Comey and Mueller were pardoned by Trump long ago.

Why do you think Trump interviewed Mueller a day before he was appointed special prosecutor, for a position he couldn't even legally be appointed to? Trump allowed the left to rave about what a man of integrity Mueller is and how he is gonna drop the hammer on corruption, allowing no room for excuses when Mueller does the unthinkable... takes out the entire cabal.

We are actively witnessing the media trying to bait Trump into firing Mueller.

Check out the full quote with the parts that Comey left out from this tweet:

>"A sensitiveness to fair play and sportsmanship is perhaps the best protection against the abuse of power, and the citizen's safety lies in the prosecutor who tempers zeal with human kindness, who seeks truth and not victims, who serves the law and not factional purposes, and who approaches his task with humility."

We are living out a TV show, and we are approaching the series finale...

Discuss again. Spread the word.

Other urls found in this thread:'

Are you ready for the Mueller massacre?

Its almost as if we were told this verbatim back in 2016 by FBIAnon... also known as James Brien Comey Jr.



Its the grande finaly. Trump is going to play his hand.

Are you ready for the finale boys?


Yep, been ready since he gave us the outline of it, whoever he was. Nothing has happened to contradict it yet, and events like Flynn being hit with a silly lying charge on circumstances that don't even make sense tend to support it.

You're retarded. If the two of them required pardons, any testimony they made regarding other parties would be unreliable and nothing would happen. Stop this dumbass shill fucking storyline, faggot.


What the fuck. I did not post this.

i'll believe it when it happens


All those treasonous kikes wearing ankle bracelet/walking boots.

Clinton daughter
Clinton herself

whats with all the fucking leafs?

That's a nice quote but its also the opposite of what the jews done at Nuremberg, and the opposite is what I expect here.

How long will this larp go on for?

link/jpeg to this post?

This same exact thread and exact same post sequence with various IDs already happened earlier today. Bots.

shitty larp and disinformation to get people to sit quietly while deep state kikes wage war against our elected leader

the twist to the mails history holy shit HAHAHAA

trump tower script is top notch this time,good job shills

Would love to see it happen, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Are you the special time traveller leaf?

Its all me. Samefag. Im just being a mobilefag phoneposter so my ip keeps changin

Don't forget Comey got his start laundering money for the Cartels at HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp).

Motherfucker is as dirty as a cricket in a rainstorm.

Checked. I believe you, user.


You know how you know this is true.

A normal person wouldn't spend so much time trying to tell you it's not true. They would go to a new thread.

A shill would scream at you that you're wrong.


not bot. im just phoneposting so my ids keep changin.i made the first thread and this 1



I'm so sick of these fucking larp threads.

>*X doesn't happen*
>You said that about X too

None of these happening threads have ever happened. Go back to plebbit with this larping shit. You can come back when one of these actually occurs.

The star will gorge itself on clay.





Are you seriously posting that shitty meme? Steve Bannon is a piece of shit.



Yay! This was my trips!




>Spam the board with multiple threads
>Go into other threads and spam it
>"Could you stop posting this shit?"

Just give me one of FBIanon's "happenings" that actually delivered. Just one.

does anyone have the latest numbers? i believe its gone up since then.


Over 9000

>We are actively witnessing the media trying to bait Trump into firing Mueller.

Fox is neocohn establishment swampsuckers

This is all the FBIanon stuff I'm aware of, I don't remember anything particularly related to this thread in it though.

There were no dust storms before democracy?

Israel has no place in this new paradigm shift.

So..OP is efficient? whats your point?

He also made a secret Q and A on a diff website.'

Curious that a man named James asked the most important question of the Q&A


any thoughts about the second prosecutor theory that there's another prosecutor who is handling the dirty work that'll be revealed soon


Jews did this

Why not? Megyn Kelly tried to bait him into looking bad at the debate. Even in the early days when Fox was more conservative than it is now, it was Republican establishment conservative.

Mueller is ourguy

He obtained transition emails and now Trump's lawyers have them via discovery essentially letting Trump know whose loyal to him or whose a rat.


it's a comfy LARP, stay a while and listen

Mueller was part of 9/11 you dumb fucking shit

Ive always wanted to be in a position where I could make a difference.

gee I wonder why

>1 post by this id

fuck off shareblue


Yeah, military intelligence has all the goods on him. Why do you think it was easy for Trump to turn him?

Or its a way to red flag the activity so that it falls under the OIG scope to look at all the people who asked and provided the emails.

He was under duress. He is gonna be redeeming himself by being Trump's monster against the cabal.


50% kill rate isn’t good enough. Every piece of shit 8th century Muslim terrorist in this photo should be dead.

>Comey and Mueller were pardoned by Trump long ago.

Are all Canadians this stupid? Asking for a friend

You're the exemplification of why Israel is going to be forced to give its land back to Palestine.

They were. It's true.

I didn't really follow what was happening with Trump, Muller etc, despite seeing their names several times on the catalog. Can someone here give me a quick rundown ?

I can't help but reading this in that wimpy robot voice he has,

Fuck Comey, Mueller and McCabe.

>Trump had a meeting the day before Mueller was appointed Special Council
>Mueller walks in and askes whats goi-
>Trump puts up a finger and finishes trolling Mika Brzezinski
>Trump slaps phone down on the table
>stands up and looks Mueller in the eyes
>tells him he knows all about Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, Haiti, Iraq, Libya, 9/11.
>Hands him a full Military Intelligence investigation into Russian collusion, Obama, Rice, Lynch, Holder, Seth Rich, and Awan brothers
>Jokes about making him get on his knees.
>but really you can work for me or get thrown in jail with the rest
>Mueller cowers, looks at his hands for a second, then looks up and says, I'm ready to serve the President of the United States of America.

Fuck you.




Smithers: 'release the indictments!'

>citing a Nuremberg prosecutor who served sectarian victor's justice while calling for impartial review

No, this larp is too stupid. There is no evidence for it and tons against.


Is this the reason for all the sealed indictments?

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.
The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

These are the dumbest fucking threads on this site and it's amazing how many of you swallow it up.

The fuckin keke on the left can’t seem to grasp that simple concept. Shows how fuckin stupid and uninformed the liberals are.

Meanwhile several people are already indicted, none of them are liberals, Mueller is knocking them down left and right as if Trump's campaign was a mafia crime family.

Prepare for the day Kushner or Jr are indicted on something and remember how dumb these threads are.

Mueller is not and never will be /ourguy/

Special counsels have only ever prosecuted current administrations with the goal of indictments and prosecutions.

>I thought he was /ourguy/
Not quite sure anymore.
Pic related.
I'm just a regular jackoff so I don't think he'd be like "Shit, you caught me; I'll tell you everything" but the responses I got did not sound very hopeful for us...
Godspeed Anons, I wish you luck in the wars to come...

Okay. Adam Schiff is getting fucked tomorrow. Enjoy.

You sound like a piece of shit.

Just pay attention to people like Comey and Lewandowski's books coming out. Read Donna Brazille's book. They all serve a purpose. Almost the same purpose as Bannon/Don Jr. do now, in many ways. They're saying what Trump and the admin. can't say right now, about many things. They're telling their stories like Flynn wanted to. Everyone who has ever been unassumingly sucked in and forced, threatened and/or blackmailed to stay, is free to tell their story now that Hillary lost.

All of this will also show you how completely fucking stupid Hillary's book is, when your hindsight after the rest of these books come out, is 20/20. Worst idea ever, y'all.

You need to kill yourself. LARP.


Nobody gives a fuck.

Israel is fucked. You cannot stop this. You should honestly fucking kill yourself. Live stream it. Send the link.
