Sup Forums approved books

Recommend each other good books.

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the forward mentions that this was written specifically for younger Russian people in mind, so they dont forget the horrors of the gulags or the soviet secret police agencies.




And this. Eliot was cucked by Bertrand Russell quite literally, but Christianity and Culture is a scathing critique of modern liberalism right at it's global advent before the second world war.

>Liberalism. . . tends to release energy rather than accumulate it, to relax, rather than to fortify. It is a movement not so much defined by its end, as by its starting point; away from, rather than towards, something definite. Our point of departure is more real to us than our destination; and the destination is likely to present a very different picture when arrived at, from the vaguer image formed in imagination. By destroying traditional social habits of the people, by dissolving their natural collective consciousness into individual constituents, by licensing the opinions of the most foolish, by substituting instruction for education, by encouraging cleverness rather than wisdom, the upstart rather than the qualified, by fostering a notion of getting on to which the alternative is a hopeless apathy, Liberalism can prepare the way for that which is its own negative: the artificial, mechanized or brutalised control which is a desperate remedy for its chaos.


Meditations can be a hard read if you don't focus well. But from a philosophical aspect, it is ancient gold.

My choice to you all is Atlas Shrugged. Everyone must read it.

I seconded this. You should also read The Power of Myth by Campbell.


This a long with the T.S. Eliot rec

Beyond anything I've ever read.

Absolute must read for anyone who takes national socialism the least bit seriously.

Marcus Aurelius persecuted Christians and Stoicism is slave mentality




Has anyone read "The Culture of Critique"? Is it any good?


Who the fuck practices Stoicism because of "tolerance"?

> Stoics on their blogs
> Stoic blogs
Oh god this is some Reddit shit isn't it? Fuck you buddy.


>bitches about persecution of christians
>claims stoicism is "slave mentality"


The world makes much more sense when you understand the basic scenarios our brains have evolved to deal with.



Here's a good one

Nice hand.

hey hey I don't go to reddit but I was curious as to what these people's thoughts and justifications on Aurelius were. So I read their post. I realize that there are plebbitors on here that read those things so I figured it was worthwhile. And were nto friends by the way stop calling me your buddy.



Kek he died drunk and alone in a gutter. So much for his "wisdome"


The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal

All you really need.

Hey here's a recommendation. Also City of God is a good book, by Saint Augustine

Any books on Christian Mysticism?

Stoicism is the mentality of ultimate freedom.

No master holds domain over the mind of a true stoic, and therefore holds no true ownership over the man himself.

Interesting because Stoicism works perfectly with Christianity which preaches that your true journey begins after death anyway.

this is my current coffee table stack. I've gotten through most of them, on SPQR now. I'm considering bringing The Great Betrayal home with me for Christmas and putting leaving it laying around my parent's place to see if I can trigger my SJW sister.

gee wouldn't it be great if I posted the picture

Anything by Hans Blix, brilliant Swedish diplomat. His big star is his pragmatism.

Christards have no business whining about persecution when they themselves are perfectly happy to engage in it whenever they had the power to do so, and rome may not have had modern religious tolerance, but it sure the fuck was better at it then medieval europe ever was.

Take your stupid meme images and jam them up your ass faggot.

Oh and

>>actually posting linkin park videos on here
Get fucked you little bitch.


Are there any books that explain why human civilization exists as a natural form of self destructive kill switch for when societies get too decadent and it tries to compete against nature or something similar?

It's not Christian Mysticism. He wrote it in the middle of Conversion to Catholicism. It was WHILE he was leaving his athiest phase. Also it's not mysticism. Read the chapter and then youl realize it's about the SJW movement and how it's taken over Philosphy

Go back to roachland

Your'e wasting my time without a valuable quotation

The future of policing and intelligence


What is the main thrust of the argument against Stoics in those pictures?

Is it just that Aurelius persecuted Christians?

Are you familiar at all with Gregory Saddler?

Stop pretending like you read any of these books that "Catholics totally burned because of the dark ages" You dont read them we do while you skin through the preview of Ride the tiger or Meditations on memeshoponline

Nope for Saddler. The other questions are too rhetorical for me to answer

Sup Forumsā€˜s initial list
Culture of Critique - Kevin B MacDonald
Ride the Tiger - Julius Evola
Fourth Political Theory Aleksandr Dugin

I read "On Frenship" by Cuckero. It's the whole time
It was nice if you are into that

Meditations not meant to be read like a normal book. I personally pick it up to a random page and read a random passage for inspiration

Science fiction, but deals with the perils of the endless scientific pursuit of (((truth))).

What if humanity discovered our species will end? What if we discovered we will never end?

Humans persist forever, why worry about society, neighbors, children? Humans will go extinct, why worry about society, neighbors, children?

where do i find Evola .epub files?

SEE. You don't READ. You flip through the pages and read a line and go "oh that's nice HOW PHILOSOPHICAL" Read the Bible. Stoicism has it's fair share of jews of wisdom to be sure but it's been tainted with slave mentality. Commies are into it

Also a good book.

In Sex and Culture (1934), Unwin studied 80 primitive tribes and 6 known civilizations through 5,000 years of history and found a positive correlation between the cultural achievement of a people and the sexual restraint they observe.[1] "Sex and Culture is a work of the highest importance," Aldous Huxley wrote:

Unwin's conclusions, which are based upon an enormous wealth of carefully sifted evidence, may be summed up as follows. All human societies are in one or another of six cultural conditions: zoistic, manistic, deistic, rationalistic, expansive, productive. Of these societies the zoistic displays the least amount of mental and social energy, the productive the most. Investigation shows that the societies exhibiting the least amount of energy are those where pre-nuptial continence is not imposed and where the opportunities for sexual indulgence after marriage are greatest. The cultural condition of a society rises in exact proportion as it imposes pre-nuptial and post-nuptial restraints upon sexual opportunity.[2]

According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses its cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The effect, says the author, is irrevocable:

The whole of human history does not contain a single instance of a group becoming civilized unless it has been absolutely monogamous, nor is there any example of a group retaining its culture after it has adopted less rigorous customs.[3]

Also someone edited that out, and now they switched it with some basic tier bitch information. Here is the page now.

