Holiday classics

At least the liberal media hasn't taken away our traditional Christmas mov....

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did they really niggerize a christmas story? im kinda depressed now

I'm honestly surprised they waited until this long. Nothing is sacred to them.

The krampus movie is now my holiday favorite
That and the nightmare material known as March of the wooden soldiers. That one at least the merchant is shown for his desire to destroy Christmas by sending in a horde of subhumans into the peaceful town

File name kek

>krumpas movie

Are you a fan of uwe boll too?

I watch the classic every year, its a bit of a tradition with my family. The first thing my dad said to me about this was how they replaced flick with a nigger. So we'll skip the remake and just watch the original again. Feelsgood to have a redpilled dad.

Jesus is it just one character or has the whole film been diversified?
I'm surprised they didn't change Christmas for Ramadan

they will never stop this until we get shoah #112 going

wait, how is it "live" if they have pictures already??

>white blonde female enters the scene
>breathes on his tongue
>they start passionately kissing while cheery/romantic music is playing in the background
>next shot is in a pub, the blonde and nigger are all over each other, accompanied by their friends who consist of:
>2 white gay male couple with clear aryan heritage
>one single fat female with big glasses and painted hair
>more niggers and niggresses
>last shot is in the hospital of the woman giving birth to a nigger
>last message is enjoy holidays, spread the love and find the ((right)) person for yourself

>there is no conspiracy, goys

Why is it middle more funny when a black kid yields to peer pressure and sticks his tongue to a lamppost?
>Sup Forums has infected me with racism, queue dramatic music

Honestly though, I wonder what viewers reactions will be to the plastic leg lamp scene done by black people? If Bill Cosby is the father in the black version, that would be too perfect

Checked. Not sure, I didnt watch it, but I can tell you there weren't black kids running around with white kids in 1950s America

Film took place in the 40s, so it's even worse

Sup Satan


innocent fun of black childhood

>outb4 Realism

Reminder that whites come from albinism and collectively cover up this fact out of shame.

>did they really niggerize a christmas story?
how do you do this?
Wasn't A Christmas Story set in the 40?

It's not ok to bully sweet little white girls! If that was my daughter I would have fucking drop kicked them!

>Reminder that
Reminder that niggers are subhuman trash

Post proof

>A Christmas Story set in the 40?

It's not cultural appropriation when we do it.

a Black Holiday Christmas special

What did Zeus mean by this?

I don't get it anymore. Why can't they just make a movie about actual black musicians? That's like having a white actor play Jimmi Hendrix. I don't even think the black actor is Australian.

....p-please be joking user

Terrible that they're doing this, A Christmas Story was the last really good Christmas movie. Home Alone was the beginning of terrible, pozzed shitty Christmas shit.
The best Christmas movie, perhaps the best American movie, certainly the zenith of American cinematic formalism, is It's a Wonderful Life. If you can watch that movie and not get at least a tear in your eye by the end, then you're a fucking degenerate soulless bugman soyboy who deserves the oven.

This. It breaks my heart. I can watch mexicans do heart surgery with husqvarnas all day long, but this really gets to me.

>I don't even think the black actor is Australian
he's british and a fine actor
you won't know the difference

Home Alone was AnCap in a nutshell, the real lesson was that Kevin should have had access to better weapons to stave off those hilarious pedophiles.

>A Christmas Story without the dad
Removing the best character ruins the whole movie. Fucking niggers. Why do they need to ruin everything?