
So niggers aren't American?


Gay and fake

not really. slavery held the south back by quite a bit. american wasn't built on cotton. the south wasn't even built on cotton.

do you think you can make niggers adopt a pitch black flag and demand the american flag be replaced by the black flag because the country was built on the back of blacks?

>the entire U.S industry still relies on cotton

sagefriendly reminder to sage these shit tier baits

Blacks, like the Jew, cause their own suffering.
Blacks, unlike the Jew, cannot convert suffering into opportunity.
Too bad.
So sad.
Natural selection, famalam.

no. the amendments were either coerced or didnt get the required votes but somehow made it into the constitution anyway

Feel free to leave anytime nigger. You can’t compete with us without “affirmative action”, given your lack of intelligence or the ability to live peacefully.


Worst bullshit bait^^

Best shitpost^^

>And sage, cocksucker

Niggers aren't human.

Shit guess I'll pack it all up and stop working for the American dream. Time to give up folks, because black people aren't happy that you are succeeding

Who cares what outdated farm-equipment says.
Send it back to africa. It will shut the fuck up real quick.

It's all your fault faggot.

Sounds like a good night's sleep

Slavery abolished in the north because they couldn't manage to be profitable compared to paid workers.

Manual labor, when done by blacks 1750 and later, was not competitive even when the blacks worked for free. Really makes you think..

Should have invented the wheel or written language or anything. That would have helped u not get fucked by a smarter race of ppl. Not white ppls fault u r too stupid

A long time ago, whites made some niggers work. And they have NEVER let us forget it.

You could still be in Africa. Probably without electricity, running water or heat. Lots of mud cookies though! MMMMmmmm!


but what a good dream it is. the right to defend yourself from an oppressor the right to speak and think your mind the right to make your own way in life free from the tyranny of an overreaching government. why would blacks not want this?