Stoicism reminds me a lot of Taoism

Pretty much reminds me of the carefree attitude of The Dude from Big Lebowski

Not worried about things you cannot control

Eh better than Aurelius, Nero should have listened to him, but his main use was just getting a Liberal source to tell pagans to knock it off with their orgies and all that. It's still Stoicism so it's full of false teachings

Required reading for modern (1900-present) politics:

>The Influence of Sea Power upon History - Alfred Thayer Mahan
>The Geographical Pivot of History - Halford J. Mackinder
>Bombing to Win - Robert Pape

US History

>The Course of Empire - Bernard DeVoto
>The Year of Decision - Bernard DeVoto

Hatha Yoga Pradipika


How are anons going to get powerful and able to influence politics if you know nothing about Leadership.

A Must Read. Although I prefer the audiobook 10/10

Best ongoing source.

Also, join Minds, pollacks. . come on in, the water ist gut

Is there Sup Forums worthy sci-fi, outside of the likes of Starship Troopers and 40k?
I've read Dune and Hyperion.

nice trips, nice book, good post lad

Seneca is quality

Stoicism is cool but its a lot more demanding than Taosim, and their theology is bonkers

My recs:
Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness, Nostromo
Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France
Rene Guenon: Crisis of the Modern World
Augustine: On the Free Choice of the Will


I read Tao poetry. Nobody could explain to me how Taoism works with it's fundamental principles on how the world fundamentally works/ "Physics n stuff" Nobody can explain it. It's
>the shadow is the essential part of the whole
I mean I get negative space and all that in art but I feel like this memelord who made Taoism just discovered it and decided to make an entire worldview out of it. Eastern philosophy can get a bit silly but I still enjoy it because of it's silliness. I just read and laugh


It's literally a slave mentality. Look up Epictetus. That doesn't make it bad though. It teaches you to do what you can to change things for the better but if it becomes outside of your power then you should accept it as nature and embrace it. It's good philosophy for people who find themselves in hard times.



There just can't be a Sup Forums book thread without someone mentioning Ride the Meme, can there.


Nice get and book choice

thats the tip of the iceberg. trust me.

Read it, improve your mind

Anybody ever read the Marahabata? I DID. Flying Mountains, then there's jumping sentient monkeys, and then vishnu's avatar in the middle of the book goes "Duuuh I don't know what Darma is either" Then he tries to go full destruction mode but that's not his occupation as deity.
I flipped through the book. I cant take hinduism seriously either.

Aghora at the left Hand of God
Aghora II Kundalini
Aghora III The Law of Karma

Hagakure, the Way of the Samurai, Book of the Five Ring

>only 4 arms
Seriously disgusting art as well

Hinduism is a religion, Yoga is a science.


And Clash of Civilizations by him as well.

Huntington never gets enough credit here, he's predicted the path of world conflict decades before they came to fruition. And funny enough it's the least Eurocentric because it doesn't assume the rest of the world will accept Western values and hegemony

This one was extremely interesting, and significantly depressing as well

Fuck of Sam

Did YOU read the Marahabata. Stop acting like your some expert

Has anybody read Game of Thrones? Is it good?


but the bigger the world gets the less one person can change it and certainly then to adopt a slave mentality is to conform to reality.

Literally unless you are george soros or someone with actual power to change whole countries, you are the true sense of the philosophical slave:: reacting against whatever the true masters have planned for you, either in accordance or against.

Pushing and pulling are both caused by the magnet.

You might want to look into Saddler for a modern Catholic Scholar who is into Stoicism

>The other questions are too rhetorical for me to answer
How about this - can you summarise the images argument about Stoicism

Also that picture is kind of misleading, whilst the church did preserve texts its a mistake to imply that they were that devoted to pagan literature and thought. The did close down the Platonic and Aristotelian academies and then you have examples like the Archimedes Palimpsest wereby pagan works were scrapped of pages so that it could be reused for Christian works. In that case you had a scientific work by Archimedes scrapped off so that it it could be used to record liturgy.

It's edgey and the redditors that liked it to begin with are complaining that it got too lefty for even them with some cuckoldry bullshit.



Huntington wrote about pretty much everything that Trump is tapping into

I had a conversation with Mearsheimer about it, but he couldn't get past how he thought Huntington was wrong about hispanic assimilation. But Mearsheimer was a Bernie Bro during the election, so fuck him


Content aside, its just not even worth starting at this point. GRRM shit the bed, hes going to die before he ever finishes the books, and all we're ever going to get is this cultural abortion of a show.


Stoicism is literally labeled as a heresy in teh Catholic Church. It's been that way for 2000 years. Dont get me wrong I've said this repeatedly Stoicism has it's uses in getting liberls and back then pagans to listen to someone that had some moral authortiy becuase when you quote the bible they call you some blue collar hick from alabama that screws his sister and sells broken cars. But Stoicism is still heretical on many accounts and you may want to read what I wrote and then get back to what this guy thinks about Stoicism because it was never popular as philosphical authority before the Enlightenment. Sure Seneca is a good writer but I'm talking about their doctrines