Does anyone know about the age of aquarius

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its hippie bullshit


sorry I'm not that stupid yet.

But I want mystic crystal revelations.

an aquarius will be the antichrist

You'll know when the Indigo children appear.

youre all scared like sheep bwwwaaaaaahhhh


manson 1 gay ass lookin nigga

Yet. Shadilay!!!

hes like 6 5 sooo

is it normal to have psychic abilities and see strange colors that make things look more defined in shades of violet

New age bullshit

the earth is alive and breathing


people born in feburary will be the antichrist

people dont understand bwwaaahhh

are you scared

aquarius means to be the knowledge beares right

well I'm on Sup Forums, so it only stands to reason that I'm getting dumber by the day. figured I'd leave it as an open question as to whether or not I'd be dumb enough to believe this shit one day.

hasn't happened yet, but not ruling anything out at this point.


>is it normal to have psychic abilities
no, it's not normal at all actually. it's a sign of a pathological liar.

It's a song from a musical about hippies.

The ancients were smarter than us and used Astrology all the time.

Aquarius is the age of information, hippies assumed this meant psychic knowledge but really the information is brought to us via the internet and other related technology. We are entering an age where everything will be known and there are no secrets anymore.

But I don't want ceiling cat to watch me masturbate :/

And Sup Forums is good because of anonymity.