A Massive Class Warfare Attack

A Massive Class Warfare Attack

Nigger, fuck you! Fuck the average person or average family that isn't smart enough to start a business and get the corporate tax rate.

Bernie's plan was to rob from the rich to give to the poor. The GOP's plan is to subsidize poor people slightly less and let the rich keep the money they've earned.


Not all of them earned that shit.

Because expanding ponzi schemes is exactly what America needs, you dirty foreign bastard.

>raise taxes on the poor

50% of the country pays no income tax.

>raising taxes
so libshits just live in an alternative reality right?

suck my balls fags

>People didn't earn the money they made through business
>But welfare is an eternal entitlement which most be funded by stealing from those who succeed

This. Social security is welfare for old folks.


cant w8 2 kill ppl like u; ur considered a treasonous wretch 2 my founding-Fathers; ill put it into perspective:

"Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States. Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations."

"A century ago in the U.S., government at all levels took up about 8 percent of the economy. Now it takes up about 40 percent. It regulates everything from the size of beverage containers to what questions must not be asked in job interviews. "

im bored w8ing 4 u 2 declare war, fight me now bruv

The funniest part of this is that you could tax 100% of the income of the top 10% and it still wouldn't pay for what bernie wanted

>Ukraine flag

I wonder who could be behind this?

Figure out how to get into the tax bracket you want to pay, moron.

^ 1%'er mad that the 0.1% have slightly more

You could tax EVERYBODY 100% and it would not pay for what 0bammy did in ANY year he was in office.

>The GOP's plan is to subsidize poor people slightly less and let the rich keep the money they've earned.

I know rich people, but I don't know one who earned their money, unless you consider being a scheming amoral lawbreaking piece of shit as "earning."

>I don't know one who has earned their money
Elaborate, how did they make it then?

Bullshit, I'm a poorfag and I'm getting an almost 1k tax break.

Medicare and Social Security are unconstitutional.

Scamming the government, using political connections to get no bid contracts, corporate espionage, taking advantage of the poor and vulnerable to buy the homes they inherit for pocket change and then renting them out as section 8 properties for 1200 a month.

What a fucking lie bro. In the new tax plan I save $2000 (over 50% tax cut)
$75k annual income
standard deduction
two kids

do the math yourself fuck face.


>They conducted business in ways I disagree with
They earned their money user. If you don't like the rules of the game, change them; or show how doing it your way can be better than theirs.


>If you don't like the rules of the game, change them;
If you break the rules of the game, you're not winning, you're cheating.

You should see the people who reacted to the article that Gates, Bezos, and Buffet having as much money as 50% of Americans. They actually celebrated them for all the technology they brought.

That's not even accurate though, the poor aren't losing a single cent of subsidization in this tax plan. In fact, the child tax credit was made even more refundable to not just income tax but also payroll tax after the Rubio amendment was added to the bill.

>If you break the rules of the game you're cheating
Nothing you listed implied they broke the rules user.

Well maybe poor people should put down the weed and become something more than a cashier.

U fucking retarded amerimutts deserve everything that is coming your way. Rich get tax cut and deficit will be covered by your gramas medicare bill. You can play the anthem now

Three of the four things I listed are clearly breaking the rules by breaking laws, Chaim.

Tell me which laws each of your points breaks.

Fake and gay.

sage this shitty fucking thread and post in the REAL tax thread, where we are sharing our tax savings amounts with the calculator

So the liberal logic goes:

Day 1: Take 10 oranges from person A and give them to person B

Day 2: Take 8 oranges from person A and give them to person B

On Day 2 this counts as taking 2 oranges from person B and giving them to person A, because I neglected to take 10 from person A

>promise to tax the rich
>immediately turn around double taxes for the poor

people don't forget that sneaky underhanded backstabbing bullshit, it's why nobody trusts liberal clods like you

Food stamp recipient detected. Kill yourself commie.

Wrong. The CBO scored the tax plan using Obama's abysmal 1.5% GDP growth. Trump is already at 3.3% approaching 4%... without the tax plan even being in place yet. We might see 5-6% when it is signed into law and in full effect. That means revenue from taxes will increase and we'll see a surplus created.

sage this faggot thread and post in here instead: