Reading manga colored

>reading manga colored

Other urls found in this thread: colored/type/op/

I think HotD is the only fully colored manga I've read and I feel it was actually an improvement.

>reading manga colored
This is a bad thing now?

If they colored right it's all well and good

but the only examples of colored comics are Korean/Chinese ones which have retarded coloration or Western comics who's production are so expensive the creators get horribly jewed in the process

>manga colored

it's called "anime" you pleb

> being too poor to afford some coloured ink

>posting a panel that is colored

Colored pages always end up looking worse than regular manga for me, it just doesn't feels right

That looks like shit.

Now let's not be unfair, it looks better than most colored pages, but I would still prefer it black and white.


left looks better

If a girl's hair is not colored in what color do you assume it to be?

I always assume blonde.

I like the first two pages to be colored to start a volume off, other than that, I don't know if I could handle every page to be colored.

Kuro was pretty good.

Colored is fine assuming it's done well.
They don't focus on it in manga industry though.

>watching animes coloured


I can only read action manga if it's colored, otherwise I can't tell what's going on.
Everything else is fine in classic black and white


Is this from that auto coloring site? I can't remember the link for the life of me.


I love this new, epic meme! colored/type/op/


>he doesn't appreciate Colored

>reading manga
>not reading light novels

i always assume blonde or black
and then the manga gets one colored page and it turns out it's bright purple or some shit

LN are awful.

This is Sup Forums, nobody likes coloreds here.


>not reading visual novels

The biggest atrocity to manga I've seen is the whole thing being mirrored so you can read it left-to-right

>not watching black and white anime

I don't imagine a color.


So what?

And compare with how it looks when printed in magazine. People who only buy tankobons or read tankobon scans will never know such beauty.

Like webtoon?

I gotta say, generally I prefer non colored, but in the case of the latest jojo parts I prefer it colored because that way I can appreciate better the fight moves. Sometimes I feel lost, trying to figure out what's going on in the picture. Am I the only one?

That's because JoJo pages are as much of a clusterfuck as One Piece.

Both are way nicer on actual paper from my experience.

same, the the twintail girl from watamote, Nemo I believe, being a brunette in the anime really bugged me
