What d'you think pol, is conservative the new counter culture?

What d'you think pol, is conservative the new counter culture?

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Does it matter if it is or is not?

i wanna fuck that occult pussy so bad

she struts around naked like a common prostitute. she is nothing but a degenerate whore and should be shamed without remainder

The victory is all that matters.

She's better than the other right women.

Wasn't she in that Net Neutrality guys video?

Gib alchemist gf plz


Faith Goldy and Britanny Pettibone are better.
With blonde in the belly of the beast and Lana Lokteff.

I wish MGTOW would just kill themselves already. Its inevitable anyway.

yes, shes the sexy dark haired girl. makes my dick rock hard

We sure need them...


I'm getting a philosophers bone

>that id
Nigger detected

She was on the HWNDU stream.

Yes it is. But most of these are Cuckservatives and (((civics))). Ethno nationalist or not at all.
Even prominent (((civics))) on Jewtube have now converted to Ethno nationalism.
>implying she didn't smuggle the poison to General Praljak

First time I regretted not joining the lebouf brigade.


Fuck yeah. Occult pussy. I wanna slam it into her occult asshole.

this bitchs face is 30 shades lighter than her neck
is this a fucking joke?
is this some shitty anne rice vampire shit?

someone dump the pics from the last thread again i didnt save and want to fap

It's not a counter culture, it's pretty much just a bunch of edgy kids trying to be contrarian and edgy.

you literally just described counter culture you fucking retard

>What d'you think pol, is conservative the new counter culture?
Nah. Conservative are just as anti-White as Liberals are.

How can anything that has been an established foundation of culture be counterculture?

- Just because something falls out of favor does not make it counter culture to start doing it again.

Why is it that millenials are so quick to fall for something to identify with? Its like everyone is reaching out trying to find something to use as a means of ego boosting and finding a place to "call home"

- Also she is making money on youtube by pandering to a niche market.... How is this counter culture?




She has a math degree and is a burlesque dancer. She is pretty multitalented. Not just a YouTube Ethot.

The most brilliant thing these youtube mouthbreathers like PJW and Sargoy did is try to advertise their brand as "deep" and "against the establishment." They've made so much money off of mongoloids because of that.

conservashits will never be the counter culture because you have no culture.
what is it you virgins even identify with?
hate and violence,
greed and tyranny,
indifference and cruelty.

go fuck yourselves.

>UK flag

Sounds about right

it's a random id lol

Any1 has a comp video of triggered ppl at rally's?
She cute.

Fascist larpers are not the counter culture. They are keks. Moderate conservatism is the counter culture. People will return to that and the left will be the biggest contributor to this shift.

She alright

>she's here

so insightful, tell me more burger

Any chance she is the twitch streamer 'thatonegirl' or something like that?

We got that which you'll never have...


Obviously when the overriding youth culture is Marxism and far left politics the only way to rebell is to become traditional

This shift has been happening for years and has been predicted for even longer

open bobs or lasagna!

"Moderate Conservatism" is controlled opposition, hence why they are called "Cuckservatives".

Youre on the wrong board, faggot. Go back to watching Fox News you piece of shit Boomer.

>hate and violence
>greed and tyranny
>indifference and cruelty
stay jelly skelly

What is Rome? What is Vienna? What is Paris? What is London?

Who is Beethoven? Who is Mozart? Who is Michelangelo? Who is Leonardo Da Vinci? Who is Plato? Who is Aristotle?

What is Democracy? What is Capitalism? What is Republicanism?

Yeah, you might want to stop before you talk about culture, you dumb fucking nigger. What culture do you celebrate? Post modernism? Purple haired freaks? Rap music? Gtfo faggot.

I'm a centrist you fucking retard. Explain to me how your right wing identity politics and authoritarianism are different from the left wing identity politics and authoritarianis.

No tit pic yet?

She’s got tons of nudes out there dude hot Af

If you mean the culture of kids who sit alone at the lunch table, then yes.

No triggered Comp. Vid yet?

am curious now...

Shes a burlesque dancer she has great nudes. Very artistic.

clown face

Well? Where are they?

the nose is making my kike alarm go off

>Muh horseshoe
They fit with natural order and human nature. They don't require continuous social engineering to maintain. They have actual precedent in historical functional societies. They don't require science denial to embrace (sorry blank slate Bros). Etc.

here are nudes

Still not answering my question.

Where the triggered Comp. Vids boss?

Stop stanning for this chick you faggots.

On the slight chance you're serious, all those hateful feelings you get from us are yours. You own them. We're not psychically projecting them into your brain. That's your own internal hate, and it's plain to see to the whole world.

don't know


scored her burlesque video. What a beautiful dancer. She's far more talented than the thots.

no shit its certainly not okay

literally who

Burlesque is degenerate garbage. And worse than most degenerate garbage it's not even entertaining.

>Clicks on one of her videos
>First thing I see is her patreon link in the description
Why do you guys always fall for this le conservative woman meme? They literally just want your money.

Gimme triggered Comp. Vid and ill explain

If you watch her youtube videos she explains that her burlesque is an expression of herself and is a high level form of art.

You just don't see that.


kek just because you have a crush on her doesnt mean she isnt a thot

She's a fuckton hotter than Lauren Southern and Tomi Lahren.

You shut up she is a classy lady
She never shilled herself here though anons just noticed her in the Ajit Pai video like 2 days ago.

Old wine in new bottle doesn't makes it new hip energy drink
This is as bad as saying sitting at home knitting sweaters is counter pop culture

Also stop running off women who are on our side, even if they do things you don't like. Getting buttmad over burlesque, what a pussy.

Natsoc is the only culture
The old paradigm was a choice over which Jess you wanted to be enslaved to

It is rather pathetic. Most women I know neither know or care about politics outside of what their boyfriends/teachers/parents told them. And I go to one of the most conservative schools in the country

You sound like you weigh 350lbs mate.

i have no life the post

Any dude who thinks having this woman on our side is a bad thing because she does burlesque stuff is a fat, sensitive faggot.

She's met Hannity


She sure gets around for Sup Forums having not heard of her until two days ago

>taking politics seriously

you guys take this serious or we just voting for whatever provides the most lulz?

i feel u guys are wayy too serious about this shit

No Joke I saw her Burlesque show before she became a SlightRight thot. Most of her body is great but she has a sad ass. Its looks like two saggy suicide notes pinned to her lower back.

>reddit spacing
>you have to go back

Never seen her before. I like her already.

Get the fuck off my board newfag


Met Farage at some Breitbart shindig too


You stick out like a sore thumb with that godawful formatting and I strongly suspect you're a baby boomer

Das some suïcide notes I would like to read.

190, play rugby, still kind of a neet desu

See she didnt even need to shill like YouTube tradthots.
She works at the Daily Caller though so she obviously knew Tucker and Hannity. Being publicly disparaged for supporting Trump by crazy leftists is sure to get Tucks attention.

Only thing that has changed is the flavor of cringe. It's all cancer.

At first I was in love but that thread scared me. Like really hard.

I like this girl's taste in aesthetics

She's also from a commie country so that's interesting.

Nothing wrong with women recruiting for the alt-right, just don't give them money.


her on hwndu

jesus her channel needs help. it's just full of old memes

>burlesque is an expression of herself and is a high level form of art.

It's just stripping for people who need to tell themselves they are more sophisticated than other strippers.

aka. middle-class stripping