorio won't slay Kurapika before
if you know what i mean

In all honesty the system itself is the asspull. I'm not sure why it's praised so much.

>Create nen
That's fine
>Different types of nen
Still fine
>Also you can bargain with nen to get stronger
Wait what?
>Your bargain strength is based on the restrictions you place on yourself
Again, what? Is nen sentient or something?
>You're not limited to amplifying your current power, even you "potential" is brought into the mix
>there's no formal "contract", you can just make shit up on the spot if you need to

The system is designed so asspulls can be pulled from any situation. What makes Gon's case an asspull isn't that it was possible, it's that it was possible, everyone acknowledges it's possible, yet no one else in the world seems to ever do it. Literally everyone that knows about nen that is ever in a situation where they're pretty sure they would die should be abusing this system.

These were my thoughts on it too, if anyone can basically sell their life for incredible power, I think you'd see more people doing it on the brink of death, or when completely outmatched. I guess it's set up that Gon is "special" but that just seems lazy and boring to me.

>Literally everyone that knows about nen that is ever in a situation where they're pretty sure they would die should be abusing this system.
how many times in the series itself have we seen nen users in a situation like that though?
just curious

Many of those things could as easily be supports towards his mentality as a whole rather than any Nen shenanigans. Also, a full body transformation that isn't connected to your own nen techniques seems far beyond any technique enhancements from before. Not that I think it's purely asspull, as the idea of sacrifice was established, but Gon being able to do just that felt like something new.

Given how peculiar Nen is, I'd say that you really need to have a certain mentality or be in a particular situation in order to do something like that. I was surprised that it wasn't mentioned before though.

>lets make a "magic" system that works in a simple way but isn't completly limited so that a story can move forward
>it's possibilities are well established
>doesn't matter lol, still an asspull
>as a matter of fact the whole system is an asspull because somethings got to be

Jesus fucking christ, there is just no pleasing people. You can literally find a reason to complaing about anything.

So then why didn't Netero make some ebin nen pact like Gon did to fight meruem? this series has some of the dumbest shit ever.

I hope some otaku fucking shank him in the subway or something

>why didn't Netero make this deal with death for this other deal with death?

Fine, it's not an asspull. It's lazy, shitty writing. Just like Nanika.

Knuckle and Shoot vs Youpi?