Daily reminder that using toilets leads to increased risks of cancer in your ass and bladder

Daily reminder that using toilets leads to increased risks of cancer in your ass and bladder.
Consider wearing diapers, it could save your life. The Jews want to keep you unhealthy and dumb.

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how can it be, that pajeet has perfected the shitting position?

You lost, Pajeet? Long way from home


Why not just learn forward on the toilet seat more so you are closer to your legs?

wtf I love India now

Nah you should be squatting on your toilet for maxium efficiency.

This is great news for Pajeet. Now he has a justified reason for shitting in the street.

or you can lean slightly more forward. BTFO

Street shitting is dirty but diapers are clean

>Not squatting above the toilet like a true Aryan

Only women sit on toilet seats.

This same graphic is also used to explain democrat ideas.

I do this every day


Is there a more jewish scam than this word? All the dumb normie soccer moms spend thousands on "juice cleanses" to "flush out the toxins" all while schlomo's natural supplement remedy snake oil salesman laughs his way with his bags of shekels to the bank.

We should just reshape toilets to fit a squatting position.


i have squat shat ever since i had my appendix taken out a few years ago
truly patrician pooing

there's a purple band thats holding my arsehole in place? what the fuck

daily reminder that you can just lean forward while shitting on a toilet for the optimal experience


People already use special stools to elevate their feet while on the shitter.

so this is why they poo in the loo

The jews put it there user didn't you know

Why she poops with the pants on

Shbibbity boobity Bobbitty boobity

...for manlets

I think I'm going to try this with some books.

In Japan we wear diaper instead of toilet, so we are smarter than american.


I stated doing this. I don't use a squattypotty fuck that toilet training kid shit. I stand on the rim of the toilet and squat like a man froggleg

This is now a diaper thread. Wear diapers to fight the new world order.

That's how you break your toilet.

I lean forward so that i can use my phone (which is on the floor). Am i still fucked?

>flat footed squat
sorry I'm not a slav

The Aryan woman does not listen to the porcelain Jew.

i can flat foot squat for half an hour

Why do Jews want us to be hole-shitters?

Just shit in the nearest trash can

Just lean forward and you have the same angle.

Is this your new attempt at "eat onion for high T" shilling, to make Sup Forums look ridiculous?

I think my feet are autistic

still think pooing in the loo is a good idea?


>falling for the porcelain jew

Im not chinese.

>what is falling into a toilet?
>how humiliating is it to be at A&E with a shit smeared broken back?

>not pooing in a loo

squatty potty bud, its great.

t. Pajeet Svensson

Got one of these and can confirm shits are 100% better.

>Not using a toilet with a toilet-stool

Berrypicker af



>pajeet was right all along
>they are the true aryans

(((They))) want you to break your toilet

delete this haram image immediately or the cyber police will arrest you

You're supposed to squat to shit. Also get more fiber in your diets and drink more water. There, shits smooth as butter.



What's with all this diaper talk? I smell a shoah.

But diapers are so much better than toilets. Toilets waste energy and 3.5 gallons of water per flush.

Poo in loos found a way to un-jew the loo?

I see no scientific evidence for this at all. Don't really see how the different position will squeeze more shit out of your ass

I haven't had a good shit in ages, always unsatisfying and it feels like I'm always shittng out less than I'm putting in.

I'm obviously dying xDD

Thanks but no thanks pajeet we can afford toilets, we don't need to defecate in floor and make excuses about it.


Take psyllium fiber capsules. Drink more water.

Oh fuck I remember this, didn't want to.



Anyone have any tips for a clean pinch? No wiping needed


Who the hell are you working for?

its all in what you eat. i have attained clean pinch no wipe several times....i think whole grains help, especially eating lots of them. real whole grain wheat bread, 4 slices a day. not the fake enriched wheat bread.

You guys literally have no excuse not to wear diapers. Even Lauren Southern wears them.
>Superior comfort and hygiene
>Superior health and intelligence because squatting instead of sitting helps you get rid of Jewish chemicals
>Not wasting 3.5 gallons of water for every flush
>Save the environment and money by not needing toilet paper
>Be cleaner than most people

oh wow I love diapers now

>toxics from chemicals in food remain in stomache

Nobody with even a passing familiarity with basic vertebrate anatomy is going to fall for your nonsense.

That looks ridiculous.

Not her. Nice try.

Thanks. I find the clean pinch rare. Maybe one or twice a year. They are like mini miracles. I think a science should be developed

yes , it works

Or you could just get a squatty potty which was invented for this very reason.

Nigga, I shit with my feet up on my toes and get the same effect by raising my knees up another 5" or so. Fuck off.

Are diapers practicle for the workplace? How effective are they at covering odor?

>buying plastic item from Jewish "health company"
It's like you are trying to be stupid.

actually wearing diapers would increase cancer probability

not only rectal but also penis cancer

Poo in Loo Pajeet

Ajit Pai literally did nothing wrong. In fact, he did everything right.



Only subhumans uses toilets!

post quality diapers

I’ve been squatting with stools (not like this chick) for the past few weeks and my hemmeroids are down.

Shit in the streets james! Stop desecrating the holy porcelain idol!

Pajeet jokes aside, I actually used to lean foward on the toilet like another posted mentioned, but I ended up getting really bad constipation this summer. Needless to say, laxatives and A LOT of squatting helped. Now I only squat. Shit feels great and I don't have to worry about getting other people's shit on my ass in public stalls.


can't you just lift your knees when you sit on the toilet?

>Manlets don't automatically squat on the shitter as God intended

Reminder toilets are endorsed by the jew.

Expensive porcelain (owned by the jew) crafted by factories (owned by the jew) made by overpaid unionized fat workers (union is controlled opposition run by the jew) deliberately designed to fuck up your sphincter so you are forced to pay for hemorrhoid treatment and ass cancer chemo (pharma run by the jew) and you are publically shamed by Jewish advertisements and anti-pajeet propaganda made by the jew

The Pajeet, like the Samurai, do not fear the Jew and defies him no matter the attempted MSM embarrassment for the Indian knows better then to listen to kikes.

>being such a newfag that you don't know the shit box meme