Reddit speak

Why do redditors talk like they are in a movie or giving a speech? Is it tied to soy-diet or bugmen characteristics? Any thread I go to, everyone speaks like it's their last stand. Or that they are having a mental breakdown. Is this a new meme?

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Leftists have been pampered and coddled their entire lives while remaining free of any actual obstacles. This leads to unchecked egos and unrealistic expectations of the world around them. They continue this way until reality sets in and they go tumbling down.

Virtue signaling typically requires pandering to the lowest common denominator. They're just adjusting for minority level reading-comprehension.


i looked at xenosis post history

"I'm starting to think we need some "well regulated militias" to start marching on RNC headquarters. If the law will not protect us from them then it's up to the people to ensure the integrity of our elections. The GOP must disband. They can not be trusted with the power they wield and it's become obvious that they has used it to stay in power for years beyond when they should have started losing presidential races."
Why are leftists so violent?

lol holy shit, that dude is retarded

>Why are leftists so violent?
Low IQ and political impotence easily leads to violent ideas

Its the bug and I them. Their lives are devoid of substance and meaning so movies and TV fill that gap. Hence posting like their in Star Trek or something.

they were raised on star wars and harry potter

Anonymous discussion is the only way to go

tell me that Hitler comment is a troll doing a new spin on the old "hitler's berlin wall" meme.

its pretty amazing how they can take anything and play 6 degrees to hitler with it

Facebook is getting better.

Real shit on the zuccerberg



Yeah but that's not even what hitler did, is my point.

Its just faggots man. Thats how they talk

because they think they are important
It's one of the reasons why I love the fact that nobody namefags here
Well, except those rare exceptions where there's a good reason for it so we don't bully them

Leftist have been having a mental breakdown for over a year now. Sully the Great Name Enoch, Metatron the Archangel.

Heretics should be punished!

>Why do redditors talk like they are in a movie or giving a speech? Is it tied to soy-diet or bugmen characteristics? Any thread I go to, everyone speaks like it's their last stand.

Millennials are obnoxious drama queens who were raised on too much TV and pop culture. It's the same reason for those constant comparisons to Harry Potter and Star Wars. I do it too sometimes, kinda sucks.

>Weisse Rose



It's balance. Reddit censors everything. The uncensored and genuine just moves around. It always exists, sometimes back to facebook. Redditors will cease to exist due to weakness.

Im convinced all of reddit is Jews and Shills, especially the donald sub. Those mods need to die in the hottest of fire.

Replace "they" with the "the devil" or "reptilians" and this leftist sounds indistinguishable from any street corner schizophrenic. Extremely vague and paranoid. Scary shit.

just typical delusions of grandeur.

It's impressive actually.

The fact that (((they))) have made the left feel like they are fighting an actual battle of morality and ethics, when the right is the true victim here.

The manipulation is actually admirable, and if I were a jew, I would be somewhat proud of the intelligence and determination needed to deform and warp something so much, that the masses actually buy into it.

they LARP about violence to cover up the overwhelming feelings of powerlessness they can't accept

Redditors v Sup Forums reminds me of steppe barbarians v agriculturalists, or in a European idiom, Vikings v Christians

The left celebrates public displays of emotion and awards it social capital, if you are woke you are offended and whomever is the most offended is the most informed. Everything is problematic to them.

Delusions of grandeur mostly

they ARE having a mental breakdown and it IS their last stand....before insanity sets in.
I can just see 'SuburbanStoner' now:
>vaping continously
>raging that no one has givin it the approval it so desperately craves.
>takes bong hit
>screams at roommates about oppression
>pops too much xanax to calm down
>cries self to sleep.
>ODs and dies

*Lil Peep


>But what if I don't feel my true home is the US?
i guess this makes her transnational?

Relatable desu

>but what if I don't feel like my true home is the US
then get the fuck out bitch

Because they watch too much capeshit and start to think their in a movie as well

>too guilty to fight off someone raping you

Soys are having Soy children with beta females. Just lol

politics subreddit is probably just bots botting bots with some shills sprinkled in between


most leftists have had a steady diet of pop-media and soy for their entire lives, they cannot view reality except through the lens of their favorite media plots and characters, hence all the references to Harry Potter and Star Wars.

It's absolutely peak bugman society, but it will get worse, just you wait.


Because they can't inflate their egos here.
You talk like that in someplace without a dislike button you'll just get laughed at.


This desu

When anonymous you're more likely to act like what you wish you were than who you actually are



Why are we even talking about how tweeblrditbook fags talk?

Move on pleb...


Let me welcome that sink. Are you saying that Evangelion is about a leftard coming into contact with the world?

>I heard this word in a videogame once

I hate this generation

Reddit main subs are pretty much completely taken over by paid posters. Its not real. You can find identical posts from different accounts across multiple subreddits. They sound fake because they are.

That's a really good way to accomplish nothing and make people see you as a terrorist. Dumb fucking redditors.

>when soygoys are trying to get tough
they watched too many movies

Most reddit posts are actually bots

>white men can be save-

This (clap) is (clap) our (clap) country (clap) we (clap) will (clap) take (clap) it (clap) back (clap) one (clap) way (clap) or (clap) another (clap) dont (clap) let (clap) these (clap) fascists (clap) take (clap) our (clap) home (clap) FIXED it for ya.

That’s a straight up fed my guy

>Mentally ill soyboys gonna mentally ill soyboy?

This is how our forefathers dealt with bugmen

This is pure dysgenics. God help us.

Indeed it is interesting, I was just thinking about this the other day.

we need a so-gay-it's-dank "DRAMA" meme for those retards

Yeah I suppose the "PM me if you want to commit acts of terrorism fellow comrades" is sort of a red flag isn't it

No way this is real

or, you know, just throw dog chain into power sub stations. not hard

What absolute cancer.

What a faggot, Ontario? Canada? Le opinion goes in le garbage pail.

They talk like a bunch of melodramatic fuckwits, just like every faggot here on Sup Forums.

Thats gotta be a honey-pot.

This is why you don't give entitlements.

I like how they acknowledge the possibility of false flags but they never stop to think of all the (((conveniently))) timed attacks that have benefited them

>GOP just murdered 6 gorillion of our babies tonight
let me guess, this is about net neutrality?

Go ahead, why not start by cutting the power line to your house then. I'll wait...

Now, the right had their "organize militias and prepare to strike," but it always seemed to be with condition. Like if the government started taking guns, started taking political prisoners, etc... With this idiots there is this pretense of some sort of unseen oppression. As another poster here stated they sound like any other crazy on a street corner. Scary shit.

Yeah, thats a honeypot for sure.

Oh it's very much real. Plebbit is the manifestation of the rootless, cosmpolitan liberal.

Because there's a correlation between liberal and crazy.

Help us

>70 years later
still on the minds of commie rats

that is bait

These are bots/automated accounts

People build up dozens at a time saying the same shit over and over, get tons of karma, then sell the account to an advertiser. The account then shills out a service or product then disappears

This goes for so many things that the insane left buys into. We are smart and educated, they vote against their interests! Meanwhile they get their information from insanely rich celebrities like John Oliver and Colbert, and support candidates like Clinton.

Or the idea that having some bullshit degree and a job at a megacorp somehow makes them more """successful""" than rural rednecks who can build fences, grow food, butcher animals, hunt, fix cars.. all the regular farming/rural shit that is required for their survival. To the idiot left, knowledge without practice is more important than actual real world skills.

Now just think about this for a moment. They arent talking about living under a dictatorship... they're talking about elected republicans doing (just barely) republican things legally.

Fuck you. I'll hunt you down and make you ask God for forgiveness before I deliver you to him.


Its probably about Obamacare. How removing the individual mandate will force people to not buy insurance, therefore killing them and their babies.

hillary clinton killed gaddafi, so he's no longer around to provide semtex to revolutionaries.

Smug, egotistical, self belief in their own superior intellect and a self-importance that naturally comes from smug leftists. I know this, as I was one, many years ago. It's a belief that for some reason your opinion matters and it's your human rights to spread such knowledge and try to inflate your perceived intelligence by using long intricate words and getting your grammar spot on. It's tjis wish to appear super intelligent and to get retarded internet poknts for being so smart. Its also too much watching Hollywood faggotry rainman/good will hunting bullshit.
Your average redditor believes all of their posts are, especially when "debating" that one scene in the bar from that film.
In reality, any comment you make is fucking meaningless and nobody but a handful of cunts will ever read what you just shat out, they just don't realise that. Thats what I've always loved about the chans, what you say is gone eventually, apart from these days and the twattery that is archiving. Its thanks to archivinc and shit we get so many niggers attempting to larp about being trump insiders and fbianons because everytime they see their successful larp it gives them a faggoty soy rush of estrogen. God I wish it was the fucking 90's again.

Never underestimate reddit circlejerk and bots.

The redpill about why redditors speak and act lile a bunch of faggots is reddit has a lot of female posting. They all start adopting female language and mannerisms.

When this idea they have of the world finally gets shattered into a million pieces, they are going to be some dangerous people, let me tell you

This reminds me of someone I know that hates that the left is being associated with "those stupid kids and politicians who haven't seen a drop of blood or read a book about politics in their entire lives and talk about gender and equality will save the world instead of solving the classes problem"

Nah, this is finely crafted bait of the highest quality.

>I hope.


>organic posting